Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 873: The Sleepscape Shakes And Remembering A Dream

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Chapter 873: The Sleepscape Shakes And Remembering A Dream

"His comprehension state if getting deeper?" Xukong who had been observing all this time, noted.

He could feel the faint aura coming from Lin Mu dim down even more. If before it was like the smoke coming off an joss stick, now it was like the invisible vapors of water that was kept at room temperature.

'Its been over two days now and he hasn't woken up once. It's certain he's not in deep sleep or the Sleepscape would have been broken. But now… its as stable as before… or rather it has become even more stable with him here.' Xukong thorough as he started over the horizon.

His spirit sense expanded and covered the entire Garden of Karma in a single breath.

"It's expanding…" Xukong muttered.

There were not many points of reference for Xukong to see, and the main ones he could see were the Spirit apple tree and the Grave of Lin Mu's parents. Both the objects were getting farther from each other.

Though the speed of this happening was slow.

"If it keeps this up, the s.p.a.ce would increase by an entire meter by the weekend." Xukong guessed.

While it seemed like the increase of a meter was small, it was actually not when one considered it was the entire Sleepscape expanding by a meter. The c.u.mulative area that increased was substantial and was about ten percent of its current size.


"Guess it's a game of waiting again." Xukong said as he came to float in front of Lin Mu. He didn't want Lin Mu to experience some kind of a problem or Qi deviation, and that was exactly why he was there.

More time pa.s.sed and Xukong could feel the entire sleepscape shake all of a sudden.


"Is it finally time?" Xukong looked at Lin Mu, whose eyelids were trembling.

The shaking continued to increase more and more, until all the spirit apples fell down from the tree.


And when the last spirit apple fell, Lin Mu opened his eyes.


A faint energy fluctuation spread and calmed the shaking Sleepscape. At the same time, a scene could be seen being reflected in Lin Mu's eyes. Seven colors glittered in a circle and a large ravine could be seen on its back.

The seven colors spun around calmly and looked domineering. 

"Are you okay?" Xukong suddenly spoke.

Lin Mu blinked his eyes upon hearing senior Xukong's voice and the scene in his eye disappeared.

"I'm okay… I just remembered something." Lin Mu spoke.

"What did you remember?" Xukong asked, feeling intrigued.

"A dream… one that I don't know when I had." Lin Mu replied.

"Dream? What was it about?" Xukong questioned.

"Hmm… it's hard to tell. All I saw within it was a circle of seven colored lights that spun as if they were dancing and a ravine that reached high up into the sky." Lin Mu answered.

Hearing this, Xukong couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

'A mere dream made the entire Sleepscape shake and stop our link? It is certainly no common dream.' Xukong thought.

He tried to recall if he had heard anything like this before, but could not come to any substantial idea. 

"So seven colored lights and a ravine… those are far too vague to find a concrete explanation." Xukong said after thinking for a bit.

"I know…" Lin Mu said, his gaze a bit dull. "Why don't you take a look as well, senior?" he added and sent the memory to the shared mind s.p.a.ce.

Xukong closed his eyes and accessed the memory. The moment he did that, he felt the surrounding change. It felt like his body had disappeared and only a fuzzy feeling existed in place of it.

He opened his eyes and looked in front of him, only to find darkness. He looked up and saw that the darkness was not as strong above him. It actually weakened and allowed him to see that the darkness was due to the wall that existed in front.

His gaze kept on going further upwards and soon spotted the end of the wall.

"Huh… so we're at the bottom of a ravine?" Xukong understood. "But where's the seven colored lights?" he wondered.

Just as he thought this, he felt a humming sound and a circle with seven colors appeared in the sky. The circle had two layers now that Xukong looked closely. They simply spun too fast and thus it was hard to tell that there were actually two layers.

The first layer had five colors in it; blue, red, brown, yellow, and green. While the second layer only had two colors, Azure and Purple. 

"Elemental lights?" Xukong muttered to himself. 


The moment he said that though, the dream ended and he found himself back in the Sleepscape.

"Did you learn anything, senior?" Lin Mu questioned.

"Hmm… like you said, it's hard to tell. But I think they were elemental lights." Xukong answered.

"What're those?" Lin Mu questioned with a tilt of his head.

"They are simply the colors that represent the elements. Red for fire, blue for water and so on and so forth." Xukong answered.

Hearing this, Lin Mu rubbed his chin and muttered to himself. "The five colors pertain to the five mortal elements, but then what about the other two?" 

"Those belong to the wind and lightning. Azure for wind and Purple for Lightning element." Xukong stated.

"I see… but why would I get a dream like this?" Lin Mu couldn't help but ask.

"We can't really tell. The seven colors are common and anyone can dream about them. The same could be said for that ravine, it was simply tall." Xukong said, "but what can't be considered being normal is the entire Sleepscape growing and shaking." He added.

"Huh? What do you mean, senior?" Lin Mu asked.

Xukong then told him what happened while he was in the strange state. His guess about Lin Mu being in a comprehension state turned out to be wrong and even Lin Mu didn't know what he had comprehended. Instead, he had just remembered an old dream. 

Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 873: The Sleepscape Shakes And Remembering A Dream

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Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 873: The Sleepscape Shakes And Remembering A Dream summary

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