Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 394 - The Nascent Soul Realm

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Chapter 394 - The Nascent Soul Realm

It was night time and the guests that had been in attendance at the tournament were still at the Manor. After hearing that the supreme elder of the Tri cauldron peony sect will be coming, nearly all of them changed their mind willingly.

While the ones that were unwilling still stayed due to the peer pressure. They knew that if they were the only ones missing from the list, the supreme elder may find it disrespectful. Thankfully, their time wasn't wasted as Zhen Sui and Wu Hei did their best to entertain them.

They already had some plans set up for the celebratory dinner banquet that was going to happen at night, and thus they just accelerated the plans and had the servants set up everything quickly. Though the people of the Tri cauldron peony sect were in no mood to take part in the festivities. Perhaps only Yi Zi Jin was involved in it, and even then she was merely sitting in one place giving short responses to the well-wishers that came to meet her.

Lin Mu was currently sitting at a table with Wu Hei alone. Zhen Sui was busy directing the servants while Wu Teng had finally taken up a task and was talking with the guests. This was a task that he had no problem doing and with his boisterous personality, one could even say it was easy.

Though a few hours ago when he learned that the Gu Legion had a secret hideout in the city, right below their noses, he was angry. But when he heard that they were doing Blood sacrifices he was absolutely furious and swear to kill them himself.

Lin Mu watched it from the sidelines as the secret of the Gu legion was being revealed to everyone. He felt a bit comfortable now that they had the power on the Numbers on their side. But at the same time, he felt as if he was missing something, and a strange sense of anxiety settled in him.

Now the main trump card they had against whoever that was being served by the Gu Legion was the supreme elder of the Tri cauldron Peony sect along with the peak master Yi Deng.

"What do you know about the Supreme elder of the Tri cauldron peony sect?" Lin Mu questioned Wu Hei, who was sitting with him at the table.

"The supreme elder is perhaps the strongest cultivator of the Tri Cauldron peony sect and is at the Adult stage of the Nascent Soul realm. Even the sect patriarch is only at the adolescent stage of the Nascent Soul realm. Another thing is, while the Tri Cauldron peony sect specializes in alchemical pill refinement, they have different peaks.

The peak headed by the peak master Yi Deng is the second cauldron peak and takes care of the sale of pills as well as refinement of some of the pills. Whereas the supreme elder heads the peony peak, which is the sect's sacred land. That is where they keep their inheritance and precious treasures.

Because of this, the specialization of the supreme elder is more towards qi skills rather than the refinement of pills." Wu Hei answered.

Lin Mu was interested in this and while he had learned some things from the records that he had received from Jing Wei, there weren't finer details like these in them. From what he knew the Tri cauldron peony sect had four peaks; the first cauldron peak that completely specialized in alchemical pill refinement, the second cuddling peak that did sales, the third cauldron peak that grew spirit herbs, and the peony peak.

The records only told that peony peak was a sacred land but did not mention more details about it. Another thing that surprised Lin Mu was that the Supreme elder was at the Adult stage of the nascent soul realm.

Lin Mu had already learned about the Nascent Soul realm from senior Xukong and had an idea of its power.

Reaching the nascent soul realm was incredibly difficult, as a cultivator had to overcome the heavenly tribulation.

When a cultivator reached the absolute peak of the core condensation realm, they would start to get an idea of when their heavenly tribulation would be coming.

During this period they were called as pseudo nascent soul realm cultivators as their understanding of the spirit qi had exceeded that of a normal cultivator and were close to that of a nascent soul realm cultivator.

A cultivator would usually suppress the heavenly tribulation until he or she found a proper opportunity. One needed a lot of preparation if they wanted to reach the nascent soul realm, as the heavenly tribulation could very easily kill them if they were not careful and well prepared.

Once the cultivator became ready to undergo the heavenly tribulation, tribulation clouds would gather and heavenly lightning would strike their body. The goal of the cultivator was to endure this heavenly lightning and use it to hatch their nascent soul.

Their core would act as the egg, and from it, the nascent soul would be born. Once the nascent soul was successfully born, the cultivator was said to have successfully reached the first stage of the nascent soul realm.

The first stage was called as the infant soul stage as the nascent soul was in the form of an infant. This infant would look the same as the cultivator when they were of that age.

There were three more stages in the nascent soul realm, which were the child soul, adolescent soul, and adult soul stages, for a total of four stages.

The cultivator would be able to freely able to wield the spirit qi in the environment and would have to nourish his or her nascent soul in order to make it grow and reach the next stage. It was also this stage during which the appearance of a cultivator was fixed.

If a cultivator reached the adult stage of the nascent soul realm at the age of twenty, his appearance would be fixed at that age until he reaches the very end of his or her lifespan. At that point, they would rapidly age hundreds of years in the span of a few minutes and then die.

Reaching the nascent soul realm increased the cultivator's life span to a thousand years and made them worthy of starting their own cultivation sects.

Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 394 - The Nascent Soul Realm

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Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 394 - The Nascent Soul Realm summary

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