Against Heaven's Will Chapter 289: Red Pill Effects (**)

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Chapter 289: Red Pill Effects (**)

"You know what, never mind. I want to stay on top," Mona commented without waiting for Xuefeng's reply and pushed him down as she ogled his body. "I want to watch and feel you all over when I'm riding you." 

"Hold on…" Xuefeng stopped her advance by grasping her thighs. "Don't you think we need to get to know each other better first? I should be a complete stranger to you, right?" 

Even though the mood and their position were pointing to an unavoidable pleasure, he still felt weird to rush so fast. She didn't even know his name and she already wanted to ride him. 

"Can't we talk while we are doing it?" Mona proposed as she squeezed him between her legs before rubbing up and down. "I think my sister ate something, causing my body to feel hot. If I don't calm down immediately, I think I will go crazy." 

She played with her tongue using two fingers and then covered his erect head with saliva. 

"You are so hard already… I think I will be a perfect fit for you, don't you think?" Mona pointed out while teasing him with her finger. "You said that I'm yours then what are you hesitating for? Do you want me to convince you with my mouth first?" 

"No, that's not what I mea—" 

Xuefeng couldn't even finish when Mona slid down on his legs and pierced him right in between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. It went right through the middle and warmed him up as she tightened her chest around him. 

He was holding back for her own sake yet she ignored him completely. She couldn't blame him afterward if he claimed everything for himself. 

"How do my b.r.e.a.s.t.s feel? Are they soft enough for you?" Mona questioned lewdly while wiggling her tongue around the tip. "You can hold my head and pet me if you want… I really like it." 

"They feel really good indeed," Xuefeng confirmed and brushed his hand into her s.h.i.+ny brown hair. "You are a good girl." 

Mona s.h.i.+vered at his words and suddenly sucked more energetically. Just as he thought, she was still a fox at heart who loved pets and cuddles. 

"Yiren, Lisa, Tians.h.i.+" Xuefeng called to his wives as he didn't forget about them. Yiren and Tians.h.i.+ didn't hesitate to lay next to him while Lisa remained still as she gazed at Mona with interest. 

"Excuse me, can you tell me how you feel?" Lisa questioned as she pulled out another red pill. "I gave you one of the pills and they were supposed to strengthen your body. Can you feel any change?" 

"Ah, so that's what it was," Mona's eyes widened as she inspected the pill. "It's good. I can still feel it working but it's making me really h.o.r.n.y. If that was your point then you nailed it." 

She smiled and put the pill in her mouth before leaning over to give Xuefeng a deep kiss. When their tongues connected, he felt the pill slide over to his mouth, and then she immediately withdrew with a naughty giggle. 

"I wonder how long does it take to work," Mona pointed out while watching his face change expressions. 

The pill acted almost instantly. As soon as it landed on his tongue and started to melt, he tasted the spice both on his tongue and his body. He was literally on fire and the naked Mona was like a bottle of water in the desert. 

"How are you feeling?" Yiren questioned intrigued and seeing Xuefeng twitching between Mona's legs, she extended her hand to Lisa. "Can I have one too?" 

"Sure! It seems like it's not dangerous to consume," Lisa nodded excitedly as she pulled another pill for her. "The only undesired effect is the increase in libido but that shouldn't be a probl—" 


Before she could finish, Mona moaned loudly when Xuefeng smacked her a.s.s like no tomorrow. The pill caused his skin to light up on fire before his muscles bulged, transforming and molding into a new shape. Xuefeng could feel his whole body reacting to the pill as it affected every cell in his body. 

"I think that the pill is stronger and more dangerous for humans…" Lisa commented as she tried to take Yiren's pill away but she acted faster and swallowed it right away. 

"As long as I can get stronger, I don't mind the pain," Yiren informed just before her body exploded with flames. Her soft skin got momentarily exposed as her dress burned into ashes and Xuefeng wasted no time to grasp her into his arms. 

Now that they consumed their pills, they could only calm their desires in one way. Xuefeng grabbed their waists aggressively and flipped them over to get on top. 

"Yes!" Mona exclaimed happily, extending her arms to lead him to tear her apart first but Yiren displayed her experience on the spot. She knew very well when Xuefeng was about to explode and didn't miss this chance. 

Just as Xuefeng leaned over, she momentarily grabbed his shaft with her palm burning and swallowed him whole. 

She moaned with a full mouth as Xuefeng held her head in place, causing Mona to pout. 

"Hey, I want it too," Mona demanded and snuggled next to Yiren to have a taste as well, only to widen her eyes when it happened. 


She dug her nails into his thighs to halt his thrust but Xuefeng brushed his hand into her hair and pushed inside her without any restraints. If he stopped moving, the pain would immediately fill his body. 

"Taste it," Xuefeng suggested he finally burst on Mona's lips before moving to Yiren who was ready to stroke and milk him dry. 

That was just the beginning.

As soon as she finished, he could already feel his body stiffening so he couldn't imagine how the girls felt. He didn't hesitate to move back and grabbed Mona's thighs. Her eyes were in bliss as she licked her lips clean and she spread her legs to accept him fully. 

"I want you." 

Against Heaven's Will Chapter 289: Red Pill Effects (**)

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Against Heaven's Will Chapter 289: Red Pill Effects (**) summary

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