Discussing The Correct Posture To Enjoy Dog Food Chapter 118 - Snow Pear Flavored Dead Gong (17)

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Chapter 118 - Snow Pear Flavored Dead Gong (17)

Translated by Hua Li ^_^

Sorry for the late update, my exams started…so was busy preparing for that

Sun Zhuozhuo, though not particularly intelligent, was very sensitive to people’s emotions. He could sense a hint of ill intent in Song Lian’s tone as he approached Gou Liang and lowered his voice to ask, “Qining, do you know him?”

“No, I don’t,”

Gou Liang replied bluntly.

As Gou Liang entered the shop, Song Lian seemed oblivious to Gou Liang’s unwelcoming att.i.tude and followed inside. After surveying the decor on the first floor, Song Lian quickly deduced that none of the expensive “treasures” displayed in the exquisite showcases had any real value.

“Why has Mr. Song come here?”

Gou Liang asked in a tone that clearly indicated his distrust towards unexpected visitors.

Song Lian smiled and replied, “Meng Tians.h.i.+ doesn’t need to be so guarded. I harbor no ill intentions towards you. It’s thanks to Meng Tians.h.i.+’s efforts that the crisis in Shuangye City was resolved this time, and my master’s reputation was salvaged. Song Lian is indebted to Meng Tians.h.i.+ and should express grat.i.tude on behalf of my master and martial aunt.”

With a bow, he expressed his thanks.

“Is that all?” Gou Liang asked with a hint of amus.e.m.e.nt.


Song Lian, still bent over, was taken aback.

Gou Liang smirked and said, “I accept your grat.i.tude. If you have nothing else, you may leave.”

Song Lian: “…”

He hadn’t expected that someone within the same circle would dare to treat a disciple of Changtian Gate like this. A trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

Suppressing his anger, Song Lian maintained his composure and said, “I’ve heard from Master Yuan Qing that Meng Tians.h.i.+, you are a hero since youth. I once harbored some compet.i.tive spirit, wanting to compare myself to you. However, upon learning that you not only broke the Soul-Transference Array but also saved tens of thousands of lives and my aunt’s life, I realized the vast difference between us. I feel ashamed of my previous compet.i.tiveness. I came here to express my thanks to you in person and also to make friends with Meng Tians.h.i.+. I didn’t expect it to turn out like this.”

With that, the smile faded from Song Lian’s face, replaced by a bitter smile, as he looked at Gou Liang with apologetic eyes.

Watching from the side, Sun Zhuozhuo s.h.i.+vered.

Rubbing his arms, he said, “Bro, you’re not much older than us, can you speak in more everyday language? The way you talk gives me gooseb.u.mps.”

Song Lian: “…”

Could it be true that birds of a feather flock together?

Seeing that Song Lian wasn’t going to speak frankly, Gou Liang ignored him. With his current demeanor, he didn’t need to give face to a junior who hadn’t even reached half the level of a Heavenly Master.

As for Changtian Gate?

Sorry, as a self-taught wandering Master, he was ignorant of such figures.

Gou Liang then turned to ask about other matters, “Azhuo, what’s going on with the Ruyi Pavillion across the street?”

Despite the fine weather, Ruyi Pavillion remained closed with no business being conducted, which didn’t fit the style of Mr. Zhou, the owner.

At the mention of this, Sun Zhuozhuo’s expression turned strange. Ever since Father Meng pa.s.sed away and Ruyi Pavilion seized all the business from Qizang Pavilion, Sun Zhuozhuo, as the current owner’s close friend, held no fondness for Ruyi Pavillion, especially Mr. Zhou’s arrogant att.i.tude.

But now, when asked about it, he felt somewhat uneasy. “I don’t know what shady business they’ve been up to, but they were found dead in front of their own shop late last night.”


Gou Liang was surprised.

As the saying goes, misfortune does not come alone, and although Mr. Zhou had a questionable character, he was a long-lived individual.

“Yes,” Sun Zhuozhuo said. “Although he was a detestable person, he was still a living human being. How could he just die like that? I heard it seemed like a robbery, he was stabbed several times and left bleeding.”

Song Lian laughed from the side, “If Meng Tians.h.i.+ wants to know, I happen to know some inside information.”


