Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 272 Interstellar Colonization Star

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Chapter 272 Interstellar Colonization Star

The airs.h.i.+ps and marine s.h.i.+ps not far away were filled with cheers. Even Fang Yun who is a few kilometers away clearly heard those cheers.

Fang Yun was also very excited. This is really a s.p.a.ce channel. Furthermore, it shouldn’t be life-threatening or dangerous, neither in the s.p.a.ce vortex nor on the other side of the s.p.a.ce vortex. Otherwise, how could these airs.h.i.+ps come back safely?

After looking at the cheerful people not far away, he looked back at the s.p.a.ce vortex. The airs.h.i.+ps over there finally got out from the s.p.a.ce vortex, they are now quickly heading forward to the fleet of airs.h.i.+ps not far away.

The three airs.h.i.+ps are intact. Soon after the airs.h.i.+ps got out of the s.p.a.ce vortex, a young soldier walked out to the deck. He spread his hands, making a gesture of embracing the world. He shouted with a fanatical look on his face.

“Behind this giant vortex is a habitable planet!!”


The people on the airs.h.i.+ps and marine s.h.i.+ps not far from the vortex became silent for a moment, then even louder cheers broke out the next moment.

The monsters, kaiju, and aliens from the other world disappeared from the Blue Planet after the “death” of the kaiju mother.

There are still the mutated native animals of the blue planet, whether it’s land creatures or sea creatures. However, these creatures can’t turn any waves in front of the current technological power of the human alliance.

The thing that is affecting humans the most is the chain reaction after the explosion of the hydrogen bomb. The movements of the tectonic plates, the changes in geological structure, and the geothermal heat that disappeared before.

There is also a severe lack of natural energy and natural resources due to the large number of bugs that inhabited the planet before. All of these caused this planet to be unsuitable for human habitation.

This planet might in fact recover in the future, but they aren’t sure how long it will take. With a better option in front of them, they can’t wait anymore.

The three exploration airs.h.i.+ps were quickly surrounded by other airs.h.i.+ps, then escorted back to the temporary headquarters of the human alliance.

Each of these three airs.h.i.+ps belongs to a different country. One belongs to ‘Panda country’, one belongs to the ‘Bald Eagle’ country, and one belongs to the ‘Polar Bear’ country.

The surviving countries in the world have basically put aside their differences and grievances, and decided to truly merge with each other into a single human Federation.

Although the previous human alliance was already a gathering of people from different countries. Most countries still retained their names and nationality, reluctant to merge into a single superpower, but now things have changed.

This is the beginning of a new chapter in the history of humanity.

After the three airs.h.i.+ps returned to the human federation headquarters, the relevant personnel organized a speech to be broadcasted on TV, where the people on the three airs.h.i.+ps will personally explain what they found on the other of the s.p.a.ce vortex.

“It’s a different planet similar to our Blue Planet. It has oceans and continents, and many lifeforms.”

“The distribution of the continents isn’t yet clear. However, we can confirm that that planet is very large, much larger than our Blue Planet. Even its gravity is higher than that of our planet, but you don’t have to worry, with our current physical fitness, we can easily adapt to the environment over there.”

After the appearance of mutant creatures many years ago, humans were able to increase their physical strength by eating their flesh, but after a long time, humans discovered that this increase has a limit.

Even if this limit is so high that people who reached it are basically superhumans. The kind that runs at the speed of supercars and casually throws trucks into the air. It’s still a limit that no one could surpa.s.s.

That changed with the appearance of the kaiju and the genetic drug that was developed later on.

This genetic drug can enable a human to surpa.s.s this limit and achieve even higher levels of strength, coupled with the bio-armor, the strongest human on earth right now can even fight with level 2 kaiju and even fight with the previous sea kings such as the super Mosasaurus and the Kraken.

After so much time pa.s.sed, the comprehensive physical strength of the entire human race was raised by a large margin.

If a world-cla.s.s athlete of the previous era is included with the current human race, his physical fitness will be considered average at best, even mediocre.

This is why the soldier is confident that humans will be able to adapt to the gravity of the other world.

“We discovered some aliens over there, but they are all dead. Perhaps, they died the moment we launched the 10 hydrogen bombs.”

The interviewed person said.

It seems that the life of those aliens is closely related to the kaiju mother. The moment the kaiju mother died, they also collectively died.

“However, that doesn’t mean that that planet is safe. We discovered many giant creatures, sea monsters, and even legendary creatures over there. The main theme over there is that of the rules of the jungle, the strong eat the weak.”

The interviewed commander urged.

“We must not be careless, arrogance will only lead to our destruction.”

About five days later, after consultation, all of the world parties decided to send the first batch of people to that new planet. This will be their first step of interstellar colonization.

The human federation sent a total of 28 airs.h.i.+ps. Each one of these airs.h.i.+ps belongs to a different party, derived from the old era’s countries.

