Against Heaven's Will Chapter 122 Golden Wingwoman

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'Huh?' Tians.h.i.+ sounded out in Xuefeng's mind.

He felt her squeeze his arm and then she closed her eyes.

'I was about to tell you that our future with Sect Master Liu looks dim but… It suddenly changed,' Tians.h.i.+ informed as she looked up, gazing as Golden Queen. 'Is it because of her?'

The golden beauty brightened as they gazed at her and let go of her husband. She walked up to Xuefeng and sniffed from up close while watching his eyes.

They could tell even Sect Master Liu was confused.

"You smell like a Dragon, yet you don't have our bloodline," Golden Queen pointed out curiously. "How is it possible?"

As she asked, multiple experts began to land on the Main Stage but nothing seemed to divert her attention, her gaze locked with Xuefeng as if she was a young teen curious about the world.

"I don't have Dragon Bloodline yet, but I have this," Xuefeng said before extending his arm. His Water Qi wrapped around his hand, turning into a five-fingered claw.

Xuefeng was more tensed than her, knowing the experts were after him so this display of power was perfect. Just in case they were attacked, he would be already prepared. Tians.h.i.+ and Nuwa already released him, no longer restricting his movement.

"Whoa!" Golden Queen exclaimed excitedly. "So your Qi can materialize into a Dragon! That's rare! Can you create a whole Dragon body already?"

"Not yet, but I should be able to in the future," Xuefeng admitted politely upon Tians.h.i.+'s advice.

'Xuefeng! Make sure to be nice to her! She is the key to getting into Sect Master Liu's mercy.'

It was the first time Xuefeng heard any of his wife's advice to be nice to another female being so he took it seriously.

"Once I do, I will definitely show it to you, Miss," Xuefeng added with a gentle smile. "Maybe you can advise me as well."

"Of course! You are my Husband's Disciple. I will do my best to help as well," Golden Queen replied with the same kindness before I returning to Sect Master Liu. "You got yourself a pair of nice disciples. Our daughter definitely has a good eye."

"Mom! Dad!"

Just as she was mentioned, Liu Xinyu's voice reached them, appearing in their view. Her purple eyes were filled with happiness at the sight of her parents. She landed somewhat chaotic, causing her hair to turn messy by falling on her face.

She gathered enough attention for Xuefeng to watch her, just in time when she revealed her face and their gazes met.

"Hey! Long time no see!" She greeted after a nod of approval as if they knew each other for a long time and looked away, busying herself with her parents. "Welcome back~"

She didn't hesitate and dove into their embrace, giving them a warm welcome hug. It was a sweet reunion Xuefeng wished to watch but something else came up to his attention.

Killing intent!

There was no such thing but for some reason, Xuefeng felt killing stares and found its origin right away. It was a group of a few men who grouped together and immediately focused on him. They didn't even hide their intentions at all, frowning and glaring at him.

'They are all Avatars who only came here for Elemental Bracelet. Although their strength is capped to the Celestial Stage, they might be a problem later. They seem more aggressive compared to the rest,' Ming informed as she rubbed on his shoulder. 'They must be the ones who caused trouble in the Platform earlier.'

'Don't worry, we won't get too close to them,' Xuefeng a.s.sured. 'If they dare do something, we will make sure they regret it.'

'Yes. I won't let anyone hurt you,' Nuwa agreed, glaring back at the men before freezing. 'Wait… Those two…'


The rest didn't know what she meant, but Nuwa didn't explain, suddenly splitting away from them. She walked right where the experts landed, causing Xuefeng to instinctively reach out to stop her.

'Don't,' Tians.h.i.+ grabbed his arm, letting Nuwa get away. 'It's going to be okay.'

Nuwa walked for a few meters when two Elvish ladies noticed her and approached her instead, meeting her half-way. They seemed friendly and smiling which eased Xuefeng's heart. He knew Nuwa was even stronger than him and he didn't even know the extent of her powers but he was still worried as her lover.


Golden Queen called out cheerfully, dragging Liu Xinyu by the hand with her.

"Yes, Miss?"

"Can I call you by your name or do you prefer something else?" Golden Queen questioned friendly. "I learned it from my daughter. You can of course call me Miss Golden if you want."

"Xuefeng is fine, Miss Golden," Xuefeng replied before gazing at Liu Xinyu. "Long time no see indeed. It has been like forever."

"True… You fought well today. I was impressed," Xinyu praised, staring at him for a long second.

When Tians.h.i.+ embraced his arm, Xinyu s.h.i.+fted her attention to her, "You too Tians.h.i.+. I didn't expect such prowess from you."

"Thank you, Xinyu," Tians.h.i.+ accepted with a smile.

Only the three of them knew they didn't actually know each other well, yet they acted as if they were already friends. Golden Queen and Sect Master Liu had no idea it was their first official meeting.

"Right, right. You too Tians.h.i.+. Let's have a good time together. My daughter is a dummy sometimes and her skills at making friends are lacking, so I hope you can take care of her," Golden Queen said as she hugged her daughter.

"Mom!" Xinyu called out in protest but she only laughed.

Xuefeng couldn't help but find it funny, laughing with her, "Haha, for sure! After all, being her father's disciple we will meet often."

He stole a glance at Sect Master Liu and suppressed his grin. It was obvious his new Master was deep in thought.

"Ehem!" Sir Liu's voice suddenly resounded throughout the stage. "Now that everyone gathered, now is the chance to pick your partic.i.p.ant. If any of the experts noticed a talent they want to explore, please take your pick."

Golden Queen's eyes brightened at that development. She nudged on her daughter and suggested, "How about you pick Xuefeng and teach him?"

"I actually planned to. Only if Xuefeng wants me to. I'm sure he might prefer to spend time with his wives instead of me," Xinyu muttered, checking Xuefeng out. "What do you think?"

Before Xuefeng could reply, someone already decided for him.


Against Heaven's Will Chapter 122 Golden Wingwoman

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Against Heaven's Will Chapter 122 Golden Wingwoman summary

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