Discussing The Correct Posture To Enjoy Dog Food Chapter 131 - Grape Flavored Imperial Gong (10)

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Chapter 131 - Grape Flavored Imperial Gong (10)

Translated by Hua Li ^_^

Dawn Breaks.

The fingers infused with internal energy slowly threaded through Gou Liang’s hair, and once his hair was dry, he was gently moved from the man’s embrace to the bed. Finally, he was able to sink into the soft pillow without being disturbed from his sleep, falling into a deep slumber.

The Emperor sat by the bedside, not in a hurry to dress for court, leaning down and watching the rosy-faced Gou Liang with rapt attention, his fingers lingering on his sleeping visage.

Eunuch Tong brought the diligent Physician Zheng into the main hall, saluted, and softly said, “Your Majesty, the physician has arrived.”

The Emperor acknowledged this, carefully drawing Gou Liang’s left hand out from the blanket to reveal his wrist.

Kneeling by the dragon bed, Physician Zheng’s sharp eyes noticed the bright yellow silk slipping from that pale wrist, and he was startled, quickly lowering his head further.

He dutifully checked Gou Liang’s pulse, but his expression soon changed, cold sweat beading on his forehead.

After confirming several times, without Gou Liang’s deliberate guidance, Physician Zheng clearly identified the pulse indicative of a Ger after satisfying their surge of desire—something even the residual poison of drunkenness could not achieve!

“Your Majesty, Master Chu’s pulse…”

Meeting the Emperor’s gaze, an astonis.h.i.+ng truth dawned on Physician Zheng in a flash.

The Emperor said, “This matter is for you to know alone.”

While the Emperor did not elaborate on the consequences of leaking this information, Physician Zheng astutely sensed that it involved not just his own life, but the lives of his entire clan.

Physician Zheng, trembling, repeatedly expressed his obedience.

The Emperor, looking at Gou Liang’s sweet sleeping face, smiled slightly and softly asked, “Last night, I was rather reckless. Is he injured in that place? Will it cause any harm?”

Physician Zheng, hearing the Emperor’s calm yet subtly boastful tone, thought that it was the Emperor’s first intimate encounter at twenty-seven. As a fellow man, he could understand and asked seriously, “Was there any bleeding?”


“Then it won’t be a problem. I will prepare a prescription to reduce swelling and nourish…”

At that moment, the sound of the water clock echoed again, and Eunuch Tong, kneeling at the lower end, bravely reminded, “Your Majesty, it is now the first quarter of the Mao hour.”

The Emperor had not yet dressed or worn his crown for the morning court session. If he delayed any longer, he might miss the scheduled time. The deep affection in the Emperor’s eyes paused for a moment. He then kissed Gou Liang’s forehead, rose, and instructed, “Make sure the prescription is detailed and submit it.” After a pause, the Emperor added, “The more thorough, the better.”

He then instructed Eunuch Tong to ensure no one disturbed them and left the leader of the night owl to watch.

At the correct time of the Mao hour, the morning court session began.

When the energetic ministers rose after saluting, ready to debate fervently, they heard Eunuch Tong’s elongated announcement, “Those who have matters to report, present them; those who do not, may retire—”

The senior ministers: “…”

Since the previous Emperor pa.s.sed, they hadn’t heard this phrase in over a decade.

Tensing up and staying cautious, they decided to write memorials for any non-urgent matters and keep them brief. Only a few less experienced or overly upright ministers mentioned a few non-urgent matters. As expected, the Emperor told them to draft detailed reports for further discussion and ended the session at an unprecedented speed in history.

Physician Zheng was still in the middle hall, writing instructions on caring for a Ger, and was startled by the Emperor’s swift return.

The Emperor didn’t make things difficult for him, grabbing the already prepared imperial rose balm to return to the inner hall, but Physician Zheng boldly spoke up to stop him.

“What is it?”

The Emperor’s heart tightened slightly, seeing Physician Zheng’s troubled expression.

Physician Zheng glanced around, and Eunuch Tong quickly led the attendants out of the middle hall.

Physician Zheng knelt and said, “On that day, not knowing Master Chu’s true ident.i.ty, I did not inform Your Majesty. Red Dust Drunkenness, though harmless to men, is a deadly poison to a Ger.”

