Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 154 Professor Hoover

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Chapter 154 Professor Hoover

Fang Yun became famous again

He can be seen everywhere. On the internet, on TV, on the news, people can be seen talking about him everywhere.

During this time, he has become the most talked-about star in the world.

It’s not just ordinary people who are talking about this snake, even biologists and scientists are clamoring about it.

They are arguing about the species of the giant python.

Its appearance indicates that it’s obviously a python, that’s why no one thought that it was a snake from the beginning.

That giant python’s body is not very slender, he looks particularly thick, and his tail is short, which is a clear sign of being a python.

The question is, what kind of python that is.

Some people want to find a species similar to this giant monster from the existing pythons, but no similar python has ever been found.

That giant python is completely black with no pattern, it looked like it was painted in black.

And its huge body is absolutely frightening, t.i.tan.o.boa looks completely like a child in front of it.

The reason for their argument is whether this python is a variant of a known species or a completely new one.

After arguing for a few days, no progress was made. In the end, they agreed to temporarily treat this python as a new species.

Therefore, it was suggested that an entirely new section be established for it.

This suggestion was adopted, and after discussion, Fang Yun also got a scientific name-Giant Sea Serpent.

During this time, in addition to Fang Yun being talked about by everyone, the giant shark was also often discussed, it’s appearance was also very daunting.

Unfortunately, it was killed by the giant python as soon as it appeared.

As a loser, its popularity is naturally not comparable to Fang Yun, but this is only on the internet. For those biologists, the giant shark is also worth discussing.

In the past, everyone thought that the biggest shark is megalodon in ancient times. However, an ever scarier shark that more than 40 meters long appeared recently.

They sent people to conduct an on-site investigation over Gra.s.s Beach, but the results were disappointing. It’s not that they didn’t get anything, they did geta shark scale, but they can’t get any DNA out of it so they can’t really determine what family of sharks was that.

That giant also got a new scientific name. Gra.s.s t.i.tan Shark.

While excited about the sudden emergence of these two huge creatures, some people were concerned about their threat to the marine industry.

The giant shark need not say more, it has entered the stomach of the giant sea serpent.

But what about giant Sea Serpent?

More importantly, no one can guarantee that there is no other Gra.s.s t.i.tan Shark or some other monster.

However, some people think that this is unfounded. People have been taking boats for a long time, why didn’t any of these two monsters show up before.

If these giants monsters were so aggressive, there would have been a lot more s.h.i.+ps sunk underwater.

In response to that argument, people said that while most of the fis.h.i.+ng boat accidents were caused by storms, there is no firm evidence that indicates that these monsters are innocent, that they have never sunk a s.h.i.+p.

At this time, a voice rose on the internet. There are a lot of people clamoring that they must catch the python.

It’s a threat to humanity trade in the ocean, and it’s too precious. Their argument is that by catching it, they can protect it and understand it.

However, such opinions are not accepted by the public. the capture has a high chance of causing the death of the python, this is something that everyone does not want to see.

While people were having an intense discussion on the internet. The giant Python has already left the Gra.s.s sea.

He wasn’t really afraid of people looking for him.

After all, he is deep underwater, no one can harm him at this depth. That’s without mentioning that it would be very hard to find him in the huge ocean.

The reason for leaving the gra.s.s sea is because after eating the giant shark, he found a salmon school.

He chased them for a long time, leaving the gra.s.s sea was just an accident.

As for the name of the sea where he is currently located, he does not know.

In addition, his reputation reached a horrific 500 million points. He also got 10 skill points.

This is very surprising for Fang Yun.

From the beginning, he had been receiving skill points every time his reputation points increased by tenfold. So, he thought that the next time he would receive skill points would be when he reached 1 billion reputation points.

It now appears that his conjecture is wrong.

Although this is a surprise, it’s a welcome one. Even now that he has become this big, he still needs skill points.

After getting these 10 skill points, his total became 18. He didn’t hesitate to upgrade “Quick Regeneration”.

After this, this skill has been upgraded 4 times, becoming 4/5.

”I don’t know when new skills can be refreshed.”

Since the skills “Steel Body” and “Quick Regeneration” were refreshed no new skill have appeared.

He still has the skill “Shadow Wind” that he didn’t upgrade a single time, but he doesn’t feel that it has much use.

However, thinking about it from another direction. This skill is actually very useful for running.

Now, ordinary guns and sh.e.l.ls have no threat to him, but missiles and other equivalents can still threaten his life.

Weapons like this are quite fast.

If he is faster than missiles, then their threat to him will be greatly reduced.

Fang Yun realizes that he has become a big star in this world, and not being a human, there would be a lot of people that don’t have good intentions for him. After all, to them, he is just a stupid animal, a rare one though.

His existence is very strange for humans. Maybe someone wants to catch him for research.

Unfortunately, Fang Yun’s concerns are very justified.

”Professor Hoover, your request has been approved by Congress.”

In a s.p.a.cious and bright office, a dark-skinned young man is reporting to the old man in front of him.

”They used satellites to find the traces of that giant python, it’s no longer in the gra.s.s ocean.”

”They discovered its traces in the waters of the Gulf of Yado Bay. The military is using satellites to pay close attention to that area of the sea. As soon as they determine its position, they will immediately send people to catch it”

”Haha, good! Good!”

Professor Hoover laughed and looked particularly excited.

If that giant python is the only monster in the world, then its research value isn’t very great, but now that there is another giant shark, the story changes.

Coupled with the giant python that appeared in the Uganda prairie. Three mutated creatures have been discovered so far.

From this point of view, perhaps the reason why these three creatures have become so huge is not simply because of gene mutation.

Maybe there are other secrets.

Of course, this is just his guess, but even so, it’s a huge temptation for him, which led him to ask congress to catch the Giant Sea Serpent.

He wants to see if could find any secret in him.

Fortunately, Congress agreed to his request.

He is sure that if he could study something from the Giant Sea Serpent, that could lead to a great advancement for the human race, and he will forever be recorded in history books.

Professor Hoover paced excitedly in the office, he was fantasying about his future fame. Suddenly remembering something, he turned to the dark-skinned youth.

”Listen, Lane”

He raised his head and pushed the gla.s.ses on the bridge of his nose.

”Be sure to remind these military people that they must catch it alive. A living Sea Serpent is much more useful for research than a dead one.”

”Okay, Professor Hoover, I will pa.s.s on your words.”

The dark-skinned youth nodded solemnly, then turned and walked out of the office.

Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 154 Professor Hoover

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Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 154 Professor Hoover summary

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