Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 449 Guerilla War

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Chapter 449 Guerilla War

Fang Yun is no longer the same as before. His strength has increased a lot. If he encounters that Downey’s fleet again, He can quickly exterminate them before they can injure him.

While Fang Yun was thinking about this internally, his sight once again focused on the incoming fleet. A white light suddenly flashed in his mouth.


A laser beam was shot from his mouth, heading towards a Norton-cla.s.s battles.h.i.+p in the distance. The incoming fleet was already prepared, all of them had activated their energy s.h.i.+eld.


The laser beam collided with the energy s.h.i.+eld, creating a gigantic explosion, engulfing the battles.h.i.+p, and creating a dazzling light.

But in the end, although the energy s.h.i.+eld was destroyed, the battles.h.i.+p wasn’t damaged. Fang Yun’s laser beam does not have the power to smash a Norton-cla.s.s battles.h.i.+p with just one shot. However, it’s an entirely different matter for his “Antimatter Bomb”. This is a prime opportunity to try it.

“Be careful!!”

On the other side, the people inside the opposite s.p.a.ces.h.i.+ps cried out after Fang Yun attacked them.

Now Fang Yun has become completely famous. His name is like a demon to the citizens of the Supreme Blue Empire. It can be used to stop children from crying at night, and even experienced soldiers like them are afraid of him.

Fang Yun didn’t plan to fight them head-on. After launching several attacks on other Norton-cla.s.s planet destroyers, he turned around and left.

He sensed that a lot of powerful battles.h.i.+ps were incoming from afar.

He doesn’t intend to launch the final attack now. According to his plan, he will use his speed to fly to the other side of the solar system and launch an attack on them, exhausting them.

The great serpent appeared again.

News about Fang Yun spread in the imperial capital again, then radiated across the entire Supreme Blue Empire. This is a great thing for Fang Yun, his reputation value is increasing rapidly.

Just after his last appearance, his reputation value has increased by more than 10 billion, reaching 200 billion, causing him to get another 100 skill points. Fang Yun immediately used them to upgrade the skill “Antimatter Bomb”.


“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

In s.p.a.ce, a giant serpent was roaring with its head held high. Around him, countless s.p.a.ce fighters were attacking it. The lasers emitted from thousands of s.p.a.ce fighters landed on his body, creating countless giant potholes.

However, these potholes were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“The serpent is coming!”

On the outermost protective planet of the Imperial Capital. Many intelligent creatures on the ground were able to see the great serpent in the sky. They clearly saw the white light radiating from its mouth.

Even in the daytime, the white light is clearly visible.

They could even see and hear the explosions in the highest sky. Along with the appearance of each white light, one of their battles.h.i.+ps or s.p.a.ce fighters exploded.

The people on the planet’s surface all watched this with their hearts in their throats. This Great Serpent had appeared on their planet more than an hour ago.

This monster did not show any sign of leaving. It’s planning to stay here for a long time, and it might even directly attack their planet.

Earlier, they learned through instant messages that this giant serpent was wandering near the Imperial Capital, warning citizens to get ready to hide if it ever attacks them.

At that time, the people on the outer six planets were the most worried, fearing that the great serpent would suddenly attack their planet.

But what they never expected is that the unfortunate still happened.

“Oh my G.o.d, why is this? Why did this monster choose our Terra Planet?”

“Go, go away!”

On the street, many people looked at the scene above them with panicked looks.

All of them were extremely scared. According to reports, this terrifying behemoth has a length of a mountain range, nearly 100 kilometers long. However, from their perspective, the size of this great serpent isn’t anything special.

However, they know the power and record of this creature. This is a terrifying creature that can’t be handled by a fleet composed of dozens of Norton-cla.s.s planet destroyers. If this creature attacks their defenseless planet, then it will certainly be destroyed.

These people, no matter where they hide on this planet. Whether it’s in a remote wilderness or the deepest part of the planet, there is only one end, death.

“Save us, save us!”

“Why can’t the big troops come? Are they only going to protect the Imperial Planet?”

“d.a.m.n these elders, don’t they know that this giant serpent has targeted our Terra Star? Why are they still insisting to keep the main military fleet in the Imperial Planet?”

On Terra Planet, many people started to curse frantically, some were cursing the giant serpent outside the atmosphere, and some were cursing the elders.

Because there were not many Norton-cla.s.s planet destroyers there, they couldn’t effectively stop Fang Yun from wreaking havoc.


In the planet’s...o...b..t, Fang Yun raised his head and roared loudly. There were a total of 12 Norton-cla.s.s battles.h.i.+ps not far away. The reason why the rest of the Norton-cla.s.s battles.h.i.+ps weren’t sent to deal with him is that the council of elders has figured out his plan.

Therefore, half of their forces were permanently stationed on the Imperial Planet. The other half was divided across the rest of the planets.

“Destroying these twelve Norton-cla.s.s battles.h.i.+ps should consume a lot of the Imperial Capital’s forces.”

A Norton-cla.s.s Planet Destroyer, in its complete form, can provide him with about 800-900 million bio-energy points. These twelve battles.h.i.+ps together should be able to provide him with more than 10 billion bio-energy points.

Of course, things will not go so smoothly. It’s extremely rare to destroy the internal components of this type of battles.h.i.+p without damaging it. Most of the time, it gets broken into many pieces, wasting a lot of bio-energy points.


Fang Yun roared loudly, then suddenly flashed away, reappearing above a Norton-cla.s.s battles.h.i.+p. The Norton-cla.s.s planet destroyer below immediately locked Fang Yun’s position. In just a split of a second, their main cannon moved to Fang Yun’s position, but before they could launch an attack, Fang Yun swooped down.

He blocked the incoming laser beam with “s.p.a.ce Barrier”, then waved his tail at the speed of light and struck the battles.h.i.+p before it had the time to activate its energy s.h.i.+eld, breaking it into pieces.

Without even trying to devour the wreckage, Fang Yun immediately retreated, flas.h.i.+ng to another location and avoiding another rain of laser beams.

These guys can not be underestimated. Not long ago, Fang Yun destroyed the energy s.h.i.+eld of a Planet Destroyer battles.h.i.+p without causing damage to the battles.h.i.+p, keeping the most bio-energy readily available.

Just when he opened his mouth and tried to swallow the battles.h.i.+p, it actually exploded. These guys didn’t hesitate to launch the self-destruction program of the battles.h.i.+p in front of him. Not to mention the loss of the bio-energy, his mouth was also blown up.

Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 449 Guerilla War

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Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 449 Guerilla War summary

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