Ending Maker Chapter 245 - DIVINE SPIRIT'S WHISTLE (4)

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“Do you really need all these things to summon the Spirit King?”

“Yes, it’s absolutely necessary. It’s a must.”

Malthias Barranto from the Barranto family had no choice but to furrow her brows when Jude answered her question with a steady gaze and confident voice.

‘Some of it makes sense.’

The items Jude had requested.

Most of the items were related to magic, such as items that amplified or restored mana, or items that granted attributes and so on.

‘But still, isn’t this a little too much?’

Do you really need a trident that releases lightning magic or a magic tool that reads the flow of the atmosphere in order to summon the Spirit King?

I mean, Ynix is definitely the Spirit King of Storms and Lightning, so those items are somewhat related to him, but…

And it was at that moment.

Jude said with a very serious expression.

“This may be a rude question, but has Lady Malthias ever summoned a Spirit King?”

“No, but it’s just…”

Malthias, whose words trailed off in the end, eventually had no choice but to groan and step back.

Jude didn’t say it out loud, but Malthias could understand what Jude wanted to say by just looking at Jude’s eyes.

‘Oh, are you really saying that? Our side has summoned him. We need these things to summon the Spirit King. Ah, of course you might not know about that since you’ve never summoned him. I understand. Yes, I understand. You’ve never summoned him before, so what can I do?’

It was Jude’s unique way of saying ‘So how can you verify it?’

He managed to push ahead by using his advantage of having complete information, but in fact, it was also because of the peculiarity of the situation that this coercion worked.

‘Because they have to defeat the Kraken.’

Moreover, it was also true that Cordelia was the contractor of the Spirit King.

What could she do if the Spirit King’s contractor actually needed those to summon the Spirit King? And their fight against an enemy called the Kraken was just around the corner.

For Malthias, there was nothing she could do but believe in them.

And at this scene that took place after the meeting was over, Cordelia pulled Kajsa’s sleeve who was standing next to her as they watched Jude’s discussion with Malthias Barranto at the Gallas’ mansion.

“Kajsa, Kajsa.”


When Cordelia called her in a low voice, Kajsa unconsciously tilted her head and answered in a small voice. Cordelia then said with a smile.

“My Jude is amazing, right? Isn’t he?”

Kajsa blankly stared at Cordelia who was eager to show off, and she pinched Cordelia’s cheek before turning to Jude and Malthias. Cordelia pulled her sleeve again, but Kajsa ignored it as she thought.

‘I should be careful too when I go home.’

She was sure that Jude and Cordelia would try to rip her off of this and that in return for saving her.

Furthermore, her wild instincts were telling her.

These two are genuine…

‘They’re… a genuine scammer couple!’

Kajsa trembled when she thought of those words that perfectly described the two.

After his negotiation with Malthias, Jude winked at Cordelia, who gave him a thumbs up and praised him excessively.


Their busy schedules continued after their meeting with Malthias.

Because they wanted to completely defeat the Kraken while it was still staying inside the seal.

Iliana Calacanis, the queen of the sirens, was a powerful and mighty ruler who led with absolute power and authority unlike her delicate appearance.

When she decided to fight against the Kraken, the entire country prepared for war without any objections.

“The basis of this battle is the human wave attack.”

The operation set up by Sarandis Va.s.sallo from the Va.s.sallo family was simple and effective.

“A hundred spirit warriors from each family will block the Kraken’s movement, and the rest of the armed forces will concentrate their firepower to completely kill the monster.”

In Legend of Heroes 2, Sarandis appeared as one of the seven sirens serving Malekith, just like Siren Queen Iliana, and was like a completely different person then, though her appearance was the same.

In the game, she was a witch overflowing with s.e.xiness, but the current Sarandis was a spirit knight who had the solemnity peculiar to warriors.

“Please look here.”

When Sarandis moved her finger, a hemispherical structure appeared in the air.

It was an image of the seal that was used by Perigeo’s elves to seal the Kraken.

“The width of the seal’s inside is just good enough for a Kraken to lie down. In short, if we keep it inside the seal and attack it through a hole in the upper right corner, the Kraken will not be able to avoid the attacks. It will have no choice but to receive the attacks.”

