Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 502 Otto's Thoughts

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Chapter 502 Otto’s Thoughts

“Boom, Boom! Boom!”

In outer s.p.a.ce, one brilliant burst of light and flames appeared after the other. Fang Yun didn’t know how many battles.h.i.+ps did he destroy.

With his rapid and precise shooting ability, no battles.h.i.+p can avoid his attacks.

On the other side, Finsen was annoyed upon seeing his battles.h.i.+ps getting destroyed one after the other, but he didn’t have any countermeasures.

Under his orders, the entire fleet quickly spread out, then continuously fired laser beams at Fang Yun. However, due to the scatteredness of the laser beams, few could accurately land on him.

His body is extremely large, almost the difference between an elephant and a mouse compared to those battles.h.i.+ps, but in the endless s.p.a.ce and across such a large battlefield, he looked particularly small.

Coupled with his speed, it’s normal that these laser beams couldn’t hit him.

“Master Finsen, if this continues, our battles.h.i.+ps will be completely decimated.”

A soldier suddenly reported to Finsen.

Finsen had a particularly gloomy expression on his face, but he didn’t panic.

“Where is Otto’s fleet now?”

He is still waiting for Otto’s fleet to come and help him contain this serpent, waiting until the other heavens’ fleets arrive, then completely end this serpent’s life.

“Otto told me that it will take a while before they arrive here.”

The soldier said with a slight frown.

“Huh?” Finsen raised his brows and said, “It has been a long time now, how come that guy and his fleet hadn’t arrived?”

After a pause, he immediately gave the soldier an order.

“Go and urge them immediately. They are required to arrive here within one hour!”

Finsen never considered that if the fleet is too far away, rus.h.i.+ng recklessly forward in a dangerous environment like s.p.a.ce can result in great loss and manpower death to even advanced fleets.

To Finsen, Otto and his fleet aren’t nearly as important as his and his fleet’s lives.

On the other side, After hearing Finsen’s new order, Otto had a particularly dissatisfied look on his face. He groaned for a moment but didn’t say anything in the end.

Around him, his deputies were looking at him, waiting for his orders.

“Master Otto, it seems that commander Finsen has encountered a crisis.”

One of the deputies suddenly said.

“He didn’t let his Mike support him, but instead asked us to go over. He’s probably afraid that Mike will be attacked again on the way.”

“After all, the speed that giant serpent is much higher than us, whether it’s in the material s.p.a.ce or hypers.p.a.ce.”

The adjutant said with a sneer.

“However, he never considered whether we will be attacked by the great serpent, or whether our fleet will be damaged after rus.h.i.+ng over.”

“How can that guy think about us? I hate xenophobic b.a.s.t.a.r.ds like him the most!”

Another adjutant said with a sneer on his face.

“Well, everyone, what do you think, do you think we should immediately head out to help Finsen and his fleet?”

Otto turned his head and looked at everyone.

Everyone was stunned after hearing the usually calm Otto’s vicious words. They were all angry at Finsen, hence if they say that they can’t go…

Upon thinking of this, a series of smiles appeared on the deputy’s faces. They wondered that if something happened to Finsen’s fleet after they don’t go, will they be held accountable?

Everyone was very dissatisfied with this Finsen. From the beginning, they decided that they want nothing to do with the giant serpent’s incident, but that guy constantly forced them to act.

Now that that guy ordered them to support him, If they don’t, they will definitely be hated by him. If that guy releases the information back, then their eighth heaven will be in heavy trouble.

“Master Otto, if we can, of course, we don’t want to go there, but if that guy sends a report back…”

A deputy glanced at his companions, then hesitantly said to Otto.

Otto nodded and said.

“I know your concerns, but don’t worry, we won’t fall into such a bad state.”

“We can just make some excuses, anyway, we are far away from each other. Although the strength of the seventh heaven is much higher than us, it didn’t reach the point where they can annihilate us without any losses. If they start a war between the heavens, they won’t come out of this war unscathed”

“Furthermore, Finsen has likely reached the point of life and death at this time. If we go now, we won’t have any good end. Not to mention that we will be treated as cannon fodder, the great serpent will also hate us even if we escape.”

Otto started his worries.

He knew that they had fought many times with the giant serpent, but they hadn’t much entanglement. It had been most other forces taking the lead with him sitting behind, but this time, he is required to face the great serpent head on! he will surely incur its wrath if he did so.

“Commander, it’s up to you to decide, we all listen to you.”

The deputies looked at each other, then didn’t hesitate to say.

Hearing this, Otto took a deep breath and said.

“Well, since everyone is willing to listen to me, then wait for the time being. By the way, don’t forget to send a message to Finsen stating that we are about to arrive.”

One of the deputies immediately left, and the rest started discussing the detailed plan.

On the other side, after hearing Otto’s reply to him, Finsen felt more at ease, but as time pa.s.sed, his mood got worse and worse/

Another hour has pa.s.sed but Otto and his fleet hadn’t arrived. They hadn’t even seen his shadow.

The battle with the great serpent has reached the critical stage, and they are barely holding it back using their defensive formation and advanced weapons.

“d.a.m.n, what the h.e.l.l is Otto doing?”

Finsen couldn’t help but curse.

“Go! Go and remind that b.a.s.t.a.r.d to quickly get here!”

Finsen’s heart was trembling, the momentum of the great serpent is too great. Only about 2000 battles.h.i.+ps remain, and they are barely holding back.

Although single attacks like “Antimatter Bomb” have high-destructive power and a strong locking effect, their efficiency isn’t very high in front of such an advanced fleet.

However, Fang Yun still shuttled through the fleet, destroying one battles.h.i.+p after the other, consuming their inventory.

“My lord, our manpower is getting very strained. It’s becoming more and more difficult to restrain the great serpent. We won’t be able to hold back for long!”

An adjutant reported to Finsen.

Finsen gritted his teeth and angrily said.

“Continue blocking that monster! Once the reinforcements arrive, we will be deal with it!”

He is still pinning his hopes on Otto. Unfortunately, Otto never thought about supporting them from the beginning. He is currently slowly moving forward along with his fleet, without knowing the situation of the battlefield far away.

Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 502 Otto's Thoughts

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Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 502 Otto's Thoughts summary

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