“Speaking of which, this matter is somewhat related to you, Meng Tians.h.i.+”

Song Lian said with a meaningful glance towards the second floor of Qizang Pavilion. “I heard that a few days ago, in order to dispel the lingering resentment of the fierce ghosts, Meng Tians.h.i.+ set up the Liangyi Extreme Yang Formation twice in Qizang Pavilion. The essence of that day covered the entire street, and coincidentally, Mr. Zhou kept a few unremarkable ghosts in Ruyi Pavillion, usually doing some unsavory tasks for him. Under the residual influence of the Liangyi Formation, those with acc.u.mulated karma had their souls dispersed.”

“Then, Mr. Zhou, feeling aggrieved, somehow heard about the treasures hidden in Qizang Pavilion. Yesterday, when you were absent, he pried open the lock and sneaked into Qizang Pavilion… Meng Tians.h.i.+ should be able to guess what happened next, right?”

Song Lian paused subtly.

Gou Liang remained silent with a stern expression, while Sun Zhuozhuo listened with a horrified look. “Qining, didn’t Mr. Zhou die from a robbery?”

Gou Liang replied with irritation, “Unlike some people who witnessed it firsthand, how would I know how he died?”

Song Lian was choked by his retort and continued, “It just so happened that I was with Captain Zhang when the incident occurred, so I followed along.”

“Mr. Zhou brought something to Qizang Pavilion, presumably ghosts or spirits. Qizang Pavilion has formations specifically designed to dispel malevolent spirits, but in the end, he was stabbed by whatever he brought with him. Remarkably, he managed to escape from Qizang Pavilion, but ultimately, his soul was devoured at the entrance.”

“When we arrived, blood trailed from Qizang Pavilion to Ruyi Pavilion. Fortunately, it was midnight, so there were no witnesses, otherwise, Meng Tians.h.i.+ might have been troubled.”

“While cleaning up Qizang Pavilion, I had the opportunity to observe the protective formations, which were truly exquisite. I must say, the Meng family’s knowledge is profound. Even Changtian Gate rarely sees such formations.”

Gou Liang smiled dismissively at the compliment, “Thank you for your praise, but it’s merely the result of acc.u.mulated virtue.”

Song Lian remarked, “It seems Meng Tians.h.i.+ really doesn’t welcome me.”

Gou Liang didn’t respond verbally but gave him a look that said, “You know it, now scram.”

Song Lian sighed and then said, “My apologies for being presumptuous. Actually, I’ve been waiting outside Qizang Pavilion these past few days, hoping to meet Meng Tians.h.i.+.”

After a slight hesitation, he revealed his true intention, “I’ve heard that Meng Tians.h.i.+ possesses a Nine PaG.o.da Tower pa.s.sed down through the generations, which is extraordinary. I’ve read a bit about this artifact in my sect’s records. It’s rumored to command nine divine weapons, reclaim all lost souls in the world, and even reverse the cycle of life and death. Such a divine weapon has always been a dream of mine. Unexpectedly, I heard about the existence of the Nine PaG.o.da Tower this time, and out of curiosity, I dared to come and disturb. Could Meng Tians.h.i.+ allow me a glimpse?”


Gou Liang maintained his smiling expression but replied with an unquestionable tone.

“Why?” Song Lian was surprised. “Meng Tians.h.i.+, I’m merely curious, I have absolutely no intention of prying into your treasures!”

Gou Liang’s smile faded, and he looked at Song Lian coldly, “You’re strange. Do I know you? Just because you’re curious, I have to show you my family heirloom? Do you think I’m your father or your master? What you want, I have to give you?”

Song Lian, offended by his words, even dragging his father and master into it, finally showed a change in his usual mild and polite demeanor.

“Meng Tians.h.i.+, if you don’t want to, then forget it. There’s no need to speak so harshly,” he said angrily, as if Gou Liang had done something utterly outrageous.

Before Gou Liang could speak, Sun Zhuozhuo couldn’t stand it anymore. “Hey, what’s wrong with you? Just now, you were clear-headed when you were doing fortune-telling for me, but now you’re acting like an idiot? Do we owe you a favor or money? He’s showing you face by letting you see, not showing you is perfectly reasonable. Don’t act like he’s bullying you. A grown man like you, instead of learning anything useful, you act like a spoiled princess, thinking the whole world revolves around you.”

“How dare you!”

“Oh, now you’re angry? What are you going to do about it?”

Song Lian’s eyes darkened with a hint of coldness. Gou Liang stepped forward to s.h.i.+eld Sun Zhuozhuo, dispersing the hostility directed at him and blocking Sun Zhuozhuo’s disaster.

They say words are like seeds, often said unintentionally but offending those with higher cultivation. However, among these cultivators, there’s an unwritten rule that they must not harm ordinary people. But this Song Lian seemed to lack principles.

