Against Heaven's Will Chapter 218 King of Heavens

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"Ah! Please give me a moment! I will be ready soon!" Sena called out in panic before looking at him with worry. "Please, you need to return from where you came from… If my father finds you, I..."

Xuefeng felt bad for her, knowing she was genuinely concerned about him even though they just met. Unfortunately, he didn't have good news for both of them.

"Would you believe me if I said I don't know how?" Xuefeng revealed as he scratched the back of his head.

"Then… How did you get here in the first place?" Sena asked confused, not even questioning his words.

"Do you perhaps know Dragon Tower in Heaven's Realm?" Xuefeng wondered, not hiding anything from her. It was obvious he couldn't stay here and she was his only life ring.

"I don't… but I know Heaven Realm," Sena replied, finally letting go of his hand. Her nails were digging into his palm for a while already.

"That's enough. Dragon Tower is basically a tower filled with a thousand floors full of treasures. One can climb and collect one treasure every ten floors," Xuefeng explained in a whisper. "I just happened to reach the top floor, but when I did, I woke up here. I don't really remember how because I was unconscious."

"This…" Sena muttered skeptically, finally doubting his words.

"I know this sounds like a lie but it's the truth," Xuefeng promised as he pulled out two Cursed Fragments. "I was collecting those fragmen—"

"Princess Sena? Are you okay?" the guard cut him off. "I can hear someone else in the room."

This time Sena didn't reply immediately, glancing at Xuefeng's face first. She wasn't good at hiding her feelings as he could tell she was suspicious.

"Wait… I know what will convince you," Xuefeng paused her before it was too late. "Do you know about Heavenly Gate?"

Xuefeng didn't have anything else that could confirm his innocence and looking at her surprised expression, it seemed like his guess was correct.

"Princess Sena? If you don't reply I will be forced to ent—"

"No!" Sena stopped him as the k.n.o.b started turning. "You can't enter! I'm changing my clothes!"

The k.n.o.b instantly returned to its original position.

"I apologize Princess. Please take your time," the guard stepped back, making both of them sigh in relief. Xuefeng opened his mouth to talk when Sena jumped off the bed and rushed to her wardrobe filled with numerous dresses.

She pulled out a red summer dress and returned to him, throwing the dress on the bed.

"Did you come here through the Heavenly Gate? But how? It's supposed to be locked shut," Sena questioned as she stripped in front of him without shame. "I'm sorry, I need to change before the dinner. The guard won't dare to enter but he will definitely call for my father."

Xuefeng ignored her nakedness as his life was in danger.

"The Spirit from the Dragon Tower mentioned it and I think the Heavenly Gate was located on the top floor. When I entered it, I unintentionally pa.s.sed through it and appeared in the Fate Kingdom," Xuefeng explained hurriedly. "I have no idea how to go back through. Can you help me?"

Xuefeng felt desperate but she was really the only person who could help him. If he tried to escape through the balcony, he would for sure get caught and interrogated.

"But how can I help?" Sena asked as she adjusted her casual dress. "I don't know a way to leave the Fate Kingdom. If I did, I would leave a long time ago…"

Sena looked outside the window with a lonely expression before shaking her head. "It's impossible. Only my father knows how to and I'm sure he will not help you. He is obsessed with keeping the Fate Kingdom locked, saying our lives are in danger but what about my mother and sister? She is still outside, unable to return."

'If only she knew that both of them were my Fate Spirits…' Xuefeng thought but kept silent, knowing she would never believe it unless he had proof.

"What will you do then? The moment you leave this room or my father comes here, you will be discovered. You are only protected right now because of the barrier surrounding my room. I installed it so no one can peek inside but it's not entirely soundproof," Sena explained, giving him a headache.

There was no way that Dragon Tower sent him here with no possible exit. There had to be a way to bring him back.

Xuefeng rubbed his chin with the Metal fragment in his hand when he froze, looking at the two objects.

Cursed Fragments!

Hope flashed in his eyes. "Sena, your Soul should be pure. Can you try to connect those fragments with your Soul? I think this might be the solution."

Sena was taken aback by the request but his excitement was enough to convince her. She grabbed the two fragments and looked at him innocently.

"Do I just press them toge—"Sena asked but stopped midway as the two fragments flew into each other and merged together, almost scaring her.

"Yes, perfect," Xuefeng cheered silently and began spilling the Cursed Fragments onto the bed. "Please help me connect them all. They should form into an Artefact."

"Sure," Sena nodded eagerly, happy to be of help. She began merging the fragments one by one, till only two metal cubes were left. When she pressed them together, something changed.


The metal cube vibrated before it escaped Sena's hands and hovered on its own. Metal parts s.h.i.+fted as if the cube was alive, suddenly forming a current of Fate Qi around it.

"It's sucking Fate Qi!" Sena exclaimed in surprise and covered her mouth, realizing she said it too loud.

"Princess Sena, are you okay?!" the guard questioned in panic.

"Yes, don't worry!" Sena called back but it was already too late, the guard announcing the bad news.

"Princess Sena, King will arrive any minute to pick you up personally."

"Oh no…" Sena muttered worriedly. "Xuefeng, hurry."

"f.u.c.k, it's still charging…" Xuefeng cursed as he stared at the cube. "Come on, faster."

The cube was absorbing Fate Qi at a rapid pace, creating a small vortex from outside, but who knew when it will finish and if it can even help him.

Too bad, time wasn't on his side.

Knock, knock.

"Sena? It's your father. What is going on?" A deep voice questioned from outside and he didn't wait for the reply. "I'm going in."

The door swung open and the King of Heaven immediately locked his eyes on Xuefeng.

"Who the f.u.c.k are you?!"

Against Heaven's Will Chapter 218 King of Heavens

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Against Heaven's Will Chapter 218 King of Heavens summary

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