The Emperor’s expression changed dramatically, and Physician Zheng hurriedly continued, “Master Chu’s medical expertise is not inferior to mine. He must have used a life-saving method at the time to endure until he took the antidote. Because of this, I mistakenly believed that his previous symptoms were due to overmedication. I failed to diagnose properly. Please, Your Majesty, punish me!”

At this moment, the Emperor had no time to punish him. He asked in a grave voice, “How is his health now? Is there still harm from the poison?”

Physician Zheng said, “Your Majesty, rest a.s.sured, I have carefully examined Master Chu. The residual poison of Red Dust Drunkenness has been cleared, and his life and health are not in jeopardy. However…”


“However, Red Dust Drunkenness is a deadly poison for Ger. The damage it caused when Master Chu was poisoned is severe, making pregnancy… difficult.”

He tried to put it as gently as possible.

The Emperor was taken aback, his fingers tightening slightly, and he softly said, “But his flower mark has not withered, and its color is more vibrant than that of ordinary people.”

Physician Zheng responded, “Your Majesty, I do not mean that Master Chu cannot conceive a dragon heir, but given his current physical condition, maintaining a pregnancy would be extremely difficult. Though there are secret methods in the palace to help, they are—”


The Emperor’s voice was stern.

Who would dare use those methods that sacrifice the Ger for the child on Xiao Keng’er? The Emperor would exterminate their entire family!

Physician Zheng trembled, “I misspoke!”

Seeing that the Emperor was angry but did not blame him, Physician Zheng breathed a slight sigh of relief and continued, “If carefully nourished for several years, Master Chu might still be able to bear fruit. However, I cannot guarantee this, and I dare not speak without certainty. Master Chu’s medical skills are very advanced, so he probably understands his body better than I do. But from what I have observed, Master Chu seems… not to have told Your Majesty.”

Although he didn’t elaborate, the Emperor understood.

Gou Liang’s body still had the ability to conceive, but even with Physician Zheng’s expertise, he could not guarantee success. Even if there were ways to protect the fetus, it would likely cause great harm to Gou Liang himself.

Moreover, Gers are most likely to conceive during their surges of desire, especially those with vibrant flower marks. After last night’s pa.s.sion, Gou Liang might already be carrying the dragon’s seed…

Thinking of this, the Emperor’s face turned ashen.

He was not touched by Gou Liang’s sacrifice and secrecy. Instead, he hated the very possibility that could endanger Gou Liang’s health or even his life.

The Emperor ordered, “Quickly fetch the medicine, and make sure it does not harm his body.”

Physician Zheng understood the implicit order but felt the need to clarify, “Your Majesty, all medicines have some degree of toxicity. This medicine is not harmful if used once or twice, but frequent use would still be unwise…”

His intention was to remind the Emperor not to grant the dragon heir during intercourse. However, the Emperor had a different plan, “I know the Imperial Medical Bureau has secret medicines. Go fetch them for me now.”

Physician Zheng was confused, but the Emperor’s cold expression soon made him realize.

—The Emperor intended to use infertility medicine!

He exclaimed in shock, “This must not be done! Your Majesty—”

Caught in the Emperor’s cold gaze, Physician Zheng’s voice faltered. Fearfully, he said, “Your Majesty, please reconsider! Once taken, that medicine cannot be undone. The nation cannot be without an heir. Your Majesty is in your prime, how can you…”

The Emperor was indifferent, “Without him, I would not touch anyone else. What use is such a thing if it is not borne by him for me?”

He never had much thought for heirs, only imagining Gou Liang bearing his child stirred a bit of desire.

But if it would harm Gou Liang, there was no dilemma for him.

“But Your Majesty…”

“No more words.” The Emperor interrupted, standing up, “This matter must not be known to a third person. Before he wakes, you will deliver the medicine.”

With Gou Liang’s medical skills, if he were awake, it would be hard to hide giving him contraceptive soup or taking the medicine himself.

Of course, the Emperor didn’t know that even if Gou Liang wasn’t awake, he would still find out afterward.

