Against Heaven's Will Chapter 207 Party Pooper

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"Hahaha! You got tricked! You chose the Cursed Fragment! Haha!" the Artefact King burst out laughing as he gazed at Xinyu. "Is he really your man? Wasting an opportunity of Dragon Tower caliber?"

Xinyu frowned and glared at him but Xuefeng didn't release her, hugging her closer into his arms.

"Wasting? I wanted to pick this fragment from the very start when your ugly a.s.s came and disturbed us. Don't compare yourself with me. We are not even in the same league," Xuefeng called back with a roll of his eyes. He ignored Ming's excitement, focusing on clearing up the pest first.

The Artefact King didn't pay attention to the insult as he laughed more, provoking sarcastically.

"Ha! I really want to see how you make use of this fragment! Ba! How about you reach the top floor first to take it out? Haha!"

"Is it that big of an issue? Maybe it is for someone like you. As I said, don't compare yourself with me. This Dragon Tower is just a small milestone for me," Xuefeng replied with a shrug as he lifted his sleeve, showing his Elemental Bracelet. "The only thing wasted here is my time on an ignorant like you. Get lost."

The Artefact King instantly froze, his smile slowly faltering.

"Y-you… That's the Elemental Bracelet!" he cried out in a stutter. "You are that man…?!"

The whole Tenth Floor stopped what they were doing, all gazing at Xuefeng in shock. They naturally heard of the resurface of Elemental Bracelet but it seemed Xuefeng's name didn't reach them yet.

'Our man can create a scene anywhere, hehe,' Nuwa commented with a giggle. 'Do you want us to help you?'

'Sure, come over when you pick your Artefact,' Xuefeng replied in his mind before asking out loud, "Do you live under the rock or something? Anyone knows the t.i.tle of the strongest expert in Heaven Realm changed already."

"You…" the Artefact King hesitated, finally showing some restraint.

"You what? Do you still have anything else to say?" Xuefeng pushed further as he pulled Katherine to his other side. "You came in and disturbed my morning stroll with my wives while spitting bulls.h.i.+t from your mouth. I dare you to look at my women once again."

The Artefact King opened his mouth to speak but Xuefeng cut him off again.

"You call yourself Artefact King yet you don't even know the importance of those fragments. They are not cursed but blessed instead. You don't even imagine the power they hold."

Xuefeng paused as he gazed at Nuwa who came over, "Anyway, it's not like you will ever get to know or witness it."

"Babe, are those men disturbing you?" Nuwa asked softly as she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him as if they didn't see each other for a while. "I already picked the Artefact for myself."

"Don't worry, they are already leaving," Xuefeng a.s.sured. "They were just saying they are too weak to climb this tower."

"Oh, I thought we were going to the top?" Wuying answered confused, also coming over. "Did you get the Fragment already? You know how important it is."

"Yup, I got it baby. I wouldn't let anyone else have it," Xuefeng replied with a smile. "Let's get everyone and proceed. I want to finish the climb by noon."

One by one, his wives approached him after finis.h.i.+ng choosing their rooms and they moved to the next floor, completely ignoring the shocked expressions. Xuefeng was already used to people envying him. He knew he was the luckiest man in the Cultivation World.

'Okay, am I in trouble?' Xuefeng finally asked while taking out the Cursed Fragment again. 'Tell me we didn't f.u.c.k up too much.'

He couldn't feel anything from the piece of metal aside from it having a clean round edge and felt cold to the touch.

'We? You made this decision by yourself. Don't blame it on us,' Ming corrected, giving him a bad feeling.

'Wait… don't tell me it is really useless? You were shocked before,' Xuefeng recalled.

'I don't know actually. It could be both. I thought I felt some strange energy inside of it but the more I looked into it, the less I found. Maybe if we get more fragments I will be able to figure it out but I don't guarantee it,' Ming explained with a sigh. 'You risked too much just to show off to some random idiot. Now we have to reach the top.'

'Don't worry, we will. Since I already picked the fragment, I won't give up till I complete it,' Xuefeng a.s.sured. 'I'm actually curious what could be so powerful to force the creators of Dragon Tower to split it into fragments.'

'Even though the Fate Kingdom controls the Realms, we only know about Artefacts that at some point saw the daylight. The Artefacts and Arts in the Dragon Tower were never seen before, especially those from the upper floors. We also don't have any contact with the Ancient Realm so any Treasures coming from there are also new to us.'

'Hmm? How come?' Xuefeng wondered.

'Ancient Realm wasn't created by us. We wouldn't risk taking over such an unstable Realm. This was the reason why many powerful cultivators fled there. They wanted to escape from our ruling but they ended up dying once the Ancient Realm collapsed. Right now, the only way to enter that Realm is creating a s.p.a.ce Pa.s.sage once it becomes stable enough. It takes hundreds of years for that to happen.'

'I see. It's a shame it won't happen any time soon. If only there was a different way to enter that Realm. Anyone who can freely get inside could claim all the treasures for themselves,' Xuefeng suggested as he grinned. 'What if those Fragments create a portal that opens a pa.s.sage to the Ancient Realm? Wouldn't that be cool?'

'No, that's impossible. The amount of power required for that would be astronomical. You wouldn't be able to gather enough Spirit Stones in Heaven Realm to fuel it,' Ming broke his dream with a strike of reality.

'Tsk, you party p.o.o.per. Let's collect all fragments and find out!'

Against Heaven's Will Chapter 207 Party Pooper

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Against Heaven's Will Chapter 207 Party Pooper summary

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