Forsaken Immortals Chapter 114 - Feeling Emotional

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Chapter 114 - Feeling Emotional

Little Chu looked at Bai Rouyun with a shocked expression on his face. He had heard about the formulas that she had brought to Li Moyun, but to see the pills with his own eyes was enough to make him swallow his saliva in shock.

He truly wanted these pills. The Heavenly Absorption Pills were not limited to the level of strength that a cultivator had; they were universal pills that affected one's body, so whether you were at the Acquired Realm or at the Innate Realm, the pill was equally tempting.

But Little Chu was aware of his ident.i.ty. No matter how much he wanted these pills, he could not take them away from Bai Rouyun.

Bai Rouyun was carrying a hatred from her previous life, and these pills could prove to be the items that could propel her to a higher ground. How could he, as her servant, squander them away?

Bai Rouyun saw his hesitating and tangled expression and could not help but smile helplessly. This servant might have a high cultivation base, and he was extremely loyal, but sometimes she wondered if his intelligence had been traded for raw power.

Since she had the confidence to hand them over to him, she could clearly provide herself with pills.

"Don't be so entangled!" she said harshly, but the smile on her face showed her good mood. "I have refined eleven of these pills this time, and I have already consumed one, leaving ten behind.

"These ten pills are enough to provide the both of us with resources for a long time. Also, I have enough herbs and can refine even more whenever we need them, so do not hesitate to accept this.

"The stronger you are, the safer you can keep me. Who knows what kind of ent.i.ty I might insult at the Blue Water Inst.i.tute, if you are not strong enough, will you be able to ensure my safety as your lord told you to?"

Bai Rouyun had no intention of insulting anyone at the Blue Water Inst.i.tute, but she had heard that the Headmaster was an Innate Realm cultivator at the Blue Tier. As to what layer he was, she did not know, but since he had approximately the same strength as Little Chu, a battle would be dangerous, and she might be endangered if they fought it out next to her.

Little Chu frowned when he heard her words. He knew that she was not an unreasonable person and that she would never intentionally cause problems; however, she was like a magnet for trouble.

Wherever she was, trouble would follow, and he truly had to be prepared for this. Knowing the pros and cons of both sides, he still hesitated. He knew that she wanted him to grow stronger because she considered him a friend, but he still felt overwhelmed. Although Li Moyun had always been good to him, this was the first time he felt that someone truly cared about him.

Most of the people in the Eternal Shadow Palace were orphans whom Li Moyun had picked up during his own childhood and had raised with all his might.

Little Chu was truly grateful to Li Moyun for having given him a future where he could become strong. Still, he had never before felt the care and consideration of another person, and his eyes suddenly began to sting.

He had previously protected Bai Rouyun because of the order given by Li Moyun. He would always follow his orders to the point, and when he had been told about her other ident.i.ty, he had begun revering her. But now he felt that although she had been such an amazing figure in the past, she was just Bai Rouyun.

A little girl who treated others with warmth. He finally understood why his master was planted in her hands; this warmth was so addictive.

It was not that Little Chu began feeling romantic feelings for Bai Rouyun. Instead, he felt as if he had found a family member, something he never thought possible before.

But the feeling of someone caring about him, and even trying to convince him to accept a gift, he was touched.

Bai Rouyun was very sensitive, and Little Chu was unable to control his emotions fully, and the energy surrounding him turned turbulent.

She could guess that he was like her, an orphan who had never experienced anyone caring about him, and she felt her heart ache.

Although she had initially been quite upset having to drag Little Chu everywhere around with her, but now she considered him a comrade, and seeing him so emotional over a mere set of pills made her sad.

"Little Chu," Bai Rouyun looked at him with a serious expression as she stuffed the jade bottle into his hands. "You are following me around in the future. I rely on you to have my back, and when you are in trouble, I wish to help you too. You are not just a servant but my friend. Please do not say no to these pills as they can help you break into a higher layer.

"You have to remember that your strength is also my strength. I cannot be alone when facing the world, and you have always been by my side to help me.

"I was an orphan in my past life, and never had the love of a family. You are like an older brother to me, and if I cannot share my joys with my older brother, then who can I share them with?"

Little Chu was incredibly moved when he heard her words. His eyes reddened, and he nodded his head.

Accepting the pill bottle, he held it onto his chest as if it was the most precious treasure in the world.

Forsaken Immortals Chapter 114 - Feeling Emotional

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