Listening to the Emperor’s resolute decision through the system’s monitoring, Gou Liang’s heart was filled with mixed emotions.

Meng Hao originally wanted a little beast cub, or rather, he wanted to connect them more closely through this means.

Gou Liang had softened towards him, though not fully accepting the idea, and if he hadn’t unexpectedly completed the mission at that moment, he probably would have just bitten the bullet and borne the child.

Coming to this world, he hadn’t considered the issue either. But his physical condition was indeed as Physician Zheng said, with difficult pregnancy and potential for both maternal and fetal death—not a problem for Gou Liang, of course—but he still maintained a pa.s.sive approach, not taking active steps to improve his host body’s condition.

To his surprise, the Emperor had already made a decision for him.

Honestly, though he felt some reluctance, Gou Liang privately felt more relieved than anything.

Moreover, considering the Emperor’s jealousy towards anyone like Fatty Tang who might distract him, having a little Baozi would only make things worse.

And even if the Emperor doted on the child out of love for him, Gou Liang could not stand it—truthfully, his jealousy could easily surpa.s.s that of the Emperor!

Now that this th.o.r.n.y life dilemma was resolved, Gou Liang snuggled back into the covers, only to hear a low chuckle approaching, “No more pretending to sleep?”

From the moment Gou Liang’s breathing changed, the Emperor knew he was awake. Understanding his tendency to laze in bed and his “shyness,” the Emperor allowed it.

Gou Liang, blus.h.i.+ng, sat up, his eyes darting as he avoided looking directly at the Emperor. The Emperor’s smile deepened as he pulled Gou Liang into his arms, kissed his forehead, and softly asked, “Do you want to sleep a bit more?”

Gou Liang showed his left cheek’s sweet dimple and, holding his stomach, said, “I’m hungry.”

The Emperor promptly ordered breakfast to be served and clumsily helped him get dressed, not allowing Gou Liang to lift a finger.

Gou Liang tugged at the collar and sleeves of the deep yellow robe embroidered with five-clawed nine dragons, symbols of imperial authority, feeling a bit uneasy, “Your Majesty, this is against protocol.”

The Emperor picked him up and patted his plump bottom, dressing him in undergarments like a giant baby, clearly enjoying himself. As for Gou Liang’s worry, the Emperor dismissed it, “You are my consort, equal ruler of this land, why shouldn’t you wear it?”

Gou Liang’s face turned red, and after stammering for a while, he ultimately did not refuse.

However, to avoid any attack on Gou Liang, the Emperor relented, having him wear his regular fifth-grade Hanlin scholar’s blue robe on the outside.

Since that time in the library… ahem, discovering how easily that official robe tore, the Emperor had several sets of Gou Liang’s robes made and kept in Zhengyang Palace for emergencies. Once dressed, and hearing Eunuch Tong announce that breakfast was ready, Gou Liang, his face stern and freshly pampered, refused the Emperor’s offer to carry him due to his exertions the previous night. He straightened his clothes and walked out with dignity.

—Though his legs moved awkwardly, as if trying to keep something between them.

Gou Liang’s face was stern, but his ears were red.

The Emperor took his hand, slowed his pace, and whispered, “You don’t need to be so formal in Zhengyang Palace.”

Though he couldn’t guarantee absolute safety elsewhere, the Emperor’s palace was secure to the last detail. Otherwise, the palace attendants wouldn’t have kept silent despite the lights burning all night, water being brought in four times, and the Emperor’s relentless exertions until dawn.

Despite his words, seeing Gou Liang maintaining his dignified appearance before others, even though the Emperor loved it, he didn’t want him to suffer unnecessarily.

Dismissing all the attendants, including Eunuch Tong, the Emperor finally held Gou Liang in his lap and watched him eat heartily, feeling completely content.

After that, the heavily favored Hanlin scholar Gou Liang spent four consecutive nights writing “memorials” at the Emperor’s command in the “Hanlin Academy.”

When his period of surging desire ended, Gou Liang, pants up, heartlessly rejected the Emperor’s pleas and left the palace.

