Forsaken Immortals Chapter 156 - Compensation

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Chapter 156 - Compensation

Bai Rouyun was amused. She knew that Li Moyun felt somewhat exasperated as someone considered him a weak chicken, but she did not mind. It was fun to disguise oneself as a pig in order to eat the tiger.

She glanced at Li Moyun. Although he could not see her facial expressions beneath the hood, and even though she said nothing, he still understood her intention.

Walking hand in hand, the two of them began walking down less busy streets, and slowly entered deep into a maze-like area where the more impoverished people lived. It was not exactly a slum, but it was not much better.

The alchemist, who was following behind them, could not help but frown. Why had they entered this place? But he did not believe that they could have traced his tracking, and thus he quickly followed behind them into a dark alleyway.

He had merely walked a few steps when he found himself unable to take even one more step. His entire body was frozen in place, and cold sweat suddenly broke out all over his body.

He could feel an overwhelming pressure, which made it impossible for him to even think cohesively. His mind was a mess, sweat was beading on his forehead, and his body was trembling.

Looking at him like this, Bai Rouyun could not help but giggle slightly. It was quite amusing to see the previously so arrogant man acting so stupid now.

The alchemist's eyes were wide open in horror. He felt as if his life would end at this moment. The expert he had annoyed was not an ordinary figure, and he could not understand why such an expert would protect the weak and annoying little cloak-dressed figure.

Had this cloak-dressed woman sold her ancient formula to this man? Was that why she was being protected?

The alchemist was not aware of their connection as he had not been present in the tent at the time when they had been facing off against the Undying Sword Sect's members.

He did not know that the two of them were married; all he had in his mind was regret and heartache.

He was regretting that he had not waited to chase the cloak-wearing person until after the expert had left. He was also lamenting that he had not brought a band of gangsters alongside himself to beat them up. As for regretting his actions? He did not.

His heartache was due to the fact that the ancient formula was likely no longer in the hands of the young man. While he had a feeling of impending death and doom, he did not actually believe that these two figures dared to kill him.

He was the renowned, respected, and highly esteemed alchemist in the Thousand Treasure Pavilion. Only if someone wished to cause problems with the s.h.i.+tian Tower would they reach out their claws to harm the people of such a strong faction.

However, Li Moyun never cared about the alchemist's ident.i.ty. He was more than willing to bear the problems that came with it if it meant that he could get rid of this annoying fly who had caused his anger to rise. However just as he raised his hand, Bai Rouyun reached out and grabbed his arm.

"Hubby, behave," she said with a smirk on her lips. The words were playful and gentle, and the words made Li Moyun completely submit to her will.

As long as she called him 'hubby,' he would be willing to do anything she asked of him.

"We are civilized people," Bai Rouyun continued while glancing at the trembling alchemist. "We can't just run around and kill people left and right. That is not correct. As an upright citizen, we got to show our magnanimity, and the great compa.s.sion that burns in our hearts."

While Bai Rouyun was busy teaching Li Moyun, the man could not help but glance at her with confusion. His lips twitched in confusion, and his eyes were full of doubt.

Bai Rouyun was not an upright citizen. She was not against killing, but now she made it sound so wrong. What was she doing?

Sensing his confusion, Bai Rouyun shrugged her shoulders and withdrew her hand from the tight grip of Li Moyun's fingers, and she slowly strolled towards the alchemist.

"You asked me to part with my formulas before," she began as she looked at the alchemist. Her lips were upturned, and her eyes were sparkling with coldness, but the alchemist saw nothing of it, all he saw was the shape of a face shrouded in shadows within the hood.

"I am young and selfish," Bai Rouyun continued. "I am not willing to give my things away without compensation in return. I am also unwilling to suffer any grievances, so I will naturally ask for repayment when I get wronged.

"Now, as I told my dearest hubby, we are civilized people, so I naturally can't cut off your flesh, or drink your blood; however, I think I can make you pay in another way."

Bai Rouyun took a step forward, and while she was somewhat disgusted by this old and greedy man, she reached out and grasped his qiankun bag before she retreated again.

Qiankun bags were storage devices. They resembled small money purses, but they had a rather large s.p.a.ce within, which often reached as much as five hundred cubic meters.

The one that she had grasped from the alchemist was only fifty cubic meters big, but it was full of various herbs, pills, and other treasures that were very useful to Bai Rouyun at the current point in time.

Qiankun bags were not bound to the owner. Anyone who had a bit of Qi could open them, and withdraw the things inside.

Seeing that the bag had ended up in the hands of the cloak-wearing figure, the alchemist was feeling his heart bleed. He had come for wool but had to go home shorn.

Forsaken Immortals Chapter 156 - Compensation

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