The sirens nodded as she pointed to a large hole that the Kraken was believed to have used to exit the seal. Because it seemed to them that it was actually possible to defeat the Kraken as long as it all went according to plan.

‘It’s quite attractive that the operation itself is simple.’

Because the longer and more complex an operation would be, the higher the chance of failure.

In that sense, the simple plan of holding down the Kraken, which was already in the seal, and defeating it with concentrated attacks, seemed to guarantee the success of the operation.

“Lady Cordelia, we would like thee to lend thy strength to increase our firepower.”

Sarandis’ words drew the attention of the family heads, and Cordelia nodded her head while slightly nervous.

“Yes, I understand.”

She had to be in the attacking group if she wanted to deal the last hit.

Though it was questionable if she could deal the last hit in such a large-scale operation.

In any case, once the details of the plan were decided, Siren Queen Iliana who had been watching quietly then opened her mouth again.

“All right, there’s no point in delaying it any longer. Let’s begin our final preparations. We’ll head out in two hours.”

To begin with, doing something like a practice run for this operation was impossible.

Moreover, they did not know when the Kraken will come out of the seal, so they had to move as quickly as they could.

“We receive thy commands.”

The family heads led by Sarandis then bowed down and received her orders, and Jude and Cordelia also showed their respect to the queen in accordance with the etiquette of the Sälen Kingdom.

And two hours later.

The siren’s operation to defeat the Kraken finally began.


Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of the drums caused great ripples as it surprisingly spread well despite being underwater.

Together with the sirens from the Gallas family, Jude and Cordelia stood on a battle chariot pulled by four seahorses, and they unconsciously let out voices of admiration because of the sight that unfolded in front of their eyes.


There were sirens everywhere.

Hundreds of sirens in their mermaid forms were gathered together with their families as they lined up in an orderly manner, and a hundred cavalry rode on top of various huge animals, such as seahorses and domesticated sharks, as they showed off their splendor on the left and right.

The infantry in the center. The cavalry on the left and right. And spirit warriors who rode on battle chariots while on the second row.

And finally, a very huge sea turtle tank was at the end with Siren Queen Iliana on board.

“It’s completely like a tank. No, it’s not a tank, but what should I call that? A mobile fortress?”

Jude nodded as Cordelia pointed to it. Since the giant sea turtle had a sh.e.l.l of around 30 meters in diameter, it was different from a normal tank.

The walls resembled fortress walls, and various siege weapons were also mounted on the sh.e.l.l.

And in the center of such a sh.e.l.l.

Queen Iliana sat on an ornate seat that was like a throne, and when she tilted her beautiful huge staff forward, whistles sounded from all directions, and the flag bearers of each family raised their flags high.

“Begin the march.”

At Iliana’s command, the drums boomed again, and the infantry in the front row began to move forward. It was quite a spectacular sight as mermaids with colorful scales marched under the light spirts they had summoned in order to illuminate the dark sea.

“Let’s go.”

Chloe drove forward the battle chariot.

Kajsa joined the cavalry by riding on a seahorse, and she shouted out loud too as she lifted a trident high. Bentham remained since he had to protect Sebastian, and he saw off the group by waving his hand, though no one looked back at him.

The total number of troops that Iliana mobilized this time was over 1,200.

If one compared them to the 10,000 Jackdaws that were stationed in the northern border, it was not a very large number, but it was good to remember that they were all sirens.

Just like the elves of the Forest of Eternity, the sirens were also very good at fighting because they were a race that lived long.

‘Did they actually mobilize the whole army?’

It had only been two days since they arrived in the siren’s country, but Jude already had a rough idea of their country’s size.

Except for the minimum number of troops to protect their country, the entire army was mobilized.

And around 30 minutes later.

The movement of the siren troops who had been moving forward then slowed down. Because they had almost reached the seal.

“Let’s not delay it any longer. Let’s move according to plan.”

At the command of Iliana, the flag bearers raised their flags again to convey her will. They refrained from blowing a whistle or beating a drum in order to not provoke the Kraken.



It was a simple order, but because they had already been informed of the plan, the heads of each family moved forward to the sides as if to surround the seal, instead of rus.h.i.+ng forward. The middle naturally became empty then, and the gap was filled with the spirit warriors who rode on battle chariots, and the sea turtle carrying Iliana.


Sirens were basically spirit warriors who had contracts with one or more spirits, though there were differences in skill.

