Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 389 Dome Civilization

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Chapter 389 Dome Civilization

“Angelo, are we finished?”

In a huge s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p, several figures were imprisoned in a cabin. At this time, a woman with curly hair said to a middle-aged man lying beside her.

The other people in the cabin gritted their teeth after hearing this question. They also silently looked at the middle-aged man sitting in the corner.

The middle-aged man silently looked at the floor. After what seemed like an eternity, he finally opened his mouth.

“No, we have sent out a distress signal, the Federation must have received our message.”

“They should have sent manpower to rescue us.”

After saying so, he shook his head slightly and said with a look of determination.

“So, we don’t need to be afraid at all. Even if we die in the end, these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds will have to be buried with us.”

“Not only that, but their entire civilization must also be buried with us!”

The other people in the cell nodded upon hearing this, a trace of pride rose in their heart.

The current human civilization is already very powerful. With the exception of the SkyRiver Empire, other civilizations have to pay the price for provoking them.

Seeing that the fear on everyone’s faces mostly dissipated, Angelo sighed internally, a trace of worry arose in his heart. He isn’t afraid of death just like everyone else, and he also knew that if the Federation truly send a rescue fleet, then these guys will absolutely be finished.

They have been doing their job as an exploratory team for many years, bringing back many contributions to the Federation. He can naturally die without regret, knowing that his family will be able to live the reminded of their lives peacefully and gloriously.

His only regret is that they caused a lot of trouble to the Federation by being captured by an alien fleet in this place.

After all, this place is only around 10 light-years away from the center of the Federation, the Earth.

Could it be that humans will be forced to wander again?

As a person who had experienced that wandering, Angelo didn’t want the Earth to wander again, so he is very worried at this time.

But he didn’t express his emotions. He must remain strong in front of his team, allowing them to have peace of mind.

At this time, the mentality became much more relaxed. They all vowed that no matter what they will experience later on, they will never leak the coordinates of the Earth.

“Captain, these guys are relatively safe.”

A voice suddenly sounded from outside the cell. It’s the universal language of the Milky Way. In order to communicate with other races and further integrate with other civilizations, the Federation has added this language to their education curriculum and considered it compulsory.

“Caso, be careful. These guys are wanted infected people, try to not have contact with them. We will transport them back to the Empire, hahaha, by then, we will get a big reward. “

Outside, the captain of the fleet, Stevenson patted Caso on the shoulder next to him and reminded him.

Stevenson is the captain of the Rodnan s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p and the leader of their fleet. They belong to the distant Dome star civilization.

The Dome star civilization is also considered a well-known civilization in the galaxy. They can conduct interstellar voyages, master hypers.p.a.ce technology, and also have weapons such as laser cannons and ion cannons.

Some of their s.p.a.ces.h.i.+ps are also equipped with turbo laser cannons. This weapon is naturally sold to them by the SkyRiver Empire. They don’t produce turbo laser cannons themselves.

In fact, in the Milky Way, there are few civilizations that can produce turbo laser cannons. Especially the kind of the turbo laser cannons that can be put into s.p.a.ces.h.i.+ps, there are even fewer producers of it.

Most civilizations just put turbo laser cannons on their planets, establis.h.i.+ng giant fortresses to protect their planets.

If such a civilization wants to install a turbo laser cannon on their s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p, their only way is buying a miniaturized turbo laser cannon generator from bigger powers.

Dome is exactly such a civilization.

Their Rodnan is also equipped with two turbo laser cannons, hence their s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p can be regarded as a relatively powerful one.

They accidentally discovered the trail of the wanted race, which made them happy. After transporting these guys back to Dom, they will definitely get a big reward.

Now that the star beast is over, the SkyRiver Empire has turned its attention to the pathogens that have appeared during this beast tide.

The golden behemoth is naturally one of them;

During this star beast tide, three Pathogens appeared, but after it’s finished, all three of them had disappeared.

In addition, Fang Yun, the giant serpent.

This monster is one of the prime targets of the Empire. Like the golden behemoth, he’s also a third-cla.s.s pathogen and now it has controlled a civilization-this is the news released by the SkyRiver Empire.

After the SkyRiver Empire issued the wanted order, many people paid attention to the existence of that giant serpent and the race under his control while exploring the starry sky;

However, up to now, no trace of the giant serpent has been found. It wasn’t just the giant serpent, but even the race under his control, the human race, has completely disappeared, causing many people to give up with regret.

“Talk to them again, try to get a confession from them about the location of their civilization.”

Stevenson said to Caso next to him: “Tell them that as long as they pa.s.s the machine’s detection, then their confession will become their key to getting rid of the wanted order and the t.i.tle of the infected.”

“Yes, Captain.”

Ca.s.so nodded heavily, then shouted loudly into a microphone: “You guys, our Captain Stevenson kindly reminds you.”

“You can confess now and tell us about the location of your civilization.”

Caso paused, then continued.

“Think about it, as long as you confess, you’ll have a chance to survive.”

“You might even get a citizens.h.i.+p card from the SkyRiver Empire. “

In that cabin, Angel and the others, who were resting with their eyes closed, sneered at the ridiculous words coming from the instrument above their head.

“Do you want us to betray our civilization?”

Angelo smiled disdainfully. After experiencing the age of war and wandering through s.p.a.ce they all love their civilizations very much. Not to mention the loyalty they have for the Federation, just their love for their families back on the Earth makes it impossible for them to betray.

If they are the type to betray their civilization so easily, how could they even be allowed to explore the starry sky?

From the moment they chose to undertake this exploration mission, they have been prepared for death and for never going back.

“d.a.m.n you Dome b.a.s.t.a.r.ds,”

Angelo rudely shouted.

“Hahaha, b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! Kill me if you have the ability, but rest a.s.sured that you will follow us shortly after!”

“Not only you but everyone on your planet, even your entire civilization will be buried with us. You will regret your actions so much at that time!”

The expression on Angelo’s face became more and more ferocious as he talked.

“Your greed brought you an unimaginable disaster. You should not have provoked us. Now your entire race will go to h.e.l.l with you.”

“If you want to repent, there’s still time. Let us go obediently now, otherwise, what I said before will be fulfilled soon.”

Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 389 Dome Civilization

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Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 389 Dome Civilization summary

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