Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 678 - 30% Refinement Completed!

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Chapter 678 - 30% Refinement Completed!

Lin Mu's heart started to change cell by cell and became stronger. The fiery warmth he was feeling in his chest was now accompanied by an itch. The itch was similar to what one would feel on their scabs and wounds when they were healing, but Lin Mu could not scratch it at all.

'Ugh… this is far more uncomfortable than I thought it would be…' Lin Mu thought to himself.

After all, while the pain was something he could tolerate and suppress, itching was something that went beyond that and could not be suppressed easily. Even being at the Adolescent stage of the Nascent Soul realm and the second level of the Five Treasures realm was not enough.

Lin Mu held on for about ten minutes, but it was getting a bit too much.

'Need to do something…' Lin Mu thought to himself and went to the solution he had used many times before.

Lin Mu started to chant the calming heart sutra so that it could calm the itch on his heart!

The effect of the sutra was rather effective as in less than ten seconds, Lin Mu felt the itching subside. The refinement of his heart still continued though and was now reaching fifteen percent completion.

This was a rather rapid pace, but Lin Mu knew that he would not be able to keep this up for long. Once the state he was in pa.s.sed and the infusion of Fire Attribute spirit Qi stopped he would not be able to do it again.

'I need to find something that can be used to further my Five treasures realm body cultivation.' Lin Mu thought to himself.

Lin Mu let the process continue for as long as possible and focused on it so that it could be drawn for even longer. But eventually as an hour pa.s.sed, he had to stop as the infusion of fire attribute spirit Qi stopped as well.


Lin Mu let out a breath that was hotter than normal and opened his eyes. He checked his Heart and saw that it had reached thirty percent refinement successfully.

"Well… this was an unexpected gain… unexpected, but surely a welcome one." Lin Mu said.

Little Shrubby too woke up seeing that Lin Mu had woken up and stretched his body. Lin Mu couldn't sense anything particularity different in his body, but that was obvious as the beast had only recently broken through to the adolescent stage of the Nascent Soul realm as well.

Within his Dantian, the baby kitten was now the shape of a tiger cub. Once it reached the Adult stage, it would look the same as what Little Shrubby looked in real life. It was the same for Lin Mu too, as his nascent soul currently looked like what he used to look five years ago when he was fifteen.

'I'll need to keep in mind when I reach the Adult stage of the Nascent Soul realm… my appearance will become fixed after that.' Lin Mu thought to himself.

Lin Mu turned his gaze and saw Jing Luo busy with his own refinement. But what he was refining was far different than him, he was refining materials needed to make the entrance token.

Currently, Lin Mu could see three blocks of metal ores floating in front of Jing Luo as three different intensities of fires burned beneath them. All three of them were being held by what looked like a very compressed formation array and were floating stably.

Lin Mu was rather intrigued upon seeing this as he had not read or seen a method of refinement like this ever before.

"How's it going?" Lin Mu questioned Jing Luo in a low voice, so as to not disturb him much.

"It's going well… it's just that the refinement process for these metals is just too slow and there is nothing I can do to speed it up. It's not even that I need to make it reach the best quality I can, but rather to create a specific set of tempering patterns that only appear after a certain period of tempering." Jing Luo answered, his voice sounding a bit frustrated.

"Ah, I see. It does seem like a hectic job." Lin Mu replied, not knowing what much to say.

"It's just the constant changes that need to be done. This is way below my skill level, but the time period needed to do this all is what tires one out more." Jing Luo stated.

Lin Mu simply nodded and looked on at the small formation array that was in the form of a small forge.

"And what's this formation array? Did you design this?" Lin Mu questioned.

"Oh, this? This is our Ji clan's: Ji All-refinement Formation Array. This was designed by one of our ancestors a long time ago and is used by nearly every member of our clan. Though it is often modified according to the preferences of the refiner themselves.

It is rather modular and we can make changes as need be. This very same array can be reduced to only refine a single material as well. I currently have it set to three, but if the need arises it can even be expanded to hundreds of items.

These formations can also be inscribed onto a physical forge directly, making them even more powerful and efficient." Jing Luo explained enthusiastically.

Hearing the explanation Lin Mu felt rather impressed. Even in the records about formations that Jing Luo had given him, it didn't actually include any inheritance techniques such as these. The things that Jing Luo had givens Lin Mu mostly involved the parts that he had researched himself and could give it out since he owned it.

As for the knowledge of his clan, he could not give it out without the permission of the patriarch. But if it were really up to Jing Luo, he wouldn't mind giving it all to Lin Mu anyway.

Having heard of Jing Luo's woes a realization suddenly occurred to Lin Mu.

Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 678 - 30% Refinement Completed!

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Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 678 - 30% Refinement Completed! summary

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