Forsaken Immortals Chapter 320: Birds Die In Pursuit Of Food, While Men Die In Pursuit Of Wealth

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Chapter 320: Birds Die In Pursuit Of Food, While Men Die In Pursuit Of Wealth

Bai Rouyun did not waste her time with the Zhao family guards, nor did she care about the gathered horde of angry cultivators.

The children all followed by her side obediently. They were usually quite slow at understanding the different emotions that humans would have, but even so, their sense of danger was strong, and thus they knew that they should keep a low profile and leave as soon as possible.

"Well, since this girl was able to leave the forest, I would a.s.sume that there might be something personal for the Zhao family to handle here. If there was some sort of treasure, then I a.s.sume that this girl and her companions would have been killed.

"Since this is the case, I am going to wait a day or two before entering the Forgotten Forest. The Zhao family should have finished by then, and we have done them a favor."

The man who had at first confronted Bai Rouyun seemed to come to terms with the current situation. Although he was unhappy with being blocked, he also knew that the Zhao family was not anyone he could threaten, so he took a step back and retreated instead.

The Zhao family guards seemed to hear their words, but none of them showed any expressions on their faces. They did not care whether or not this group of experts stayed and made trouble or not, as they would not be able to break into the forest. To them, it was much more exciting to know that their young master had paid attention to a woman.

Bai Rouyun and her children quickly reached the city gates. The city in front of them was designed in the same style as the buildings from the lower continents, but the scale was much grander. The details were exquisite, and the size was more than thrice the size.

The towering walls cast their shade on the road they walked, and the two watchtowers beside the gate were intimidating as inscriptions could be seen engraved into the stone itself.

The city walls defenses were much better than any Bai Rouyun had ever seen before, but she did not feel threatened at all, instead she was fascinated as she witnessed the true gap between the worlds below and the Wus.h.i.+ Continent. The cultivation strength was only one part, however, the denser heaven and earth energy in the atmosphere had also increased the world's resources, so that not only the cultivators could find better treasures for cultivation, even the buildings and walls were much more magnificent.

Bai Rouyun did not feel inferior from having come from a weaker continent, but she understood while it was much harder for those who climbed up through numerous hards.h.i.+ps. Many of the geniuses who had fought relentlessly on their original continent to succeed would feel ashamed from the lack of wealth their origin brought.

Although she could understand that they began to disdain and look down upon the poor continents from where they originated, Bai Rouyun could never share their feelings.

To her, she felt that her entire upbringing was merely a test for her to hone her strength and utilize her full potential. If the Bai family had not tossed her to the lower continent when she was born in her past life, and if her current biological mother had not left her in the General's Mansion, then her life would be very different.

She would have avoided many episodes of suffering, but she would also have missed out on many things and people that had helped her become who she was today.

So, no matter how horrible her background was, it was this past that had carved her into the woman she was today, and instead of being ashamed or trying to hide, she would use this background as a s.h.i.+eld and a pride.

She was not a weaker cultivator just because she came from the poorer continents, in fact, she was many times better than most, since she had been able to struggle and leave behind that world, moving towards a future in front.

"Do you think that they will require some sort of entrance fee here?" Bai Rouyun put away her thoughts, and returned to the present. She looked at the guards that were blocking everyone's entrance into the city, and she noticed how each person handed something over to the guards in front of them.

However, she could not see in details, so she did not know if they needed to provide a set fee for entry.

"You can always get a few gems from the second layer of the paG.o.da. Those gems should be more than enough to let all of us enter, and even the guards are going to like you very much afterward." Xiao Bao shook his head as he also felt a little uncertain.

They did not know what kind of currency was used here on the Wus.h.i.+ Continent, but from the density of heaven and earth essence in the atmosphere, he could still guess that the gems were considered great items for the cultivators.

Bai Rouyun frowned slightly as she considered this option, but she was not eager to accept it. Although she was never ashamed of her background, she was also perfectly well aware that there was no protection to be found from the lower continents.

If she took out some treasures that were outstanding, she would be the one to suffer, as birds die in pursuit of food, while men die in pursuit of wealth. Many would be willing to risk their lives to rob treasures from unknown cultivators.

Forsaken Immortals Chapter 320: Birds Die In Pursuit Of Food, While Men Die In Pursuit Of Wealth

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Forsaken Immortals Chapter 320: Birds Die In Pursuit Of Food, While Men Die In Pursuit Of Wealth summary

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