When Iliana stood up from her throne and lifted her staff, the water spirits responded, and the hundred spirit warriors also summoned their own spirits and conveyed their commands.

Block it. Tie up it movement using the water currents. Lock up the Kraken in the seal.

The spirits responded.

A water current was formed to suppress the seal, and a huge magic circle was drawn by the light spirits as they spread around the seal.

The current was just a barrier for a what-if scenario, but the magic circle was actually the one that would be used to confine the Kraken.

“Unite everyone’s power.”

As Iliana wrapped her hands around her staff and exuded her power, the 100 spirit warriors also closed their eyes and began to focus. They spread out their power to the magic circle.

And it was at that very moment.


The Kraken’s silent roar shook the surroundings. But at the same time, an intense light came from the magic circle, and a huge sword made of light was formed. Before the Kraken could even go out of the seal’s hole, the huge sword penetrated the seal and pierced the monster.


The Kraken screamed again.

They couldn’t see it because of the seal, but it was clear that the sword of light had pierced the Kraken and prevented it from moving.

“Attack team forward!”

Sarandis commanded the rest of the troops because Iliana was concentration on the magic circle.

The melee cavalry waited from behind as their role was to respond to emergency situations. The hundreds of infantry units then gathered in front of the large hole in the seal.

The battle chariot carrying Jude and Cordelia were also placed behind such cavalry.

And light s.h.i.+ned towards the hole.

As it drove away the darkness in the seal, they saw the Kraken struggling from the sword of light.

Its middle eye was crushed by Cordelia, but it still had its left and right eyes. The Kraken glared at them with its yellow eyes, and its eyes alone seemed to destroy the minds of the sirens by just its look.


Thus, Sarandis hastened the attack. All possible long-range attacks poured down towards the Kraken, starting with weapons like bows and crossbows, to attacks using spirits and magic.




It worked. The Kraken was trapped in the narrow seal, and was helplessly beaten up by the attacks, unable to avoid or block any of the attacks.

A smile spread across Sarandis’ face.

She and the other sirens became confident of their victory and raised the momentum of their attacks.

“Your Excellency.”

Chloe turned to Cordelia with eager eyes.

She was telling her to summon the Spirit King and deal the final blow.

But instead of summoning the Spirit King, Cordelia prepared another magic with the help of the magic tools all over her body.

Because in the current situation, there were several more attack magic spells that were effective than summoning the Spirit King’s right arm to throw a punch.

Cordelia transformed into a witch.

Chloe was surprised when she first saw the witch transformation, but Cordelia continued to chant the spell.

By using Arkeman’s treasure to amplify her mana, she prepared a Spear of Calamity.

‘I have to wait first.’

She had to throw the Spear of Calamity right after the sirens launch their ultimate attack, the Sea G.o.d’s Trident.

Because she wanted to get the last hit, and that this was more effective too.

‘The true Spear of Calamity contains a witch’s curse.’

It guaranteed death to those who were already dying.

In game terms, the lower the monster’s HP, the higher its damage would be. So the Spear of Calamity was truly an attack that dealt a decisive blow.

Therefore, it was a more efficient choice to throw the Spear of Calamity right after the Kraken was. .h.i.t by the Sea G.o.d’s Trident.

A huge black Spear of Calamity formed above Cordelia’s head as it glowed green.

Jude turned to Sarandis who was holding the Sea G.o.d’s Trident.

She was also reciting a spell while in a position to throw the Sea G.o.d’s Trident. This was to bring out the true power of the Sea G.o.d’s Trident, which was a treasure of the sirens.

The attack continued.

Sarandis’ spell reached its peak, and Cordelia’s Spear of Calamity began to emit a tremendous magic power.

And Kajsa raised her head.

Unlike Cordelia who was focusing on her magic and couldn’t focus on anything else, Kajsa was her usual self. She suddenly sensed it. Her instincts sent out a signal that a fierce threat was coming.


Her word was like a prophecy.

It was a small wave like a ripple at first, but soon became huge.

The huge underwater waves from afar came with a momentum to devour the siren forces.

Ending Maker Chapter 245 - DIVINE SPIRIT'S WHISTLE (4)

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Ending Maker Chapter 245 - DIVINE SPIRIT'S WHISTLE (4) summary

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