Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 563.1

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Chapter 563.1

“Doron, the more time pa.s.ses, the more I’m convinced that commander Otto’s decision was wise.”

Inside a big co-shared house, Nara said to the grown Doron next to him. Doron also sighed with wonder on his face. He is actually one of the culprits that led to the fame of the giant serpent.

Sometimes, he can’t help but wonder. What would have happened if he didn’t report Drummond’s death and ask the school to take revenge. Would it have led to an entirely different development?

“Yeah, if it weren’t for Commander Otto’s original decision, our eighth heaven might have been destroyed or have fallen into war by now.”


Both of them sighed while nodding. Fortunately, they have a wise general who can see through the surface situation and make critical decisions.

At this moment, they are browsing the news about the seventh heaven. According to the latest news, the seventh heaven is filled with the smoke of wars now.

Fleets in various places are fighting each other, competing for territory, resources, populations, and independence!

In addition, many pollutants started acting up. Such a place is the best environment for them.

In short, the current Seventh Heaven is a war-torn place. Gone was the peace and prosperity, now it can’t even defend itself.

The council and citizens of the eighth heaven trembled a bit upon receiving the news because they were so close to falling into such chaos before.

Currently, commander Otto, the general who led the vanguard fleet to fight against the giant serpent before has become the highest military figure in the eighth heaven, a war G.o.d.

Countless people are grateful for his wise decisions and management that saved the eighth heaven from disaster.

While the people in the Eighth Horizon were celebrating their survival, in the seventh heaven, a giant fleet was galloping across the dark s.p.a.ce.

This fleet is the allied fleet led by Lu Ming, and it’s still searching for the giant serpent at this moment.

They received a new order from the top. They must find the giant serpent and contain it in the seventh heaven, the headquarters will continue to send more troops. This is a mission they can’t fail!

The leaders of the fifth and sixth heaven along with their people are very nervous now.

Although there is the sixth heaven between the fifth and seventh heaven, this sixth heaven has no way to stop the giant serpent. They suffer a disastrous loss if the giant serpent is allowed to leave the seventh heaven.

Don’t mention the sixth heaven, even their fifth heaven will suffer greatly if the giant serpent is allowed to enter it.

Of course, the sixth heaven is the most concerned about this matter.

At the moment, countless battles.h.i.+ps and stars.h.i.+ps appeared in the boundary between the seventh and sixth heaven. The sixth heaven even started building bases and transporting Battlestars and fortresses there.

This is to prevent the giant serpent from pa.s.sing through the boundary and entering their sixth heaven.

In fact, in that boundary, quite a few fifth heaven s.h.i.+ps appeared. They also contributed power to stop the giant serpent from moving forward.

Of course, deploying such a ma.s.sive army and manpower to the boundary has caused a great strain on the sixth heaven, giving the aboriginal pollutants an even greater chance to act and riot.

In short, traces of instability appeared in the sixth heaven. Many low-level civilizations have been either destroyed or enslaved by various pollutants.

The intelligent creatures of the seventh heaven are miserable, but the citizens of the sixth heaven are also unhappy.

“The higher-ups gave us a death mission. We must find the giant serpent before it can leave the seventh heaven!”

Lu Ming stood in the control center, speaking to the small leaders and captains of his fleet.

“So, everyone must work harder to find the trace of the giant serpent.”

“There’s no trace of the giant serpent in the boundary between the sixth and seventh heaven, so it’s likely still in the seventh heaven.”

Lu Ming had an extremely solemn expression on his face.

“The fate of both the sixth and fifth heaven is on the line. Everyone in this fleet is concerned, so everyone must give their best!”

“I hope that we can all work together to deal with this disaster.”

“Now I announce that the work time has been doubled! We will turn the detection equipment to the maximum extent at all times! If you find any suspicious object or creature, you must immediately report it! We must let go of any suspicious object!”

After the lecture, Lu Ming rubbed his eyebrows, the mission he received is the highest level 1 mission. Which is a mission that must be completed at all costs, even if he sacrifices the entire fleet! This put him under great pressure.

Of course, if they can find the tracks of the giant serpent, the rewards they will receive will be extremely generous.

“This giant serpent is really difficult to handle. I wonder where this monster is hiding now?”

Lu Ming had a deep frown on his face.

In fact, even if he didn’t receive the death mission, he would still try his best to find the giant serpent. He has great confidence in his fleet and the fourth heaven’s battles.h.i.+ps.

In addition, his best friend died at the hands of the giant serpent. Revenge must be reported!

“Gu Li, don’t worry, I will kill that monster for you.”

Lu Ming heaved a sigh of relief, his eyes were firm.

“Now, the most important thing to do is to find the trace of the giant serpent.“

Following Lu Ming’s order, the entire fleet started spreading out, covering a much larger range than before, looking for any suspicious trace around.

However, what Lu Ming didn’t know was that the giant serpent they were looking for was hiding in the deep s.p.a.ce far above them.


In the distant s.p.a.ce above, Fang Yun observed the huge fleet below. He quickly spotted the fourth heaven stars.h.i.+ps he was looking for.

They were quite easy to find as they were quite different from any other s.h.i.+ps in the fleet.

Through visual observation, Fang Yun judged that there are roughly 50,000 of these s.h.i.+ps in the allied fleet.

This number is insignificant in comparison to the rest of the fleet, but considering the combat capabilities of these s.h.i.+ps, this number is actually very big.

Of course, Fang Yun didn’t know their specific information and abilities, because he hadn’t fought against them yet.

“I have to find a way to swallow this batch of s.h.i.+ps.”

Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 563.1

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Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent Chapter 563.1 summary

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