Against Heaven's Will Chapter 128 Bragging

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Contrary to Xuefeng's expectations, it was Xinyu who first questioned. Her expression seemed more angry than worried.

"Well, anything can be achieved if one puts their mind to it," Xuefeng replied as he put his hands in his pockets, trying to play it cool. "I started cultivating when I was sixteen and I'm not even twenty yet and I already reached this far. I think there is a big chance I can succeed."

Even though he himself believed the chance of him succeeding was less than one percent, he could at least pretend he is a winner. If he repeated something long enough, wouldn't that eventually become true?

His tactic worked as the news shocked not only Xinyu but also Sect Master Liu and his wife.

"Wait, you are cultivating for less than four years? Are the conditions in the Earth Realm so good?" Sect Master Liu questioned curiously.

"No. Compared to the Heaven Realm, it is utter garbage. The concentration of Spirit Qi inside my home country is like one-hundredth of here. Even the best Central Region has about one-tenth. It was really hard to cultivate down there," Xuefeng described honestly.

His confidence rose the more shocked they were so he continued, "Even with those conditions, I still managed to reach a Sage Stage within the first half a year. If I didn't stay behind to focus on all nine elements, I could technically Ascend in less than a year."

"Whoa… What about the Elemental Qi concentration? Was it the same?" Xinyu asked.

"Oh, don't even mention it," Xuefeng waved his hand. "There was basically no Elemental Qi within the whole Earth Realm. It was about one-thousandth of here. This was why it took me over three years to Master all nine Elements."

He didn't plan on mentioning that the last three years he spent inside a Hidden Realm where the concentration of Qi was comparable to the Heaven Realm.

Xuefeng smiled seeing all three had eyes widened in disbelief. He walked up to Nuwa and Tians.h.i.+ who stayed silent, giving him the stage to brag, and embraced them both.

"I can't forget about my dear wives though. They are equally amazing," Xuefeng prized after giving each of them a kiss on the cheek. "They worked equally hard and they are just as talented as me. All of us Ascended at the same time."

"Awww…" Both Nuwa and Tians.h.i.+ softened when they heard his words, hugging him together. "We only went so far because of you."

"You all are so cute. I knew there was something special about you the moment I saw you," Golden Queen said happily. "If it is you, I'm sure you can pull that off and kill my husband's master. I always hated that geezer, so we can even help you finish him off."

"Babe…" Sect Master Liu stopped her right there. "Shouldn't that be Xuefeng's task? If we all help, how will he test his skills? Will anyone respect his strength if he uses other people to fight for him?"

"What are you talking about? What tests? What respect? Do you think he cares what others think of him? I'm sure all he cares about are his wives," Golden Queen argued, glancing at Xuefeng. "Is that right?"

"Yes, yes, that's right. That's exactly how I am. I don't mind the help. Thank you, Miss Golden," Xuefeng nodded in grat.i.tude, hurriedly accepting before she changed her mind. "I don't think my wives will even let me fight alone, so it's not like I don't have help already. More power is always welcome."

"That's right. We are not leaving him alone," Nuwa confirmed. "Not a chance."

"See? They don't mind. Your Master has been such a pain for so long, stealing my husband's time away from me for some stupid favors. Last time you said it will be over and he did it again. f.u.c.k him," Golden Queen called out aggressively. "He should be in the dirt a long time ago! The only reason he wants the Elemental Bracelet is to extend his pathetic life!"

The personality of a Dragon finally showed up, something Xuefeng found weird. How come Golden Queen was so calm and collected when all Dragons were clearly the opposite, hot-headed and brutal. It was their inner trait, becoming almost a hallmark for them.

Everyone thought Golden Queen was just venting and would calm down soon when a sudden electric current burst out between her hands.


Xinyu and Sect Master Liu changed their expressions. They seemed to know what was coming.

"d.a.m.n it!" Golden Queen continued to curse. "If you don't help I will do it myself! I will drown him in my thunder and let him burn alive!"

'Xuefeng, you should better getaway. She is losing control over her power,' Ming warned when Xinyu jumped back while shouting to her mother.

"Mom, calm down! We will naturally help them, right dad?!"

Sect Master Liu was already acting, rus.h.i.+ng up to Golden Queen to stop her.

"My Queen! We will help them! Don't worry! I promise yo—"

His words were cut off as sudden lightning burst from Golden Queen's body, almost hitting him.


The fine gra.s.s exploded on his spot while he reappeared next to Xinyu, helpless look on his face.

"Do you think I'm weak?! I'm more than enough to f.u.c.k him up! I have more than enough Lightning to beat him up!" Golden Queen cried out as Golden Lightning filled her eyes, making her s.h.i.+ne with gold.

"It's too late to stop her! Everyone get back!" Sect Master Liu called out, teleporting with Xinyu at least a hundred meters away.

Xuefeng already got a warning from Ming, so he didn't dilly-dallied, picking up both Tians.h.i.+ and Nuwa. He jumped into the sky right when Golden Lightning shot in all directions, filling the air around the Golden Queen with nothing but bright explosions.

She was swallowed by her own Lightning, creating a round-shaped barrier around her. The Lightning was like a second sun, illuminating the whole garden with its light.

'Interesting. To think we would meet someone with a Curse on them. Her Soul is corrupted.'

Against Heaven's Will Chapter 128 Bragging

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Against Heaven's Will Chapter 128 Bragging summary

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