Forsaken Immortals Chapter 335: Heartfelt Emotions

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Chapter 335: Heartfelt Emotions

Bai Rouyun was stunned as she felt the familiar embrace. As she looked at the man in front of her, she could feel her heart beating rapidly, and her breathing becoming slow.

The face in front of her was equally stunning as before, and although his actual appearance had not changed, the aura he exuded no longer contained the youthful innocence but instead a steady maturity.

The Wus.h.i.+ Continent was naturally much more dangerous than the lower realm, and for Li Moyun to have stayed and cultivated here, he had to have experienced many things, and often fought with his life on the line.

Even though their separation had merely been a few years, to them, it was already an important part of their youth. The constant struggle to improve and stand out was always toughest among the crowd, and after arriving at the Wus.h.i.+ Continent, Li Moyun had to fight against others to stand firm.

During these encounters, he had experienced many things and witnessed betrayal and abandonment. He had even experienced being betrayed by his comrades, but fortunately none of them had held an important position in his heart.

Going through so many things had made him mature and understand that in this world strength was important. He had been one of the overlords within the lower realm, but upon arriving here, he had only been one amongst many within the crowd.

Now that a few years had pa.s.sed, he had carved out his own reputation and power within the Wus.h.i.+ Continent, and the ability he had shown had given him a certain degree of respect. All of this was done with only one purpose; to prepare for when his wife arrived so that she would not have to suffer every day.

"I missed you." Li Moyun's voice was mellow and intoxicating like aged wine. The words were not spoken quickly but with just the right pace to keep Bai Rouyun's heartbeat increase in frequency, and the emotions contained within the short sentence were too many to describe, but clearly full of pa.s.sion and pampering that could not be voiced.

After realizing that the man in front of her was the one she had longed for many years, Bai Rouyun's heart clenched in bittersweet happiness as she had missed him for so long, but the wait had finally paid off.

Her arms tightly wrapped themselves around his waist, and ignoring the countless people surrounding them, she tightly hugged her man as she buried her face in his chest.

Although she did not voice her feelings, Li Moyun could feel the trembling hands and beating heart. He knew that she had missed him too.

In the bustling city, full of experts rus.h.i.+ng forth and back as they tried to grab the illusionary chances that might exist within the Forgotten Forest, Bai Rouyun and Li Moyun were standing in a busy street, hugging one another and finally reuniting after a long separation. For them, the outside noise and busy environment were filtered away, and only sweetness remained within their hearts.

"At least she is happy." A sigh was accompanying the voice, as a figure flashed into the shadows. No one had noticed his arrival nor his departure, and his appearance was also unable to be remembered. Only a faint feeling of reverence and fear lingered in the hearts of all who pa.s.sed by, but no one knew who or what caused this strange emotion.

At the same time, within the Lingcao Pavilion, Sun Junmeng raised his head and looked out the window. Although there was nothing to see, he had sensed the fluctuations in the air, and knew that his master had been by. Although the Wus.h.i.+ Continent was above the lower continent, it was, after all, still only a medium continent and could not rival the G.o.dly Domain. There was no one else than his master who would use such pure and powerful Divine Spirit here.

Sun Junmeng could not help but sigh as he glanced at the blue sky. There were no clouds in sight, and the weather alone could bring others to feel positive.

"I hope that you will be able to let go of your despair soon. Loving a person is a wonderful feeling, and there is no need to force yourself to forget her. Even so, living a life of guilt will not help anyone. Your daughter is already doing so well, so it is time for you to face the world again and move forward with brave steps. Even if you no longer have a beloved by your side, you can still fight for the world she loved." Sun Junmeng's voice was not loud, and most would not be able to hear what he said at all, but that would be ordinary experts.

Sun Junmeng knew that his lord was able to hear any word he said, and he hoped that seeing Bai Rouyun, the crystallization of love between the lord and his wife, growing up and being happy like this would be able to untangle the knot of guilt and loss within the lord's heart.

He had already suffered for so many years, it was time to face the world once more. Although he was not able to forget his wife, he still had a daughter left behind in the world, and he had to find a new purpose in life.

The world was constantly moving forward. Even those experts that lived for thousands of years would have to face the pa.s.sing of time.

The pair of lovers that reunited in the middle of the crowded street was very inconspicuous among the rus.h.i.+ng experts, but their heartfelt emotions managed to make even a strong man like Sun Junmeng remember that living a long life was only worth it, as long as the human emotions remained a part of their core.

Forsaken Immortals Chapter 335: Heartfelt Emotions

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Forsaken Immortals Chapter 335: Heartfelt Emotions summary

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