Forsaken Immortals Chapter 235 - Understanding The Truth

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Chapter 235 - Understanding The Truth

Bai Rouyun had expected that the twins would have accepted their fate, and the reason for their act was to ensure that if they were to die, they would bring the one who caused their downfall with them.

However, when listening to Qing Yi, it did not seem as if they had realized how severe the situation was.

Qing Yi was known as an ice-cold fairy. She was cold and hard to approach, but her ice-figure personality was able to attract numerous suitors. However, this coldness and arrogance had completely cracked under Bai Rouyun's few words.

It was clear that her mentality had taken continuous blows after leaving the Eternal Shadow Palace. There was not much left of her innate haughtiness while looking at Bai Rouyun.

The previous calm mind that had looked at Bai Rouyun as an ant beneath her feet was long gone. Instead, her appearance resembled a ferocious spirit that could not let go of the past.

When the Qing twins heard of Bai Rouyun's existence the first time, they had both seen her as a nuisance. They had suggested to Li Moyun that it would be better if she died silently before the wedding, but he had refused since a mentally impaired woman could hardly trouble their Eternal Shadow Palace.

Who would have thought that their cold-blooded leader suddenly fell in love with this woman who had spent her whole life pretending to be a fool?

The first time they met her, they already realized that she was being treated specially, but they had never imagined that it would be to such an extent that Li Moyun was willing to get rid of them right away.

All they did was trying to attack her. Although their attack was aiming to kill her, they had not succeeded, so why could he not overlook their attack?

The twins had never once tried to consider if their actions of disobedience to their superiors were right or wrong, they pushed all the blame to Bai Rouyun, and even now, they felt that everything was her fault.

Bai Rouyun admired the changes that constantly appeared on the face of Qing Yi as the hatred and hostility were displayed to the fullest, but there was not the slightest bit of fear on her face.

A slight smile played on her lips as she patiently waited for Qing Yi to let out all her anger. She understood that the two of them had followed Li Moyun through many years, and they were familiar with many of the people who still belonged to the Eternal Shadow Palace.

Of the experts hiding in the shadows, only one or two had never met the twins before, but even they had heard of their undying loyalty towards their Shadow Lord.

Bai Rouyun knew that there was no way to help the two women regain their sanity. Still, she wanted these members of the Eternal Shadow Palace to see how far the two had fallen, to understand that she was not killing them merely due to her jealousy of their importance to Li Moyun, but simply because that the two had lost all semblance of loyalty and respect towards their master.

It was only natural that the members of the Eternal Shadow Palace would fear her behavior if she was coldblooded and ordered them to kill the twins without allowing them to explain themselves.

It was not that these experts were ignorant of their crime of escaping from the Eternal Shadow Palace. Still, not many understood the ins and outs of the whole situation, so they were easily doubtful as to whether or not the crime was severe enough for the twins to be executed when they had been loyal for so many years prior.

If Bai Rouyun ordered their death without allowing them to speak, these experts would carry out her orders without hesitation. Still, they would also feel their hearts chill and feel somewhat uncomfortable as they might doubt if they would be the next ones to suffer the same fate.

However, now that Bai Rouyun allowed these twins to explain everything, they could make their own judgment as to whether or not the death sentence was reasonable.

Just looking at the two twins who seemed close to the borders of insanity, most of the experts already began to worry about whether or not their mental state was still comparable to a clear-headed person.

The two seemed so caught up in hatred and grudges that their view on the world had become warped. Many things that were supposed to be obvious to the other experts had become unreasonable to the twins. It was clear that their entire personalities had become twisted.

Bai Rouyun could not see all the experts from the Eternal Shadow Palace that were hiding in the shadows, but those she did locate were somewhat shocked to see how the two stalwart members had become so deranged.

These experts felt a fleeting fear as they looked at Qing Yi. They understood that Li Moyun had been cold and strict when he ordered the death of the pair of twins. Back then, they had often felt it was too severe a punishment, but looking at the state they had appeared in, the experts understood the severity of the situation.

Li Moyun was not an ordinary person. He had to pull out the roots when dealing with people. Otherwise, he would leave countless troubles for the future. These troubles might be possible to handle one by one, but when they grouped together, they might just be enough to cause irreversible damage.

The mentality of these experts had all changed after understanding this fact, and their eyes, which previously had held slight pity and unwillingness, had become firm and cold. One had to pay for the mistakes made in the past.

Forsaken Immortals Chapter 235 - Understanding The Truth

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