Against Heaven's Will Chapter 228 Dark Fate Sect

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The h.e.l.lhole was well known to be located at the far south of the Heaven Realm but not many people knew its exact location. After all, only the most desperate criminals or people looking for death would want to find it.

Back in the past, the place was easy to spot from the sky but over the years, the situation has changed dramatically. Since no one wanted to even stay near the h.e.l.lhole, it became an a.s.set controlled by a secret sect.

The whole mountain that was literally as dry as a desert was now fully developed into a hidden City while the h.e.l.lhole was protected. Anyone who wanted to gain access to it would have to pay with part of the treasures they can find in the h.e.l.lhole. Even the strongest Cultivations could only comply with the rules after realizing the power residing within the Sect.

"Sir! There is a group of individuals approaching the Sect. Shall we send a small force to intercept them?"

The day was boring for the Elder responsible for the Sect's defense until one of his subordinates entered into his office. Normally it wouldn't be that weird as Flying s.h.i.+ps come and go on a daily basis, but this one seemed weird.

"Huh?" The Elder looked outside the window on his own and sure enough, he spotted people casually flying towards their Sect. "Are they out of their mind? What maniacs fly through the whole desert without a flying s.h.i.+p or at least a beast?"

One should know the closest city with a safe zone in the Earth Land was separated from them by a hot desert. It would take weeks for someone to cross it by just flying.

The Elder stood up and grabbed his coat, putting it on hurriedly. "Gather the team, I am going with you."

"Yes, Sir!"

It was a rare occurrence to have any form of fun, especially if the whole Sect was made out of tough criminals who hated righteous Sects. The Elder couldn't miss this opportunity.

"Stop!" The Elder called out from afar, causing the group to head in his direction. To his surprise, there were only two men in the group while the rest were women.

So many breathtaking women!

They didn't even wear cloaks to protect themselves from the sun or the looks of h.o.r.n.y males. The moment they enter the city they would immediately cause a scene.

Even the Elder didn't know which way to look and his subordinates were no different, clearly dumbfounded by their beauty. There were barely any women in the Sect so the sight of ten plus women in one group was shocking.

"Ehem, we are the guards from the City ahead. We came to ask for the purpose of your arrival!" The Elder called out friendly, hoping to make a good impression on the girls.

Too bad, they didn't even spare him a glance, focused on the city behind them. It was the handsome man at the front with white hair And golden wings that came forward to speak.

"We are searching for the h.e.l.lhole. Did we find the right place?"

"That's right. It's located in the city behind us. Our Sect is responsible for handling the h.e.l.lhole," the Elder replied honestly as he scanned the group with his gaze. "Can I ask for your ident.i.ty? Do you belong to any Sects?"

Even though the City was mostly open for any fugitives, there was an exception to this rule. No one belonging to a righteous sect was allowed to enter. Since most residents were criminals, it would only cause unnecessary chaos.

Just as the man opened his mouth to speak, his subordinate turned pale as he poked him on the shoulder.

"Sir... Do you remember that announcement from the King of Heaven? About that Liu Xuefeng?" he asked cautiously while pulling out his sword. "I think the man in front of us is him."

"Haha," The Elder chuckled at that comment. "There is no way that's true, right? He wouldn't come to a place like—"

The Elder's smile disappeared when he noticed the white-haired man did not deny that fact and instead smiled.

"That's right, it's me. To think people have heard of my name this far away. I'm honored," Xuefeng said proudly as he bowed respectfully.

The whole squad of guards froze momentarily as their bodies started to shake. They didn't even try to run, knowing they wouldn't be able to escape. Even the King of Heaven didn't personally go after him which revealed something about that man's power.

"S-sir… We don't want any trouble…" The Elder said with a shaking voice.

"Don't worry, I'm in good mood today. Just lead us to the h.e.l.lhole and we will be on our way," Xuefeng called out casually when his expression changed as if he remembered something. "Right, I also have a question. Hope you can answer it."

"Ask away, Sir!" the Elder answered on attention.

"We are looking for the Dark Fate Sect. Can you give me any information about them?" Xuefeng asked, giving the squad a scare. They glanced at the Elder who didn't hesitate to reveal the secrets.

"Actually, this whole city is managed by Dark Fate Sect. If Sir desires, I can lead you all to our City Leader. He is a high official of our Dark Fate Sect. Unfortunately, I can't tell Sir more since we are bound by a Soul Seal. We can't reveal secrets about Dark Fate Sect," The Elder reported.

"Oh, are you all part of the Dark Fate Sect?" Xuefeng questioned curiously.

"Yes, we are Dark Fate Sect disciples," the Elder admitted as he pulled out a black token.

Xuefeng glanced at the token and sighed, "Welp, I guess you are unlucky today."

"Hmm?" the Elder blinked confused when powerful force wrapped around his body, immobilizing him.

He instantly panicked, trying to resist the force only to stop, hearing ten popping sounds. Blood splashed on his face as all of his subordinates died on the spot.

"If you don't want to share the same fate as your men, how about you lead me to that City Leader?"

Against Heaven's Will Chapter 228 Dark Fate Sect

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Against Heaven's Will Chapter 228 Dark Fate Sect summary

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