Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 123 New Journey

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Chapter 123 New Journey

After swimming for a long time, Fang Yun suddenly stopped. He slowly emerged from underwater, then looked straight ahead.

Not far ahead, the river kept getting wider and wider before merging with an endless body of water.

The ocean.

He finally reached the ocean.

Looking at the endless ocean in surprise, Fang Yun looked around in a circle.

There is a forest on both sides, in which a lot of trees are growing in, but these trees aren’t very tall, they are mostly short and thick

At the part connecting to the ocean, the river width is about 4 to 5km and the water flow is very slow.

Looking from above, the river flows slowly from east to west, making at trumpet shape at the connection point with the ocean before finally flowing in.

Fang Yun looked at the vast expense of the water, his heart was filled with excitement.

He finally reached the ocean.

”I should go to the ocean to first test my body’s reaction to salt.w.a.ter.”

Thinking of this, Fang Yun quickly swam towards the ocean.

If a helicopter happened to pa.s.s by this place at this moment, they will see a 30-meter long shadow, quickly moving towards the ocean.

As long as this scene gets pa.s.sed back to the human world, it’s enough to make people crazy.

Entering the ocean, Fang Yun stopped moving, letting the water completely submerge his body.

He didn’t move, concentrating solely on his body reaction.

First of all, he had an uncomfortable feeling, but it quickly disappeared.

”Sure enough, after I became a Bashen snake, living in the ocean is no problem.”

Fang Yun wandered around the ocean to make sure his body has no problem, before starting to think about another thing.


There are many creatures in the ocean, and most of them can be used as prey.

For example, tuna, tarpon, and salmon, all of these fish like to swim in schools, they are easier to hunt.

In addition, large creatures such as sharks and whales can also be used as a change of taste.

There are also giant squids, octopus, giant turtles, all of these diverse creatures can be used as his meal.

Fang Yun started to compile his ocean recipe, but he didn’t immediately run to the ocean to look for them.

There is a ready-made food, right in front of him.

He stuck his head out of the water and looked at the sh.o.r.e.

There is a large group of fat crocodiles lying on the sh.o.r.e, basking in the sun. Their mouths were half-opened, occasionally a bird would land on their mouth and rest for a moment before flying away.

Salt.w.a.ter crocodile.

The salt.w.a.ter crocodile usually lives in coastal areas or swamps, it can survive in both salt.w.a.ter and freshwater. It was known as the largest reptile in Fang Yun’s previous world.

There are at least two hundred crocodiles basking on the coast.

Almost half of these salt.w.a.ter crocodiles are around 4 meters long. According to the system’s prompt, this level of crocodile can provide him with 3000 bio-energy points.

If he swallows all of these crocodiles, his bio-energy will grow by a very large amount.

Of course, these salt.w.a.ter crocodiles will certainly not stupidly remain in that place and let him hunt them, but with his skill, he can still kill a lot of these crocodiles. In short, he will get a lot of bio-energy after hunting these crocodiles.

Thinking of this, Fang Yun became very excited.

swallow! swallow! swallow!

He looked at the numerous crocodiles lying on the coast and couldn’t help but open his mouth, revealing his sharp and s.h.i.+ny teeth.

Fang Yun’s eyes wandered on these crocodiles, searching for a target.

As an appetizer, he is planning to swallow the biggest crocodile.

Soon, he found the ideal target.

It’s a 7-meter-long crocodile, as big as the crocodile king Ron, even bigger. Standing vertically, it can be higher than two floors.

It’s also particularly fat, with thick and powerful limbs.

This crocodile has a very high status in this group of salt.w.a.ter crocodiles. It alone occupies an area.

It laid on a big stone and basked in the sun.

As Fang Yun looked at the big crocodile, the system’s prompt sounded in his mind.

”Target locked, Salt.w.a.ter crocodile, reptilia, Crocodilia, can provide 5000 bio-energy points.”

For the current Fang Yun, the only difference between a 4m long crocodile and a 7m one is the difference in bio-energy, nothing more. Locking his eyes on the 7m long crocodile, he slowly swam towards it.

When he reached the sh.o.r.e, he directly revealed his huge body, shocking the crocodile group and causing them to flee in fear.

This group of salt.w.a.ter crocodiles is the hegemons in this area, but when they faced Fang Yun, they have the illusion of returning back to their childhood, weak, helpless and can only helplessly tremble in front of a much larger creature.

The same is true for even the 7-meter long salt.w.a.ter crocodile, it quickly fled to the ocean.

But, will Fang Yun let this crocodile leave? He sped up and quickly slithered towards it, opening his mouth, he bit the fleeing crocodile.

While bitting the 7-meter crocodile in his mouth, he waved his tail like a whip, slapping several nearby crocodiles, breaking their bones and smas.h.i.+ng their internal organs.

The crocodile in his mouth struggled for a moment before finally dying.

After killing the biggest crocodile, Fang Yun went on a killing rampage, slaughtering a large amount of fleeing crocodiles.

Quite a lot of crocodiles who were near the ocean from the beginning managed to escape. For those lucky guys, Fang Yun didn’t bother chasing them.

On the coast, almost 100 crocodile brodies laid on the ground, all without a sound. They were either poisoned or crushed to death.

Looking at the crocodile bodies on the ground, Fang Yun launched a feast. He swallowed one after another crocodile, then digested them with his extremely corrosive stomach acid.

It’s worth mentioning that his current digestive ability has reached an extremely horrific level.

After maxing out “quick digestion”, his digestive ability didn’t stagnate but grew at a very slow pace, and after the bloodline upgrade, his digestive ability has upgraded to an even higher level.

A big crocodile can be completely digested in half a minute.

After almost two hours, the crocodile body that was filling the beach disappeared, all entering the stomach of Fang Yun.

The value on the bio-energy column became 152400/600000. That means that these crocodiles provided him with more than 140,000 points.

”There is still a long way to go.”

Glancing at his bio-energy, Fang Yun smiled bitterly. Even after such a big meal, his bio-energy was filled by only one quarter.

”I have to find a place with a lot of fish.”

Fang Yun thought internally.

Encountering a large school of tuna would be the best. Each tuna is around 2 to 3 meters, coupled with their large number, he would be able to quickly fill his bio-energy.

Of course, most tuna schools won’t have that much tuna, nor will each one be at that size.

But even so, as long as he eats five or six hundred every day, his bio-energy will acc.u.mulate at an extremely fast rate.

As for the large whales.

This kind of animal should provide a lot of bio-energy. According to Fang Yun’s estimation, an adult whale – about 15 meters in length, should be able to provide five to ten thousand bio-energy points.

If it’s a toothed whale, it should be even more.

However, this kind of creature should be very uncommon, so it won’t be his main source of bio-energy.

While thinking about, Fang Yun began to move.

He strolled around in the river again, swallowed more than a dozen unlucky salt.w.a.ter crocodiles, gained more than 20,000 bio-energy points, then left this place.

He randomly chose a direction and started his new journey.

Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 123 New Journey

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Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 123 New Journey summary

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