Against Heaven's Will Chapter 277: Fifth Elemental Stone

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Chapter 277: Fifth Elemental Stone

Xuefeng and Thunder G.o.ddess were frozen in the sky like statues only to suddenly awaken as if their souls returned back into their bodies. Xuefeng blinked his eyes and saw Thunder G.o.ddess staring at him from up close. 

She was so close to him that she could kill him with no trouble but she only stood still while giving him a soft smile. 

'Xuefeng!' His wives' worried voices a.s.saulted his mind. 'What happened?!' 

'Don't worry, I settled the issue already,' Xuefeng a.s.sured, only to feel an excruciating pain all over his body. 


It felt as if he had been pummeled for weeks. The pain spread from his right wrist as if the Elemental Bracelet was wreaking havoc in his body. 

"f.u.c.k… I need the Lightning Stone," Xuefeng cursed while gritting his teeth, not expecting the Elemental Bracelet's Spirit would be this impatient. It wanted the stone so badly it was punis.h.i.+ng him for not moving. 

"Emi!" Xuefeng called out and a winged beauty appeared by his side. 

"Hehe, is there something I can help you, Master?" Emi reported for duty with a giggle and leaned over to kiss him deeply. "Is this what you wanted? It feels so much different to kiss you with my real body. I like it." 

Xuefeng's wives were momentarily speechless but Emi only winked at them as she hovered behind him. "It seems like you are suffering quite a bit. Do you need some a.s.sistance? Maybe a ma.s.sage will help you." 

"Emi, stop playing around..." Xuefeng scolded while the pain started spreading to his Soul, almost paralyzing him. "I need the stone…"

"Sigh, Master doesn't want my ma.s.sage…" Emi lamented but still wrapped her arms around him and aimed three fingers at Thunder G.o.ddess's forehead. "Hold still."

The Slave Contract would kill the slave if the Master died so she didn't have a choice but to sacrifice the Lightning Stone for Xuefeng's sake. 


Thunder G.o.ddess moaned as Emi touched the stone but the overall extraction seemed painless. She pulled out the purple stone that buzzed with lightning before nearing it to Xuefeng's wrist. 

The Elemental Bracelet immediately sucked the stone away from her fingers, slamming it into another free socket. 


It exploded with lightning and covered Xuefeng with a golden ball, pus.h.i.+ng the two away as if they were his enemies. At the same time, when Xuefeng opened his eyes, the lightning was already gone and his surroundings changed. He was surrounded by an endless forest while looking down from the sky. 

'Is the Spirit showing me the location of another Elemental Stone?' Xuefeng thought.

He already had four and with his Cube, he could instantly teleport to another location. As long as he collected enough Fate Stones, couldn't he just collect them all in quick succession?

Xuefeng was thinking about his options while looking around when he spotted a gigantic flower behind him. It was towering above the greenery with its petals spread wide, behaving like a mother tree of some Ancient Race. 

Just as he wondered if he could check it out closer, his body teleported above the flower. 

Spirit Stone!

Xuefeng quickly spotted a s.h.i.+ny stone smiling at him from below but then he frowned, spotting another person flying in its direction. Everything looked like he would reach it in no time when the flower finally defended against the invader. It sent out a pulse of Qi that blasted him away but he didn't seem injured at all, repeating the same process over and over again. 

The Elemental Bracelet seemed to read Xuefeng's mind as it cut the vision right after and he returned back to the ladies. 

"d.a.m.n!" Xuefeng cursed, knowing it couldn't be worse timing. "We are in trouble!"

If someone stole the Spirit Stone from his nose, Xuefeng would have no way of finding out the next stone. Only the Elemental Bracelet's Spirit could help him in that case but Xuefeng didn't bet on it. 

"What happened?" Emi questioned as she reached his side.

"I saw the location of the next stone but someone is already trying to take it as we speak," Xuefeng explained while taking out the Cube. "We need to get there before he succeeds."

The Cube didn't wait for a command as it descended down to the nearby Fate Qi ore and began devouring it. Xuefeng only counted down the number it needed to be fully charged.

"Well, I am tired so good luck with that. I will rest for a day instead," Emi responded with a yawn, not really interested. "Feel free to take as many resources as you need. They are useless to me."

