Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 2149 Mechanisms

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Chapter 2149  Mechanisms

"Back to spikes, huh… I suppose they are still effective." Lin Mu muttered to himself as he stood on top of the spikes.

The Longgui Bulwark armor was covering him and the spikes could not pierce through the rocky boots.


Lin Mu withdrew Afternoon Pine and slashed at the spikes, cutting them all down in one go. While they were tough, they could not compare with a High Grade Immortal Sword.


With that done, Lin Mu stood on stable ground again though he was still alert for any other ambush. His Immortal sense didn't work here either, thus he quickly took a look around with his Spatial Sense. 'Nothing in the immediate vicinity other than the bra.s.s knocker at least.' Lin Mu determined before turning to look at the object that threatened to hammer him.

The Bra.s.s knocker was attached to the roof with a metallic mechanism, with several moving parts pus.h.i.+ng and pulling it. It looked quite novel to Lin Mu, despite being what mortals would use.

'They modified a Mortal Trap into an Immortal trap… The force with which it hits is also several times greater. This cannot be generated alone by some mechanical mechanisms… there is definitely some formation powering it.' Lin Mu a.n.a.lyzed.

From what he could observe, the mechanical levers controlling the Bra.s.s knocker went into the roof and their origin could not be seen.

"Doesn't matter. I can just get rid of it in the straightforward way." Lin Mu said and directly slashed at the levers that held the Bra.s.s knocker in place.


But surprisingly they managed to withstand the slash, leaving faint marks on them.

"Of course, they would be extra durable." Lin Mu said before a voice was heard.

"Is everything fine?" Ziran questioned from the inside.

"Yeah, it's all good. Just going to get rid of this trap. Give me a minute." Lin Mu said before narrowing his eyes.


He channeled his Sword Intent into Afternoon Pine along with the metal elemental Qi, amplifying the sword's power by several times.


Then in the next moment, he slashed out!

This time, the sword wasn't blocked by the metal levers and cut through it with ease.


Due to this, the Bra.s.s knocker fell to the ground causing a harsh sound. "Ugh… It definitely is irritating." Lin Mu groaned but was thankful that the trap was now disabled. "You can come out now." He informed them.


They got out and saw the threatening bra.s.s knocker lying harmlessly on the ground. It didn't seem like it could do anything now, even though the formations in it were still intact.

"They're even using such mechanisms… this is rather strange." Ziran noticed the metal levers that were controlling the bra.s.s knocker. "To think they would put it in an inheritance ground… The creator was certainly going for variety." He spoke.

He touched the bra.s.s knocker as well as the metal levers that attached it. His fingers stroked the fine carvings on them, trying to identify them.

"They've combined the mortal mechanisms with Immortal Formations." Lin Mu informed. "It is indeed a bit confusing as to why they would do this." He could guess Ziran's thoughts.

"The spikes seem to be mechanical in nature too." Lady Kang said, having noticed the broken pieces on the ground as well as the holes.

It was the holes that caught her eye, as they weren't the usual circle. Instead, they were in a + shape, having been cut perfectly. They looked more like sockets instead of trap holes. The tolerance was so low that if the spikes were fit inside the sockets, one would think that the floor under them was just the usual flat floor.

Lin Mu looked at the bra.s.s knocker for a moment before storing it away.

'This can be easily re-purposed.' He thought before moving.

The group next checked the area around them, finding that it was a lot more wider than the previous corridor. This allowed them a lot more s.p.a.ce to maneuver but they didn't lose their wariness. Instead, it only raised it further, as they didn't think the hall was wider just to make it easier for them.

If anything, it was a matter of concern, as it now meant there were more places for traps to be hidden.


And after the group walked for a hundred meters, the roof suddenly creaked and multiples openings appeared on them.

"Watch out!" Lin Mu warned before slas.h.i.+ng out with Afternoon Pine.


The yellow sword slashes tore through the metal orbs that were falling through the roofs, while blowing more of them away alongside it.


Ziran waved with his hand as a giant illusory banana leaf formed. The leaf swatted the metal orbs away while Elder Hu took a more direct approach of simply punching them.


Lady Kang extended all ten of her fingers, and shot out multiple tiny stars that repelled the metal orbs away. ~BANG~BANG~BANG~

Once the orbs were flung away or destroyed, they exploded in various colors. There were plumes of fire, gusts of winds, globs of poison and icicles that could pierce through flesh.

Every metal orb contained a different attack and was definitely quite deadly if taken on directly.

"This only gets more strange… Those were Elemental Bombs." Ziran stated, furrowing his brows. "They're mechanical in nature too." "We'll need to watch out for anymore falling from the roof now." Lin Mu said as they continued.


And sure enough, several more panels opened up on the ceiling from which the elemental bombs fell. The group either blocked against them or simply swatted them away at fist, but as they went further, more of the bombs started to fall.

Eventually, it reached a point where the bombs were being thrown at them from the top, as well as left and right!

As such, the group had to keep their defensive skills active as they sought to get past this obstacle.

Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 2149 Mechanisms

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