That’s the limit of the airs.h.i.+ps they can send in the first batch. Due to the previous hydrogen explosion disaster. Even if they tried their best to protect their equipment, most of the marine s.h.i.+ps were sunk, and a lot of airs.h.i.+ps were also destroyed.


28 airs.h.i.+ps quickly reached the area above the s.p.a.ce vortex, then they slowly hovered down.

These 28 airs.h.i.+ps are filled with pa.s.sengers, but all of them are sitting in their cabin with belts fastened around their waists.

According to the soldiers who came back before, when crossing this s.p.a.ce vortex, the airs.h.i.+ps will experience a severe shaking. Many of those soldiers were taken off guard by this severe shaking and fell to the ground, some even injured themselves.

On the sea not far away, Fang Yun looked at the 28 airs.h.i.+ps slowly sinking into the s.p.a.ce vortex, his face filled with excitement.

“After this group of people pa.s.s, I’ll go in.”

Fang Yun thought cheerfully. He also listened to the conference held by the human federation before. He knows about the fact that the people in the airs.h.i.+ps didn’t experience any danger and that the planet on the other side of the vortex is filled with giant monsters.

“It’s simply tailor-made for me.”

He really can’t wait to enter that planet, but he held himself back. He felt that it’s necessary for those people to check the way ahead. He isn’t sure if this is a trap of the aliens.

Seeing the last s.h.i.+p drilled into the s.p.a.ce vortex, Fang Yun started patiently waiting for the return of that fleet.

Since the human federation decided on colonizing that planet, then these s.h.i.+ps will definitely come back to take the second batch of humans. If they don’t come back, then there must be a problem.

This time, just one day later, most of the airs.h.i.+ps came back. It seems that the reason why the three exploration airs.h.i.+ps took so long is that they explored a large area near the s.p.a.ce vortex on that planet.

After these airs.h.i.+ps got out from the s.p.a.ce vortex and left towards the headquarters. Fang Yun started swimming towards the s.p.a.ce vortex. However, the closer he got to the s.p.a.ce vortex, the more uneasy he became.

This s.p.a.ce vortex looks very similar to a black hole, which is very intimidating,

Fang Yun shook off the uneasy in his heart, then started imagining the endless amount of food on the other side of the vortex.

“There, I will eat enough food, then grow to the point of starting my interstellar journey.”

Fang Yun looked up at the sky, seeing the endless dust clouds covering the sky, he shook his head helplessly. He hasn’t seen the stary sky for a long time.

He quickly swam towards the s.p.a.ce vortex, but when he was about 30meters away from it, the feeling of uneasiness in his heart has skyrocketed. His instincts are madly warning him. If he enters the s.p.a.ce vortex, he is certain to die;

“What’s going on?”

Fang Yun was startled, he stopped moving forward and looked at the s.p.a.ce vortex in front of him with horror on his face;

He felt like looking at death straight in the face. As long as he moves a bit forward, then he will die.

“What the h.e.l.l going on?!”

Fang Yun held down his uneasiness and started thinking. The human federation airs.h.i.+ps were able to traverse this s.p.a.ce vortex and come back safely twice. Why is he feeling uneasy when he wants to enter it?

While thinking about this, he tried using electromagnetic waves to detect what’s so dangerous about this vortex.

As expected, he discovered an extremely dangerous and powerful energy, unlike what he ever saw before.

“Is that s.p.a.ce energy or what? why didn’t it affect the previous airs.h.i.+ps fleet.”

Why is he the only one targeted by this energy? why wasn’t the fleet targeted?

He started seriously thinking about this issue;

What is the difference between yourself and the Blue Star people?

He is a monster, his size is much much larger than human beings. In fact, that s.p.a.ce energy should be a defense mechanism, it should work solely on living creatures, that’s why the airs.h.i.+ps weren’t affected.

The only reason he can think of why this s.p.a.ce energy doesn’t affect humans is due to their small size. The effect of this energy should increase exponentially along with a size increase.

Although it can’t affect humans, with his size that is countless times bigger than them, this energy is fatal to him.

“Does that mean that this energy discriminates against larger creatures?”

Fang Yun was a bit powerless to refute. His mood suddenly became very bad, will he be trapped in the Blue Planet for the rest of his life;

Although with his current capabilities, he can easily survive on this planet, the world on the other side of the s.p.a.ce channel is much more suitable for him.

“No, I must think of a way to go to that planet.”

Fang Yun circled around the s.p.a.ce vortex for a long time, trying to find another way. Suddenly he had a very important discovery.

The energy in the s.p.a.ce vortex is weakening at a very slow rate.

“Someday, this energy will decay to the point where I can bear it.”

Fang Yun let out a sigh of relief, he finally found hope. However, he is a bit worried, how long will this s.p.a.ce vortex last, and will it be affected in the future, disappearing from the surface of the Blue Planet.

Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 272 Interstellar Colonization Star

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