Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 2286 Berserk Skill

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Chapter 2286  Berserk Skill

With more experimentation, Lin Mu and the group soon understood the new ability of the Chimeric beasts.

Lin Mu termed it as a Berserk ability, which was actually something several beasts could have. Even human cultivators had skills like that, and it could boost the power of a cultivator in a pinch. Of course, the increase was varied and in the case of beasts, it was usually much stronger.

The increase in an entire stage was not seen often for cultivators at least, but for beasts it was possible. Even Little Shrubby's Seven Beasts Burst innate skill was of the same type, and the increase in power brought by it was even higher.

But similarly, it had a backlash when the skill ended.

Once Lin Mu and the others had figured this out, they intentionally dragged out a fight to see how the Chimeric Beast would fare. The discovery showed them that the Chimeric Beast would usually just end up dying on its own, or get paralyzed.

Another important thing they learned was how the credits they obtained changed.

If the Chimeric beast hadn't undergone Berserk, it would give the credits appropriate to its stage. But if it Berserked and was killed, it would give credits of the next stage.

Which was why Qiao De had obtained 1000 credits, whereas Crown Prince Feng Shun had only gotten 100 credits. If the beast was killed right away, the yield became lower. The difference in number was of ten times, thus while it could slow down their pace of hunting, it was still a decent return.

The only problem was holding back against the weaker Chimeric Beasts at the First and Second Tribulation Stage of the Immortal realm. For everyone in the group, killing them was not a problem at all and they died in a couple hits.

They had to intentionally cut down their power, so that the blow wouldn't kill the Chimeric Beasts right away and give them a chance to Berserk.

"Perhaps this gives us a better chance to ear the higher levels of credits." Crown Princess Shang spoke. "We only need to find a Sixth Tribulation Stage Immortal realm Chimeric beast and let it berserk to get a hundred million credits from it." "But we don't know if there are any of them that strong." Lin Mu replied. "So far we've only encountered the first and second Tribulation Stage Immortal realm beasts." He stated.

"Hmm, perhaps we'll have to look farther in." Ziran said, thinking for a bit. "Though there is always a chance the stronger variants of the Chimeric beasts simply haven't had a time to change in this one year. Though we still don't know how the change happens. Aren't they supposed to be consumed by the Chimeric Seed and then 'created' again?" he had a few doubts.

"We also saw the Chimeric Beasts all dying en ma.s.se when the Chimeric Seed was released. So these ones are either too far from it, or have been freshly born." Daoist Chu added. There were a lot of things they didn't know yet, and Lin Mu knew there was only one way to figure more out.

"We need to go to the site where the Chimeric Seed was released." Lin Mu stated. "If we can find it, we will learn more and perhaps even eliminate it altogether." While that could cut down their additional credit gain, it was still a better option to cut out extra dangers for them in the trials. After all, it was one thing for the Sixth Tribulation Stage Immortal realm Chimeric Beast to Berserk and reach the power of a Seventh Tribulation Stage Immortal Realm beast.

But if a Seventh Stage Chimeric Beast somehow Berserked, no one knew what would happen.

The difference between a Seventh Tribulation Stage Immortal and a Transcendent Immortal was very vast and no one in the group paws confident in going against them. Even if they could resist it, there was always a chance they would have to take some losses.

Though they did have a few methods to fight against that too. For example, Crown Prince Feng Shun had the Imperial Might Talisman that could release the full powered blow of the Dao Wind Emperor. Emperor Feng was a Transcendent Immortal that had survived not one but two Transcendent Tribulations. As such, his strength would be a notch above others.

The Talisman might just be enough to kill one such beast. But it was something that was in limited supply.

Imperial Might Talismans couldn't just be made in a large supply and each one took years to make. As such, they were very precious and in the entire Imperial Feng Family, there weren't more than ten.

It was something they could only use in the worst of emergencies, and Crown Prince Feng Shun was not going to use it carelessly.

Having understood a bit more about the Chimeric Beasts, Lin Mu and the others utilized Little Shrubby's skills and went directly to the site of the Chimeric Seed. The Chimeric Beasts couldn't even notice them in time, and the Death Qi Boundaries that were present could be easily bypa.s.sed.

Without any interruptions, the group managed to travel for hundreds of kilometers and reached the place where it had all started.

"Let us down here, Little Shrubby." Lin Mu instructed.


Little Shrubby's claws dug into the ground, leaving long gullies as he slowed down.


Everyone jumped down and took a look at the area ten kilometers ahead. Similar to the other places, this area had also recovered, and no signs of the previous fissures could be seen.

"This is… Unexpected." Lin Mu muttered. "I know Ziran said he saw no sign of the Chimeric Plant, but this is underwhelming." "I only saw the surface. We don't know what's hiding underneath it all." Ziran replied. "It is a seed so it could have gone down deep to take root." He suggested.

"Possibly." Lin Mu nodded his head. "I'll take a look." He said before letting his immortal sense penetrate the ground.

Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 2286 Berserk Skill

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Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 2286 Berserk Skill summary

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