Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 38 Monkey Group

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Chapter 38 Monkey Group

”Hey! Hey!”

Among the leaves of a dense jungle, several large birds are fleeing in panic, and behind them, a 3-meter long python is quickly catching up along the branches.

“Target locked, great slaty woodp.e.c.k.e.r, Avian, Picidae, each one can provide 80 bio-energy point.”

The large bird that is fleeing in front of Fang Yun is the great slaty woodp.e.c.k.e.r, from the gray woodp.e.c.k.e.r family. It’s considered to be one of the biggest members of the woodp.e.c.k.e.r family, with adults usually reaching 50 cm in length.

This type of woodp.e.c.k.e.r is a resident bird, rarely migrating from its habitat, usually living in a group of 4 to 6 and rarely living alone.

As for the group of woodp.e.c.k.e.rs that are fleeing from Fang Yun, it consists of five.

This is the third day after Fang Yun reached level 8. after his evolution, he went back to the bare mountain, using it as a hunting ground, in these three days, Fang Yun hunted more than a dozen hare and vole.

In addition, using the anacondas ambus.h.i.+ng method, he ambushed a small wild boar in the small lake near his nest.

All these creatures have provided him with more than 2000 bio-energy point, by now his total bio-energy points have reached 2410, almost half the amount required for his next evolution.

In order to avoid scaring prey away, Fang Yun must change his hunting spot every few days, thus he changed his hunting spot to the jungle, planning to hunt here for the next few days.

Seeing that he rarely hunt in the left side of the jungle, Fang Yun chose it to hunt in for the next few days.

While he was exploring this jungle area, Fang Yun spotted the large grey woodp.e.c.k.e.r group, he still remembers eating grey woodp.e.c.k.e.rs eggs when he was still living in the pine tree nest. Having tasted their eggs, he doesn’t know what their taste may be, so he chose to have them for breakfast today.

Under his unrelenting chase, the distance between him and the gray woodp.e.c.k.e.rs is getting shorter and shorter.

Large gray woodp.e.c.k.e.rs do indeed fly, but their flying posture is quite clumsy, more importantly, they need an open area and to acc.u.mulate momentum before taking off, with the dense canopy obstructing them, and him chasing them, they hardly have any s.p.a.ce to do so.

Therefore, at this moment, the five large gray woodp.e.c.k.e.rs are all just running forward, waving their wings is mostly just to balance themselves,


Suddenly, Fang Yun accelerated even further, turning into a black shadow, he instantly arrived next to a gray woodp.e.c.k.e.r and bit its legs.


The gray woodp.e.c.k.e.r screamed in pain, madly slamming its wings several times, dropping a large number of feathers before falling to the ground.

After killing this gray woodp.e.c.k.e.r, Fang Yun temporarily ignored its body, flas.h.i.+ng next to another one, he bit it on its legs too, killing it.

Fang Yun finally stopped after killing two large grey woodp.e.c.k.e.rs.

The other three have already escaped a distance of 5 to 6 meters, and in front of them, there is a large open s.p.a.ce.

With a bang, the three woodp.e.c.k.e.rs slammed their legs on a tree branch, then jumped over the canopy, flying away.

Looking at the three large gray woodp.e.c.k.e.rs who had become a small dot in the distance, Fang Yun climbed down the tree, crawling next to the dead woodp.e.c.k.e.r’s bodies, then swallowed them.

Dragging his swollen belly, Fang Yun continued crawling forward.

Reaching the place where the other woodp.e.c.k.e.rs flew into the sky, he immediately recognized it, after all, he was very impressed by this place the previous time he was exploring this forest. It’s the fruit forest.

Or rather than calling it a fruit forest, it’s better to call it a garden, after all, there are only a few fruit trees.

Among the canopy of these trees, bright red attractive looking fruits are hanging from their branches.

Among these fruit trees, Fang Yun only recognized three persimmon trees. as for what type of fruit trees the other one are? who knows?

While he was looking at the fruit trees, a yellow leaf fell on to of his head.

Fang Yun lowered his head, looking at the yellow leaves spread on the ground, he couldn’t help but sigh.

Now that it’s the beginning of autumn, the leaves of most trees began to turn yellow, most of them falling to the ground, more importantly, the temperature in the forest has sharply dropped.

Fang Yun estimates that the current temperature is probably around 16 to 17 °C or 60 °F.

At this temperature, most snakes have reduced their activities, what affirms this fact is that he rarely saw snakes or frogs while strolling around these days.

As for himself, with his cold resistance, this temperature does not have the slightest effect on him, he is still as flexible and agile as before.

This is the same as he initially imagined, after upgrading “Skin Resistance” a few times, his cold and heat resistance will reach the point where he won’t be affected by the outside temperature;

”Ayyy! Ayyy!”

Suddenly, a sharp scream snapped Fang Yun out of his thoughts.

Subconsciously looking in the direction of the voice, he immediately became surprised.

He saw that a monkey group was jumping from a tree to another, reaching the fruit tree in just a few moments.

There are about 20 monkeys in this monkey group, at this moment, they are all excitedly jumping from one tree to another, cheerfully crying, happy at the discovery of the fruit garden.

“It turned out to be a monkey group. ”

Fang Yun thought internally, amazed, as this is the first time he saw this creature after his reincarnation, so he carefully watched them.

Under his observation, a monkey jumped to a persimmon tree, reaching out and grabbing a persimmon directly from the tree branch. taking a bite, he excitedly screamed and danced around the branches.

Looking at the other monkeys, they are doing practically the same thing.

He had seen monkeys in the zoo before, and their behavior was close to this monkey group, happy, cheerful and without care;

These monkeys are either sitting on a branch and eating fruits or climbing up trees and jumping on branches, from time to time looking at a variety of fruits across the trees, seemingly in a dilemma over which one to pick first.

Looking at the group of flexible monkeys playing on the trees, Fang Yun couldn’t help but envy them.

Why didn’t he reincarnate as a monkey?

If he was reincarnated as a monkey, he would have hands and feet, with mobility and hand flexibility being at the same level or even higher than humans, he can use tools and utensils making his life much easier.

He could also cook food to satisfy his appet.i.te, without having to bear with eating raw food like now.

In the future, after evolution, he can develop into a king-kong type of beast, or even toward a human type form. Who knows, maybe he can become a giant ape that can transform into a human with the ability to shoot planet-destroying energy bombs in the future, Unfortunately, he became a snake,

Although in the future he may become as powerful as a planet-destroying transforming ape, that would be far, far in the future.

Regretfully shaking his head, Fang Yun threw these fantasies out of his head, locking his eyes on the monkey group, specifically on a small monkey a bit far from the monkey group.

That monkey is quite a small one, looking like a child who has just left its mother protection.

Quite regretting that he was not reborn as a monkey, maybe he should capture one to comfort his injured heart?

Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 38 Monkey Group

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Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 38 Monkey Group summary

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