Against Heaven's Will Chapter 307 Snitching

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Chapter 307 Snitching

"Does it feel better than when she did it?"

When Ling and Ming got down to business, Xuefeng couldn't escape the playful compet.i.tion. Even though they didn't need to feel threatened, they still tried extra hard to please him with their tongues and prove they were the best. 

"You can read my mind so you know how good I feel…" Xuefeng replied honestly while breathing deeply and brushed his hands into their hair. "I love you." 

Even Ming, who was the Queen of Fate Spirits, couldn't help but blush at his sudden confession. Ling wasn't doing any better as she was in the middle of sucking deeply and only looked up with a loving expression.

"I don't know how you can make my heart beat faster so easily," Ming replied as she stood up to give him a pa.s.sionate kiss. "We love you more." 

She smiled and trailed down on his body with tens of kisses before joining Ling in licking him all around. Xuefeng thought he could enjoy them for a little while longer but they knew his every sensitive spot.

"Give it to us…" Ming pleaded as they saw him twitch and they aligned their tongues together to accept their reward. 

Xuefeng has been edging this whole time with the Dragon Queen and when he finally burst out, his wives' faces got covered with a golden liquid. They were never bored of savoring him and their satisfied expressions were proof of it. 

"Sigh, I wish you could put it in but they are waiting for you…" Ming lamented while licking the liquid off her face and joined Ling in a cleaning duty before releasing him. "You should get going. I wouldn't leave the Dragon Queen alone with your wives."

"Are you not a.s.sured of her?" Xuefeng asked curiously while wearing his clothes. "I don't think there is much that can go wrong. She wants to improve her Race's Bloodline and needs my help. She won't try anything funny." 

"Oh, I never said she would do something wrong. I'm sure she can't wait to suck you off again and experience another thrust of heavenly pleasure," Ming commented sarcastically. "What I meant to say is that we don't know her fully. She is a crafty and powerful Queen who would do anything for her Race, even if it meant sacrificing her own happiness. She is not someone you can fully trust so keep that in mind."

"Alright," Xuefeng acknowledged the advice and extended his hand. "Come inside me." 

Ming and Ling giggled at his command and leaned over to whisper in his ear, "You can come inside us any day." 

Xuefeng only pursed his lips and finally left the private room. He didn't hear any sounds of battle from the main hall so he relaxed and gave the pa.s.sing glance to the servant ladies. They bowed immediately while blus.h.i.+ng again when Xuefeng paused, noticing something odd. 

"Weren't there seven of you just a moment before? Where did the last one go?" Xuefeng questioned as he counted the servant ladies. One was missing and there was a clear gap in the middle. 

All the ladies panicked and none of them dared to speak which made it even more suspicious. Xuefeng gazed at the girl who looked similar to the missing one and she shuddered while stepping forward.  I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

"Uhmm… My sister was called to the kitchen to bring more wine for the guests," the servant girl muttered softly but it was clear something was off. Her face was red and her voice was cracking which were signs of lying. 

Xuefeng squinted his eyes at her behavior and warned, "I hope whatever you have seen earlier will remain a secret. I don't want to kill innocent but it's definitely within my power. I hope you are telling the truth but if not, you should tell your sister to behave or I will come back to wipe the whole restaurant." 

The servant ladies trembled in genuine fear and nodded firmly. Xuefeng was aware that him being seen naked with the Dragon Queen was a big deal if that information was heard by certain people. It was very unlikely but if the servant snitched to the Elders, it would definitely be harder to eliminate them. 

'I will watch them,' Ling a.s.sured. 'If they are innocent, they won't panic once you leave.' 

Xuefeng only resorted to killing if it was really necessary and he would definitely hate to dirty his hands with the blood of such young girls. 

'You can try to find that girl's sister and check if she really went to the kitchen,' Xuefeng suggested and returned back to the hall. 

He found Lisa and the Dragon Queen chatting happily while eating snacks but when they saw Xuefeng's expression, they could tell something was wrong. 

"What happened?" Thunder G.o.ddess questioned first but Xuefeng remained silent until he sat down on the sofa. 

He glanced at the Dragon Queen and informed, "I will tell you in a second. I really hope I am wrong but we are checking something. Someone might be snitching on us." 

"Who?" the Dragon Queen asked with a frown while gazing back at the private rooms and her eyes suddenly brightened. "You talking about the servant ladies?" 

It was the only thing that could expose them so it wasn't hard to guess. Xuefeng nodded and raised his hand to put her on hold as Ling came back to report. 

'You were right. The suspect's sister ran towards the kitchen after you left and then panicked when she found the sister with a communication crystal in her hand. Now they are both crying in each other's arms.' Ling described what she saw and asked, 'Should I bring them over?' 

'Do it,' Xuefeng replied and sighed. He actually expected everything would go smoothly yet one mistake on his part could bring them a lot of trouble. 

Lisa and Thunder G.o.ddess were confused about what was going on until Ling appeared out of nowhere carrying two servant girls by their hands. They wailed as they were thrown before them and immediately looked up at Xuefeng with teared-up faces. Fear almost paralyzed them but the suspect crawled forward and begged for mercy. 

"Sir, please forgive my sister! She didn't do anything wrong! It's all on me and my greed!" 

Against Heaven's Will Chapter 307 Snitching

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