Sun Zhuozhuo, unaware of the seriousness of the situation, continued to protest, “Qining, move aside, I have to teach him a lesson in how to be a decent person!”

The scene in the shop became lively, and someone walked in with a welcoming electronic sound.

Seeing the commotion, Liu Yiyi exclaimed, “Wow, what’s going on here? Is this a drama?”

He was holding a cage of magpies, having just come from the neighboring flower and bird market in the antique street. He had calculated that Gou Liang would have returned victoriously by now and had come specifically to greet him, but he didn’t expect to stumble upon this scene.

“The arrival of magpies brings happiness. Liu Tians.h.i.+, are you here to bring me good fortune?”

“Liu Tians.h.i.+.”

Gou Liang and Song Lian greeted Liu Yiyi, the latter nodding to Gou Liang before turning to Song Lian, his perpetually smiling eyes narrowing slightly.

He said, “So, you’re Nephew Song, huh? I heard that the trouble this time involved someone from Changtian Gate. Is Nephew Song here to thank Xiao Meng?”

Liu Yiyi paid no attention to the tension in the shop earlier, walking forward with the chattering magpies. “Xiao Meng, perhaps you haven’t heard of Changtian Gate? It’s one of the most precious cultural heritages of China for thousands of years. Whenever the country is in trouble, they will step forward without hesitation to rescue the descendants of China from danger. They are great benefactors, just too low-key usually. It wasn’t until this time that I had the chance to meet Nephew Song that I realized Changtian Gate is not just a legend.”

“I see, my apologies for the oversight”

Gou Liang responded politely.

Liu Yiyi waved it off, indicating it wasn’t a big deal. “Ignorance is forgivable. I believe Nephew Song isn’t the kind of narrow-minded person, right?”

What else could Song Lian do but nod?

Before Liu Tians.h.i.+ finished his words, he continued with emotion, “Ah, speaking of Changtian Gate, they uphold righteousness and are truly admirable. However, having more women than men brings more burdens. Their hearts are too soft, especially for those who are mothers. A moment of weakness nearly caused harm to the entire city. Luckily, you, Xiao Meng, had a solution. Otherwise, if it were me, I could only watch helplessly from the sidelines.”

With just a few words, he first pointed out Gou Liang’s ignorance of Changtian Gate’s background and then highlighted the significant fault committed by Changtian Gate, causing Song Lian’s arrogant expression to change. His arrogance was immediately extinguished.

Gou Liang modestly responded, “I rely on the blessings of my ancestors. If it weren’t for the Nine PaG.o.da Tower, I wouldn’t have anything. Just now, this Mr. Song came asking for the Nine PaG.o.da Tower, saying he was curious and wanted to play with it. I thought to myself, aside from suppressing evil spirits inside, after absorbing quite a bit of resentment in Shuangye City this time, I had to refuse him kindly. But it seems he wasn’t pleased.”

His face was full of smiles, but his words contained sarcasm. Song Lian wanted to retort, but Liu Tians.h.i.+ frowned and said, “Nephew Song, you were wrong.”

“The Nine PaG.o.da Tower is Meng Tians.h.i.+’s artifact. Even if there were no evil spirits inside, you cannot just ask a celestial master for their artifact to play with. Hmph, if anyone thinks it’s fun and asks me for the Sanqing Bells, I would have been like ‘where does this ignorant brat come from?’ I’d have to beat him until even his father won’t recognize him.”

Song Lian swallowed his anger and lowered his head in humiliation. “I apologize for my rudeness.”

Seeing the indifferent demeanor of the two, Song Lian didn’t want to embarra.s.s himself further and bid farewell. “Liu Tians.h.i.+ came here with important matters to discuss with Meng Tians.h.i.+. I won’t disturb you any longer. Once again, thank you to Meng Tians.h.i.+ for the kindness shown to Changtian Gate. When I return to the sect, I will definitely report your kindness to my master.”

With that, he turned and left.

Sun Zhuozhuo, seeing the situation, also felt he was causing trouble and said he would leave.

Liu Yiyi didn’t mind, saying casually, “I’m just an idle person, what secret matters could I have to discuss with Xiao Meng? I just came to say h.e.l.lo and see that you’re safe.”

Gou Liang expressed his grat.i.tude sincerely, “Thank you for your concern.”

