Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 650 - Three Clan's To Eliminate

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Chapter 650 - Three Clan's To Eliminate

Mu Bing could tell that these were Mid grade Basic Qi pills. She had only used these a couple of times before when her clan was still surviving with all its members. Back then, the clan still had plenty of resources to give to the members.

But now they had to be frugal with their resources and sold off all those that could be liquidated to pay off their debts.

"Senior, you… thank you!" Mu Bing said, her eyes red.

Lin Mu was a bit taken aback and had not expected such a strong reaction from the girl.

"It's okay, you don't need to be so…" Lin Mu replied, trailing off after not knowing what to say to the girl.

Mu Bing didn't question it either and simply nodded her head, wiping away the tears that were appearing at the corners of her eyes.

"I'm really grateful for this senior." Mu Bing said as she put the pills away into her pocket.

It was evident that she did not have a spatial storage treasure of her own. If she did, Lin Mu would have been able to sense them on her, due to the spatial fluctuations they let off. He had become quite sensitive to them now.

Lin Mu wondered how the condition of the clan would change if they had the right resources and their cultivation technique was full. If that was done, he reckoned they would not be any inferior to the top sects perhaps.


The door of the hall opened, and in walked Mu Tao with another man in tow.

"Ah, you're here finally Jing Luo." Lin Mu said upon noticing the wild man.

Jing Luo still had long hair that was tied in multiple parts with ribbons, each of which was a spirit tool. The man was always decked in spirit tools and weapons, and this was his way of fighting as well.

Jing Luo had informed Lin Mu when he would be coming and thus Lin Mu had told Mu Tao about Jing Luo's appearance. It was safe to say Mu Tao was rather shocked upon seeing the wild man.

Jing Luo was far bigger in size than most other people he had seen being over two meters tall and having shoulders as wide as that of a horse.

"Did you find anything interesting?" Lin Mu questioned.

"Nothing out of the ordinary, just regular corruption, murder, and abuse." Jing Luo replied.

"Ah… which ones?" Lin Mu questioned.

"The one named Fei, Hui and Shu." Jing Luo answered.

Mu Tao raised his brows upon hearing the surnames.

"Aren't these the surnames of the other members of the council?" Mu Tao asked.

"They are." Jing Luo nodded his head. "I was spying on them and found a lot of dirty secrets."

"More targets for us to erase?" Lin Mu asked.

"Definitely. They will go to the side that pays them the most and brings them benefits. While we may be able to tempt them, there will be no guarantee that they will stay loyal." Jing Luo replied.


Lin Mu shook his head.

"A single rotten apple will spoil the rest and a single termite will shake the foundation of the house. We better get rid of them, before they cause us problems." Lin Mu said in a serious tone.

"Just tell me and I'll get to it. Their formation arrays aren't really that strong and I can break through them whenever needed. Plus, the strongest person they have is only at the core condensation realm.

This will be a joke." Jing Luo replied in a casual tone.

Mu Tao was shocked by seeing how easily Lin Mu and Jing Luo were deciding the fate of multiple merchant clans. He had seen the spirit tools on Jing Luo's body and could tell that they were not normal, even if the spirit Qi fluctuations coming from his body were too weak.

Mu Tao was sure that despite the low spirit Qi fluctuations coming from Jing Luo, he was probably no less powerful than Lin Mu. He even wondered if the enemies that attacked his clan discussed it casually too before they attacked him.

Except at that time they didn't send any Nascent Soul realm cultivators, only core condensation realm cultivators and several peak stage Qi refining realm cultivators. But despite that, over ninety percent of his clan ended up dying to them.

"Well, since we are in agreement, should we go get rid of them?" Jing Luo questioned.

"Not so fast. First, I want you to take a look at the vault below and tell me your opinion." Lin Mu replied.

"Ah, of course. I want to see what it could be like as well…" Jing Luo said.

Lin Mu gestured to the man, and he followed him to the bottom part where the vault was located. Mu Tao accompanied them as well and observed them without disturbing them. Jing Luo furrowed his brows as his spirit sense a.n.a.lyzed the formation.

"A Bloodline Trinity formation huh… this is gonna be a tough one to resolve." Jing Luo stated.

"Tough? Senior, you have a solution to it?" Mu Tao said out in surprise.

Even if Jing Luo said there was a solution, it was a difficult thing. Mu Tao knew there was at least a solution unlike before when there was no chance. Even if Mu Tao used himself as a sacrifice, it would still not be enough to open the door.

As for the other members of his clan, they were no longer related to the clan's original bloodline close enough for the vault to recognize them, and thus they had no chance of becoming sacrifices either.

"I do have a solution… actually I have three of them." Jing Luo answered, catching Lin Mu's interest.

"And what are they?" Lin Mu questioned, feeling a bit excited.

"The first is getting the actual bloodline to unlock this, but it is not possible as of now. The second would be for me to unravel the formations one by one, till I get to the core. This is the most difficult situation and may take a very long time." Jing Luo replied.

"And what's the third?"

Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 650 - Three Clan's To Eliminate

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Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 650 - Three Clan's To Eliminate summary

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