Forsaken Immortals Chapter 134 - "Let Us Go For A Walk"

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Chapter 134 - "Let Us Go For A Walk"

Bai Rouyun was quite skilled at cooking. While she grew up, she did not have anyone to cook for her.

Everything she ate was cooked by herself, and due to the fact that she had been starving before, she always enjoyed eating, even when she had reached the Innate Realm, where food was no longer needed.

Bai Rouyun was especially an expert at roasting meat. She had been roasting a lot of meat from the beasts she had killed, and she was not picky.

As she entered the kitchen, she found various meats and spices. She then began to roast the meat, and the scent of food wafted through the manor.

Xiao Long, who had woken up, looked towards the direction from where the scent came from and gently licked its lips.

Li Moyun smiled helplessly when he saw the small dragon's greedy expression in his arms, and he slowly walked towards the kitchen with the dragon in his embrace.

He felt a strange connection to the dragon. It was as if the dragon breath reminded him of something familiar, but he had never been close to a dragon before, so he did not know where this familiarity came from.

As he reached the kitchen, a warmth erupted in his heart as he saw Bai Rouyun bustling about. This was his wife; this was the casual lifestyle he dreamt about.

She would always be by his side, and together they would make the world know of their relations.h.i.+p.

"The food is going to be done soon," Bai Rouyun said gently as she noticed the two hungry people in the door, and she began slicing the meat into thin slices.

The juicy red meat looked tantalizing; the scent of the meat was simply mouthwatering. Soon the food was placed on the table, alongside some vegetables that were cooked in various ways.

The little dragon was unwilling to taste the vegetables, but it was very eager to eat the meat. Li Moyun took a thin slice, rolled it up with his chopsticks, and placed it in a bowl in front of Xiao Long.

The little dragon's eyes were big and full of happiness, but it did not gobble down the food rapidly; instead, it slowly began chewing the meat, and its eyes showed utter bliss.

Li Moyun shook his head in amus.e.m.e.nt and placed some food in Bai Rouyun's bowl as well.

"You cooked the food, so don't go hungry," he said gently, before eating a bit himself.

The meal was harmonious. From time to time, Li Moyun would place food in front of Bai Rouyun and Xiao Long, and then make sure to eat a bit himself.

As the last food was eaten, all three of them were feeling extremely comfortable. Eating was not necessary for someone like Li Moyun, but he still enjoyed the craft that Bai Rouyun had made, and he would never give up on enjoying her care.

Afterward, Li Moyun and Bai Rouyun went back to the room to talk. Xiao Long went to sleep again. It had just eaten, and with a full stomach, it truly needed to sleep.

"How come you picked the Blue Water Inst.i.tute?" Li Moyun suddenly asked Bai Rouyun. He could not understand why she had not picked one of the much more famous inst.i.tutes or academies.

"I wanted to learn systematically," she admitted. "But when I came here, I realized that this type of teaching might not work for me."

"I have so much experience, and what they teach at the lowest grades is useless to me. My cultivation base is also so low that I cannot begin to join the higher, so I am quite happy to have freedom."

Li Moyun nodded his head. It made sense. Although she had never been systematically trained before, it made sense that she was much more knowledgeable than the teachers in the Blue Water Inst.i.tute.

"I also used my free time to go to the Thousand Treasure Pavilion and put up a Marrow-Cleansing Pill for auction."

Li Moyun raised an eyebrow in surprise, but he was not against it. These formulas belonged to Bai Rouyun, and she could do with them what she wanted. She had already gone way above and beyond by giving him a copy of each of them.

Li Moyun leaned over, placed a gentle peck on her forehead, and said with a mellow voice, "dearest, do you want to go out shopping?"

Bai Rouyun contemplated for some time. She had just slept, eaten, and relaxed. It was a good idea to go out and get some fresh air.

She had skipped lessons that day, but since she was in cla.s.s twenty, all lessons were canceled anyway, so she did not lose out on anything.

She took Li Moyun's hand, as the two of them began moving, Xiao Long woke up from his nap, looking slightly ditzy, and then crawled onto Li Moyun's shoulder, where it curled up and returned to sleep.

It was clear that this little dragon wanted to follow Li Moyun everywhere he went. The dragon was as attached to Li Moyun as it would have been to its parent.

Bai Rouyun could not help but feel quite surprised by the clearly deep bond between the two of them. They had just met, but even the cold Li Moyun was treating Xiao Long differently.

Bai Rouyun was happy to see this. Li Moyun had not had many reasons to be satisfied in his life. Although he had many subordinates, there were not many close to him, but now there were both Bai Rouyun and Xiao Long, who had entered his heart.

He seemed much more human now than before, and the softness that had appeared in his demeanor made him much more approachable.

Forsaken Immortals Chapter 134 - "Let Us Go For A Walk"

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Forsaken Immortals Chapter 134 - "Let Us Go For A Walk" summary

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