He had to leave—the Emperor, despite his duties during the day and their nightly exertions, barely slept for an hour. Gou Liang understood the wildness of a hungry tiger just unleashed, but the Emperor, as the ruler, had many duties. Although he seemed vigorous in bed, it was unhealthy. Moreover, with Physician Zheng diligently checking his pulse every other day, Gou Liang couldn’t sneak him any system supplements and had to retreat as the best option.

Because he “worked tirelessly” day and night, the Emperor pitied him and granted him a day off.

Lady Chu was also worried.

Despite the imperial command, the recent days had been special, and he feared Gou Liang would exhaust himself. Seeing him return, he had the kitchen prepare a tonic, and when he deemed he had rested enough, he personally brought it to him.

Gou Liang frowned at the sight of the black tonic.

Lady Chu laughed, seeing his reaction, and fondly teased, “You’ve always made that face when taking medicine.”

Gou Liang thought of how the imperial kitchen in the palace had been instructed to prepare tonics for him thrice daily, almost using dragon liver and phoenix gall. If it weren’t for the system’s adjustments to his endocrine balance, he might be suffering nosebleeds by now.

Forcing himself to drink the medicine, Lady Chu, satisfied, started chatting.

He mentioned that the Emperor had approved General Chu’s request, and Chu Qian would return to the capital in October, which made her anxious.

After expressing his worry and anger over Gou Liang’s future, comparing him to a pitiful cabbage, he brought up another matter.

Since yesterday, the va.s.sal kings had begun returning to the capital, making it the busiest time for the patrol battalion responsible for the city’s security.

Although the late Emperor pursued immortality and longevity through various means, he was also a hedonist with twelve children. Following ancestral customs, the new Emperor a.s.signed them to their respective fiefs upon his ascension. Apart from Liang Gang, who was stripped of his t.i.tle, the remaining ten princes had a rather indifferent relations.h.i.+p with the Emperor and were not the most obedient of characters.

Lady Chu wasn’t concerned about the royal intrigues among the returning va.s.sal princes. Instead, he lamented about General Chu, who hadn’t been home for two days, worried that his aging self couldn’t compete with the young temptresses outside, feeling his career was at great risk.

It wasn’t until a servant reported that two young masters had come to visit that he reluctantly left, his face showing his annoyance.

That night, despite not following the physician’s orders, the Emperor set a new record for travel time between the imperial palace and the General’s residence.

However, tonight he was well-behaved. When Gou Liang refused him once, he reluctantly stopped. He now lay with his head in Gou Liang’s lap, enjoying a head ma.s.sage, falling asleep after just a few words.

He must be exhausted.

Amused, Gou Liang pinched his nose and kissed him tenderly.

To return to the palace and change into his dragon robe for the morning court, the Emperor woke early. But last night, the groggy Gou Liang, who had complained about the Emperor’s exertions, clung to him, refusing to let him leave.

Laughing, the Emperor wrapped him in a blanket and stealthily took his cherished one back to the palace.

When Gou Liang finally crawled out of the Emperor’s bed, it was already mid-morning. Alarmed, he hurried to the Hanlin Academy.

Only then did he learn that the Emperor had granted him another day off, and the diligent Hanlin scholar received praise for his dedication. His old superior even teased him, “Zigui, what have you been diligently writing these days?”

Gou Liang: If I said it was a fire prevention plan, would you believe me? (罒▽罒)

With a serious face, he replied, “This book was commissioned by the Emperor, and I dare not speak of it lightly.”

The book-loving old Hanlin stroked his beard and said, “No matter, I will shamelessly ask the Emperor for a reward in due time. You must hurry, though. I have one foot in the grave; don’t let me miss it.”

Gou Liang: “… You overpraise me. I will do my best.”

Later, the Emperor carried him back to the dragon bed, saying, “I heard you requested to diligently write with me. I grant your request!”

Gou Liang: “No… Your Majesty, it’s still daylight…”

Emperor: “No worries, the day will eventually turn into night.”


[Ding, task progress advanced. Current task progress: +40%!]

[Xiao Si: Living through days and nights filled with absurdity and chaos, that’s the life of collecting fragments. (⌐■_■) ]

Discussing The Correct Posture To Enjoy Dog Food Chapter 131 - Grape Flavored Imperial Gong (10)

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