Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 2240 The Twin Assist

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Chapter 2240  The Twin a.s.sist


The twins soon returned to Lin Mu's side and seem to be covered with a mix of mud and blood.

'Will have to get you two cleaned after this…' Lin Mu thought to himself. "You know what to do." He said pointing down.

"More toads!" Xiao Yang said with excitement.

"Tons more!" Xiao Yin was not one bit behind with her excitement either.


The twins dived down like thunderbolts, causing ma.s.sive waves across the lake.


The waves were as tall as fifty meters and shook the entire lake. Though the Three Colored Dazzling Mud Lotus inside was unaffected. It merely swayed with the waves and did not seem bothered by the waves.

'It does live here with those toads, so I guess it is already adapted to it.' Lin Mu thought to himself. 'Looks like I won't have to worry about it getting damaged as much. It should be resilient having been here all this time. After all, I doubt the toads would be 'careful' with the flower.' He reckoned.


The waves hid the upheaval that was taking place underneath the surface of the muddy lake.

The twin snakes pierced through one Toad after the other, draining their lives and their energy while consuming all that was in their path. Their bodies were like endless black holes that could consume nonstop.

Of course, they didn't consume the bodies of the Chimeric beasts, instead they chose to consume only the 'best' parts.

The Dantians.

These contained all their energy and Qi thus were perfect for the twins. Plus they could quickly digest and process them rather than the bodies themselves that might take longer to process additionally with lower gains.

It didn't mean that they didn't eat the bodies, they still did that, but it was limited to a few good parts such as their hearts and livers that tasted good to the twins.

And of course, the twins were speedy, preventing the toads from even reacting to them in time. Before the Toads even realized there were intruders in their territory, they were already pierced through and their Dantians consumed.


This didn't last long though, as the rest of the Toad Plant Hybrid Chimeric beasts picked up on it and became furious. They retaliated, but that was exactly what Lin Mu wanted.

The twins mowed through the Toads until they were at the very edge of the area. A six inch thick Death Qi boundary existed here, that had prevented the toads from wandering over. ~POOF~

But of course, the twins merely pa.s.sed through it like air, leaving the Toads baffled. They gathered at the boundary, which was being used by the twins to play monkey in the middle. They would jump into the toads and kill them, before retreating past the boundary and leaving the Toads as sitting ducks… or just sitting Toads.

'They're doing much better than I thought… Looks like they devised their own strategies.' Lin Mu was impressed by their method of using the Death Qi boundary. 'I almost forgot that this much Death Qi wouldn't do anything to them.' He realized.

Lin Mu himself, could resist the Death Qi to a certain point, and the twins could do the same. In fact, they might just be better at it than him, since they could ultimately process it into Yin and Yang Qi.

As such they were the almost perfect counters to the dangers of the Spatial Plane.

"They are pretty fast at hunting them, but…" Lin Mu looked at the green band on his wrist. "Them killing the Chimeric Beasts is a net loss." He looked at the unchanging numbers.

It was clear that if one wanted to get the credits, one would have to hunt the Chimeric Beasts themselves. It was a pity since it would certainly speed up Lin Mu's endeavor to get the credits.


Lin Mu was a bit disappointed, but quickly pushed the thought away as the Toad Swarm finally left the area.

"Time to get working." Lin Mu muttered before he plummeted from the sky.


Unlike the twins, his body left no effects as it entered the lake and quickly reached the bottom.

'This one is even deeper than I thought.' Lin Mu estimated that he was at least two kilometers deep. In a mortal world, this would already be as deep as an ocean and may as well be considered that. But then again these weren't even normal lakes but had been formed as a result of meteors pelting the area.

'The meteors were certainly powerful to cause such depressions in the ground.' Lin Mu thought to himself as he searched for the anchoring roots of the Three Colored Dazzling Mud Lotus.

Now that he knew the plant liked to anchor itself to some rocks, he searched for some outcroppings in the lake bed.

"There it is." Lin Mu soon found it and took out Afternoon Pine to sever it from the rest of the ground.


"Huh?" But when the sword struck the rock, it bounced off harmlessly. "It stopped it?" he was a bit surprised.


Thinking that the rock might just be tougher than usual, he infused Metal elemental Qi into the sword and slashed again.


But once more, the sword bounced off without even leaving a dent in the rock.

"Tougher than I thought… what kind of rock is this?" Lin Mu wondered.

He couldn't even check it properly with his Immortal sense due to the Murkwater Qi around him, but knew that it was not normal.


He increased his power further, but infusing Sword Intent into the sword and swinging it at the rock again.


This time around, the rock couldn't stop it right away and left a three inch gash on it. "It still stopped it?!" Lin Mu hadn't expected that at all.

Even though there was a cut in the rock, it had still halted the sword.

"What even is this?" 

Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 2240 The Twin Assist

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Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 2240 The Twin Assist summary

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