Forsaken Immortals Chapter 338: Deity

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Chapter 338: Deity

"Dearest, don't worry. Xiao Long will always remember the time when he was a little hatchling and relied on you for benefits." Li Moyun's voice was gentle, and the pampering within could hardly be contained.

His eyes were lit with a gentle smile, as he could not help but chuckle and think about the other children, which were mostly older than his cute wife.

Although Bai Rouyun had picked up various children across her journeys, they were not real children, and even Xiao Mao was older than her current body, not to mention Xiao Bao and Xiao Jin who were both thousands of years old.

However, if Bai Rouyun was happy like this, then he did not mind letting her forget about their age. As long as she was happy, he found that his bottom line was continuously lowering.

"Well then, during the time in that realm, did you suffer a lot?" Bai Rouyun had already accepted that her husband had turned from a young boy into an antique, and thus she was more interested in his experience within the realm than worrying about the fact that it had happened.

Li Moyun knew her personality, so when he noticed that she had no issues accepting his sudden change in age, he also quickly described the time he had spent in the special realm.

The realm itself had been created to train and strengthen the geniuses from the Dragon Clan, and while these young talents were highly valued, the Dragon Clan also knew that growing up in a greenhouse would not benefit anyone.

As such, the realm was full of danger, but all dangers were possible to survive, as long as enough effort was spent. At the same time, the realm would evolve according to a certain time frame, so although the one hundred years had boosted the strength of both him and Xiao Long, their time in the realm had not become easier as years went by.

It was also due to this constant threat that he had improved rapidly, so he had no regrets or grudges against the Dragon Clan for sending him inside the realm, in fact, he was very grateful. Only by being strong could he protect the ones he loved.

"You are amazing!" Bai Rouyun was genuinely happy to hear that Li Moyun had increased his strength by so much, but she also knew that while he said that everything was surviveable, it was obvious that there would have been countless threats. As the realm continued to evolve, the dangers would follow suit, and having to fight year after year for so many decades, he had to be tired too.

As such, Bai Rouyun's main focus was to praise him, as she genuinely felt that he was outstanding.

Li Moyun's eyes softened as he witnessed his ditzy wife's usual airheaded behavior. She had been a reborn soul when he met her first, but even though she was supposed to be mature, she had retained her pure soul.

"What are your plans from now on, then?" Li Moyun had nothing important to do any longer, and could casually walk around the Wus.h.i.+ Continent as he pleased. He was no longer in a hurry to gather any supporters or restart a new faction.

In this world, strength reigned supreme, and most would create or join a faction to gain a certain degree of security. Although each expert was strong on their own, if they had a whole sea of cultivators, they should be able to band together to keep alive.

However, when reaching the level that Li Moyun was at now, it was no longer difficult to rival many of these factions on his own.

Even the Dragon Clan was deeply shocked when they noticed the overwhelming improvements that Li Moyun had achieved during his time in the secret realm.

Xiao Long was, as the contract beast of Li Moyun, naturally benefitting greatly from this heavenly talent. Although he was a rare five-clawed golden dragon, his achievements were much better than any previous descendant of the same race.

It was also based on this overwhelming performance that the Dragon Clan were all enthusiastic towards this human that they had initially disdained.

"I am not sure." Bai Rouyun finally could not help but furrow her brows. "I have a feeling that something is observing me in the shadows. I met the owner of the Lingcao Pavilion earlier, and he seemed to know me from somewhere."

Although Bai Rouyun had not sensed any hostility from Sun Junmeng, she was still somewhat confused about the strange support he had shown her out of nowhere.

"At the same time, I also need to help cousin Mingshen with figuring out the truth behind our family's demise. We cannot let go without getting revenge, but I am currently far too weak to do any real damage to others."

Li Moyun was somewhat puzzled when hearing that Sun Junmeng seemed to know Bai Rouyun, and his thoughts began spinning.

After becoming a deity, Li Moyun had gotten to know many secrets and details that others were unaware of, and he knew that this manager of the Lingcao Pavilion was no ordinary figure.

In fact, Sun Junmeng was the subordinate of a very impressive expert who came from the G.o.dly Domain.

"We will need to figure out what connection you have with Sun Junmeng before moving forward." Li Moyun was a decisive figure, and he quickly began to sort our their future plans.

"Sun Junmeng is not an ordinary expert. He is already an immortal, but more importantly, he is the subordinate to a celestial expert that even the deities in the G.o.dly Domain have to treat with respect. Even if it is Sun Junmeng's personal interest, we need to know the reason for his interest."

Forsaken Immortals Chapter 338: Deity

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