Against Heaven's Will Chapter 179 Trap

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They expected to see Dwarfs waiting for them on the other side, ready to attack, but to everyone's surprise, they didn't see a single soul. The whole hall was empty.

"Why do I feel like it's a trap?" Xuefeng asked a rhetorical question, knowing everyone felt the same.

"They must be planning an ambush for us," Wu muttered as she let go of Xuefeng's hand, pulling out her own sword. "I don't like this."

"It's okay. Didn't we plan to break in anyway?" Xuefeng reminded, pulling out his Dragon Edge as well. "Do you remember what was the route to their Prison?"

"I do," Drakos nodded as he pointed at one of the dark corridors. "They dragged me from there."

"I can also smell she is still here. The smell comes from the same direction," Golden Queen confirmed as well, getting more serious compared to before. She simply ignored Drakos, focusing on the mission instead.

The whole place was filled with darkness as all the light was gone but they could still see how big the inside of the Dwarf Kingdom was. With how tall the dwarfs were, the size of the underground labyrinth had to span hundreds of kilometers.

"Bella, can you throw multiple fireb.a.l.l.s in the distance for me?" Xuefeng asked nicely and Bella didn't question him, casting her colorful flames ahead.

Xuefeng only extended his hand forward and stopped them mid-air, letting them illuminate the path for them. His own flames weren't as bright as her own, making it a much better torch for them.

"Alright, we can go," Xuefeng ordered, leading the charge for them. "Drakos and I will go first. Bella and Miss Golden stay at the back. Wu and the rest in the middle."

"Sure," Drakos agreed with a smile while the rest nodded, following the floating flames.


It wasn't even a few tens of meters inside when they heard the entrance door move again, locking them inside with a bang. Trade Union's guards tensed up but Xuefeng a.s.sured everyone as he pushed forward.

"Don't worry, we don't plan on leaving without her. Stay alert and keep your eyes open."

Even when they reached the underground stone city, they still didn't see anyone, confirming their guesses from before. They kept on following Drakos till they reached the elevator that led them all the way to the underground workshop.

"She is there…" Xuefeng muttered as he extended his Spirit Awareness throughout the place but he wasn't celebrating. "But she is not alone..."

Xuefeng already wondered how big the Dwarfs were looking at the size of the rooms and he wasn't disappointed. Tens of giants were standing on the way between them and black Dragon locked in the cage. Behind the cage stood another Giant, much bigger than the others, who wore metal armor as if some samurai from the Earth.

"Finally! I have been waiting for you!" King of Dwarfs announced right after they came out of the elevator, causing the black Dragon to raise her head.

"Cousin?!" the black Dragon cried out from the cage. "It's a trap! Watch out!"

She didn't question what Golden Queen was doing there and warned them first instead. Too bad, they entered inside even though they knew the truth.


They suddenly heard a loud explosion from behind them and saw ma.s.sive rocks smash down at the elevator, crus.h.i.+ng it while blocking the exit fully. Xuefeng extended his arm and created a simple barrier around them, blocking all the dust and stone fragments.

"Don't worry Pearl, we will get you out of here soon. Let us clean some garbage first," Golden Queen called out, causing the King of Dwarfs to laugh.

"Haha, where do you think you are? This is the Dwarf Kingdom! There is no way you are going out of here now! You can only go once you are dead!"

King of Dwarfs glanced at Drakos and laughed even harder.

"Hahaha! You escaped two times already and you still came back for the third time. Don't think I will—"

Xuefeng couldn't listen to him anymore, cutting his monologue short.

"No one cares! Let the girl out and we won't need to kill you. Why are you villains talking so much bulls.h.i.+t?" Xuefeng questioned annoyed, leading the group with Dragon Edge firmly in his grasp. "Why do you even start playing stupid games when you know you can't win?"

The King of Dwarfs paused, probably not expecting Xuefeng to lash out at him. All the Dwarfs present in the workshop frowned while raising their weapons to fight. They looked like they would be the first to defend their king's name but Xuefeng was no one close to done.

"Do you realize how big of a s.h.i.+t you got yourself into? We have the whole Trade Union, Dragon Race and Elvish Race behind us. Not only that, the Golden Miss behind me is Sect Master Liu's wife! You have to deal with the whole House of Dragons as well! Are you so delusional thinking you are invincible in your own castle?"

He whipped with his Dragon Edge, sending a shockwave at the wall, causing the ground to shake.

"And what is this place? Who told you this is a perfect place for a trap? Do you want to bury all your people together with you or what? One battle in here and this place will become ruins. Even if we didn't have any backup coming here right now, you all would be f.u.c.ked either way," Xuefeng explained while rolling his eyes. "I really want to know who was this dumb to think of this plan."

King of Dwarfs' face darkened.

"If you think that insulting me will help you in any way, you are greatly mistaken. Our Kingdom was build from a million years old black stone which is one of the toughest materials in the whole Heaven Realm! You can attack it all you want but you won't even scratch—"

Xuefeng didn't even finish listening to him, flying towards the nearby wall and smashed his Dragon Edge against it.


A big chunk fell off from just a casual strike, bringing out a shocked expression from the Dwarfs.

"You mean this?"

Against Heaven's Will Chapter 179 Trap

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Against Heaven's Will Chapter 179 Trap summary

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