She turned around to leave but Xuefeng caught her wrist in time. "Wait, I still have many questions I need to ask you."

He didn't even ask her about the place beyond the Heavens or anything about the Ancient Race. There were so many topics they could discuss that Ming had no answers for. 

"Don't worry, I will find you later," Emi a.s.sured as she kissed his neck and sniffed it. "I already recorded your smell so I can find you no matter where you go."

She didn't wait for his reply and disappeared on the spot, leaving Thunder G.o.ddess alone with him. 

"Sigh, don't forget to open the barrier," Xuefeng reminded and it unlocked the very next second, letting his wives enter inside.

They rushed to him without hesitation and looked at him as if he was a monster. 

"What the f.u.c.k?"

Even Drakos stayed behind instead of running after the Fate Stones.

"Well, it sort of happened naturally…" Xuefeng replied as he scratched his head. "Right, I forgot to bring Sena out. I think she was the one who helped me." 

He turned to Ling for help but she was already by his side, returning back into his body. Ming wasn't any different as she rushed inside while complaining, 'I'm never leaving you again!' 

They were lucky with how the situation played out. If Emi was s.a.d.i.s.tic, she could easily kill him and everyone else in the group. 

'I found Sena but she is exhausted. It seems like she spent a lot of Fate Qi and now she is sleeping,' Ling reported from within her s.p.a.ce. 'How did you manage to tame both of them? She was even calling you Master…' 

His Fate Spirits were not the only ones trying to figure it out as Nuwa investigated Thunder G.o.ddess who stood behind Xuefeng calmly. 

"Why are you not trying to kill him anymore? What did he do to you?" Nuwa asked her directly, but Xuefeng was the one trying to explain it. 

"It's a long story but basically—"

"I'm Xuefeng's slave now," Thunder G.o.ddess cut him off, revealing the truth. "He placed a Slave Contract on me and my Master but she was able to escape it with her Bloodline. She will come to free me later so, for now, I can only serve him to my best ability." 

She glanced at Xuefeng with a smile and added, "I don't mind it though because he helped me understand what has been bothering me for a while. He also showed me what it feels like to enjoy." 

Everyone in their group was speechless while Drakos immediately threw his hands. "I guess I'm too old for this s.h.i.+t. I give up." 

Ryan, on the other hand, was simply amazed. "If it was just one time I would say it's a coincidence but it's not. You consistently manage to befriend the top beauties or make them fall head over heels for you. When none of those two options happen, you manage to enslave beauties and make them serve you. I'm actually convinced you secretly brewed some love potions." 

"I just did what I had to do to get the Lightning Stone," Xuefeng explained humbly before changing the topic. "It doesn't matter right now. What we need to do is focus on the next Elemental Stone. Everyone, go down and collect as much Fate Stone as we can. We have overall one day to fill our stash before Emi will lock down this Realm." 

The Cube wasn't done filling up and it was already switching to the 5th boulder. It already began to slow down which was a good sign they could depart soon. 

"We only need enough to charge the Cube again as we can return here once I get another Stone," Xuefeng added as he led them to the ground, personally digging as well. Even though his wives had a lot of questions, they knew when was the right time to chat and when they had to focus. 

Thankfully, the Cube only needed a bit over ten boulders of Fate Stone Ore to fully charge. They were also ready to depart in just a few minutes due to Xuefeng's hurrying. It was too important for him to just let go. 

"Alright, let's hope it works," Xuefeng muttered after Ling swallowed everyone in her s.p.a.ce. He placed his palm on the Cube while imaging his next location and entered inside, ready for another multi-realm travel. 

A few minutes later, the cube reappeared right above the flower with the sounds of explosions but more intense than what he saw earlier. The flower went on a full-blown offensive as it began slapping the man left and right with its vines. Xuefeng arrived just in time to witness him lose the battle and run away without looking back. 

Xuefeng couldn't help but smile happily, only to freeze, realizing he was in the middle of the battlefield with all vines turning in his direction. 


Against Heaven's Will Chapter 277: Fifth Elemental Stone

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Against Heaven's Will Chapter 277: Fifth Elemental Stone summary

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