Liu Yiyi didn’t bother with formalities and just said that Song Lian’s demeanor from earlier, which held a grudge, didn’t escape his notice, causing him to feel a bit uncomfortable as he said, “Because Song Lian’s sect is special, Yuan Qing even specifically asked me and Lao Fang to meet him before. He’s been inquiring about you and the Nine PaG.o.da Tower all along, wanting to know how you subdued that fierce ghost. I thought since you’ve done such a big favor for Changtian Gate, he would at least restrain himself a bit, but I didn’t expect him to come to you feeling unhappy.”

“I suppose I gave him reason to feel unhappy,” Gou Liang said with a smile, “As you know, I’m even more impulsive than him. I never hold back against people I dislike.”

Liu Yiyi laughed heartily, saying that he admired Gou Liang’s straightforwardness.

Then, Liu Yiyi brought up another matter, concerning the owner of Ruyi Pavillion across the street who met his end after breaking into Qizang Pavilion at night and dying at their doorstep.

He said, “I heard that Mr. Zhou’s family still thinks the thief was killed by you and wants to cause trouble for you. The higher-ups managed to stop them, but who knows if they’ll try to do something behind the scenes. Xiao Meng, you should be careful when coming and going.”

Gou Liang quickly agreed.

Seeing that Gou Liang understood the situation, Liu Yiyi didn’t linger any longer, saying he still had soup simmering at home, and left with his magpies.

Sun Zhuozhuo, worriedly, suggested, “Why don’t you come stay at my place for a few days? The security here is too poor. Mr. Zhou could sneak up to our door at midnight. Who knows what his family might do?”

“He snuck up to the door, what happened then?”

Gou Liang completely ignored these jumping clown-like characters, and Sun Zhuozhuo, thinking of the fate that befell Mr. Zhou, also refrained from saying more.

It was Gou Liang who asked him, “Are you guarding my door because of Mr. Zhou’s incident?”

“Partly, and also because there’s something else I need to tell you.” Sun Zhuozhuo took out an invitation from his pocket. “Qiu Yiyi, our cla.s.smate from the same department, you still remember her, right? She’s getting married soon and specifically asked me to give you this invitation.”

“Qiu Yiyi? From the neighboring cla.s.s? I barely exchanged a few words with her in four years. Why would she invite me to such a big event like her wedding?”

“I was wondering too, so I asked my dad. He said she’s marrying this old man who is particularly superst.i.tious about Feng Shui and is also an antique dealer. He probably heard about your situation, knowing there’s some connection between his young wife and you, and that’s why he included you.”

Sun Zhuozhuo placed the invitation down and said, “His family has some acquaintance with my dad too. They meet often in business circles, so I couldn’t refuse to deliver it to you. Whether you want to go or not is up to you, no need to consider my feelings.”

Gou Liang chuckled, “You’re acting like you have a big face.”

Sun Zhuozhuo grinned.

After he left, Gou Liang released Bi Xia from the soul jade. “Is it him?”

Bi Xia shook his head. ” Guyang This is that evil master who imprisoned Bi Xia, Guyangzi [ n] didn’t possess him; he just used a strand of ghostly energy to manipulate him.”

Gou Liang understood and said with a smile, “I thought he had become crafty in his old age. His acting skills are so good; it turns out it was really Song Lian in the role. But how could he be so confident to deal with me or with you just with a little brat?”

Bi Xia chuckled, “He’s not that foolish. I think he must be nearby. So, I left a trace of my aura on that Mr. Song, and we can wait for him to walk into our trap.”

And Song Lian didn’t disappoint them. After coming out of the antique street, he arrived at a five-star hotel.

“Master, there is indeed a ghostly aura in that tower, but I don’t know if it’s the one you’re looking for. The artifact you gave me also didn’t react.”

Song Lian was humble, showing no arrogance that he displayed in front of Gou Liang and the others.

Song Lian’s master, the mysterious current head of Changtian Gate, Du Guyang, was sitting on the sofa in a suit, puffing on a cigar, enjoying himself. He wasn’t surprised by this outcome, silently smoking for a while before turning to his disciple. Then, he frowned, about to disperse the ghostly aura left on Song Lian—

A hand with tattoos of karmic hindrances emerged from the void, caught the cigar, and crushed the smoke with karmic fire.

Bi Xia stepped out of the void, smiling evilly at Du Guyang. He said, “Master Guyang, it’s been three thousand years. Is this how you welcome this general?”

Discussing The Correct Posture To Enjoy Dog Food Chapter 118 - Snow Pear Flavored Dead Gong (17)

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Discussing The Correct Posture To Enjoy Dog Food Chapter 118 - Snow Pear Flavored Dead Gong (17) summary

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