Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 299 Tian Fu's Encounter

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Chapter 299 Tian Fu’s Encounter

Tian Fu couldn’t help but rejoice. If it was in the past, he wouldn’t have this much mood swings for a single giant sea monster.

However, not having any gain in the past few days caused him to be impatient. A giant monster appearing at this juncture saved him from the trouble of getting criticized for his foolish decision.

It’s their sonar system that found the trace of this giant monster. According to their life detection instrument, this giant monster is a conch.

”That giant conch is almost five kilometers away from us.”

The person who was reporting to Tian Fu explained to him.

”The diameter of this conch is about 500 meters, and its movement speed is about 40 nautical miles per hour. However, this shouldn’t be its maximum speed.”

”It doesn’t matter, this speed is incomparable to our torpedo. Hahaha”

Tian Fu laughed loudly. Although it’s not what he expected, a creature with a diameter of 500 meters is still very good. Furthermore, that giant creature is located within the scope of their Torpedos. It’s only five kilometers away.

The torpedoes mounted on their s.h.i.+ps have a range of more than 100 kilometers. Moreover, their speed far exceeds 100 km/h. Hunting such a slow conch will be very easy.

”Start attacking as soon as possible, you must quickly bring back that sea monster to me.”

Tian Fu issued his commands, then waved his hand at the man. The man beside him nodded then strode toward the cabin.

Tian Fu thought for a moment, then followed the sailor to the cabin.

When he entered the cabin, Tian Fu walked straight to the control room, where many people were sitting in their respective positions, operating the instruments in front of them.

He walked to a giant screen with 15 green dots on it. The green dots represent their fleet.

In addition to these fifteen green dots, there is a big red dot next to their fleet, and this dot is in the shape of a conch.

”Boss, our sonar system has locked the conch.”

The staff member in front of the main control screen said to Tian Fu.

”Lao Mo, Directly use heavy firepower to avoid any accidents.”

Tian Fu said yo the man in front of the main control screen.

The staff member called Lao Ma nodded, then pressed on a few b.u.t.tons on the console. Suddenly, an electronic voice sounded from the speaker. indicating that the torpedos are about to be launched.

”Hehe, Wha…!”

Tian Fu rubbed his hands in antic.i.p.ation and was about to say something, but the look on his face changed in the next moment.

”Lao Mo, what the h.e.l.l is going on?” “

In the midst of his boss’s questioning, Lao Mo’s face also changed. Because the red dot on the main screen suddenly disappeared.

”Boss, our sonar system can’t detect the conch anymore”

Lao Mo frowned.

”Does this sea monster have the ability to avoid sonar exploration?”

”The sea monster knew that we are following behind so it used this ability?”

After hearing Lao Mo’s guess, Tian Fu contemplated deeply.

”Is this the famous stealth-type monster that was mentioned so many times?” “

”No! “

Tian Fu quickly shook his head, denying his own guess.

”that sea monster killed a 300 meters long humpback whale with a single bite, this conch shouldn’t be able to do this.”

While he was deep in his thoughts, Lao Mo next to him suddenly said.

”Boss, the water flow has some weird changes. It seems that something is constantly approaching us, it might be that conch.”

This is one of the capabilities of their mothers.h.i.+p and airs.h.i.+ps. In addition to the sonar system, it has some special instruments to detect any fluctuation in the sea nearby.

Through the slight changes in the water flow, they can judge whether there is a nearby sea monster. The larger the creature, the easier it is to detect it.

”Drop the underwater robots.”

Tian Fu decisively ordered Old Mo besides him to drop underwater robots. The next moment, From the mothers.h.i.+p, dozens of holes were opened on its side, after which dozens of underwater robots were dropped into the sea.

These underwater robots rapidly spread around, transmitting back the image on the surrounding scene back to the control room.

At the same time, these underwater robots were also detecting the water fluctuations, so as to more accurately determine where the giant monster will come from.

This is their preparation for dealing with stealth-type creatures.

By this time, Tian Fu’s fleet also completely stopped.

The pictures and the short videos sent back by the underwater robots don’t have anything unusual, but the alarms attached to the robots are still madly ringing.

This means that in a certain direction, a.giant creature is quickly approaching.

Most of the robots headed in that direction, which is the direction where the conch has disappeared.

”Boss, I don’t think that just that conch can cause this situation.”

Lao Mo gave his own conclusion.

On the screen in front of him, there are many pictures. Tian Fu stared at each one of these photos with an awe-inspiring expression, carefully examining each one of them. Suddenly, his pupils violently shrank.

”Lao Mo, look, what’s that?!”

Tian Fu pointed to a picture and said with a look horror on his face. Lao Mo also noticed the picture at the same time, he didn’t hesitate to zoom to the maximum, showing the thing both of them noticed.

Due to the fact that the photo is zoomed to the maximum, the photo was slightly blurred, but the things on it can still be seen clearly.

In the gloomy sea, in front of them, a certain corner of the sea looked abnormally dark. That corner has a vague outline, but it still can be determined that it’s a fin.

That fin might look small in this picture, but thinking of the fact that this picture is taking over a.distance of almost 10 kilometers, and that just a corner of this fin still covers a large portion of the sea, the size of the owner of that fin can be imagined.


In the control room, the sound of someone swallowing sounded. Everyone looked horrified. If that is truly a sea monster’s fin, then how big is that monster?

”d.a.m.n it!”

Tian Fu was the first to wake up from the shock.

”Hurry, hurry up and start the flight engine, we have to get away from the water!”


His face was filled with panic.

Faced with a sea monster of such size, staying in the sea is almost tantamount to suicide.


The engines on both sides of all airs.h.i.+ps started roaring, creating huge tribulations on the water surface.

Immediately afterward, all airs.h.i.+ps slowly flew out from the sea surface.

The rest of the marine s.h.i.+ps and aircraft carriers started turning around and frantically spreading away

In the control room, the scene on the screen in front of Tian Fu is constantly changing, but it’s basically just the photos that the underwater robots are constantly sending to them.


Many people in the control room took a sharp breath.

Another unusual picture was transmitted back. This time the picture is much clearer. The underwater robots are only about 100 meters away from that creature.

That sea monster’s body couldn’t be revealed in the photo.

What was captured was only a small portion of its mouth.

Huge fangs like mountains, and a mouth like a bottomless hole, that’s all that they could see.

”d.a.m.n, this is the stealth-type monster that caused the previous commotion!”

Tian Fu felt that he is going crazy.

”d.a.m.n, it’s so big!”

Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 299 Tian Fu's Encounter

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Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 299 Tian Fu's Encounter summary

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