Against Heaven's Will Chapter 315 Dragon Bloodline's Side Effects

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Chapter 315 Dragon Bloodline's Side Effects

"What do you think I did?" Xuefeng asked Dragon Queen with a shrug. "I just eliminated your main problem. The moment he decided to dethrone you, he was already a dead man in my eyes. You wouldn't be able to trust this man again knowing he wanted to turn you into a slave." 

Xuefeng absorbed the heart and the corpse into Ling's s.p.a.ce before adding, "He had the power to stop the Elders from rebelling with a single word. I know you had a strong sentiment since he was by your side for a long time, but he had to go." 

The explaining made sense but the Dragon Queen was still furious. She stormed towards Xuefeng and pulled him by his jacket. "That was not your decision to make! I'm the Queen of the Dragon Race and I get to decide who lives or dies. You had no right!"

"I had every right kill and I will eliminate them all if I want to," Xuefeng countered calmly as he grasped her wrist. "They wanted to kill us so it's only natural to repay with death. I'm only letting the rest of them live because of you." 

Xuefeng paused as he used his newly gained straight to jerk her hand away and added, "You are also no longer stronger than me, so you don't get to order me." 

Dragon Queen's eyes widened as she watched Xuefeng overpower her. "Your Dragon Bloodline… It's so—"

Dragon Queen didn't get to finish as her body suddenly trembled and she gazed at Xuefeng in awe. All other Elders on the ground felt the same as they looked up at him as if Xuefeng was a G.o.d. 

"I had to kill him to perfect my Dragon Bloodline and it seemed to be enough to fully complete it," Xuefeng explained as his Bloodline pressure overwhelmed the area. Thunder G.o.ddess wasn't affected in the slightest but anyone with a Dragon Bloodline felt the invisible suppression. 

"You improved so quickly…" Dragon Queen pointed out softly and let him hold her. "What do you plan now?"

Dragon Queen's anger vanished as soon as it appeared and she was smiling like a puppy that saw its owner. It wasn't that surprising since Bloodline has a strong natural attraction. Xuefeng was currently like an alpha wolf in front of a wolf pack. 

"We will continue with our plan but first deal with the rest of your Elders," Xuefeng suggested while gazing at the six men kneeling on the ground. "Take them all to the Sacred Altar and make them sign a Blood Pact. They will either pledge loyalty with their Bloodline on the line or I will kill them on the spot." 

The Elders have naturally heard everything and quickly agreed, "We are willing! We will stay loyal to the Queen!" 

Even though signing a Blood Pact was disrespectful to them, everything was better than death. Xuefeng just killed the Eldest Elder who couldn't even react to his attack. They wouldn't even notice what is coming if it was them. 

"Alright then," Dragon Queen nodded to his idea and suddenly leaned over to kiss him. Xuefeng could easily dodge and push her away but he felt a strange attraction when looking at her. 

His arms moved on their own as he embraced her body before grasping her b.u.t.t in front of everyone. Each kiss and caress gave Xuefeng a pleasing sensation as if he was taking what was rightfully his. 

"That's enough. Go now," Xuefeng commanded as he stopped himself before he went too far and Dragon Queen didn't question his orders. It felt like she was willing to do anything he asked which was a weird interaction.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

"Wait for me here. I will give you what you want later," Dragon Queen informed seductively and dragged the elders to the Sacred Altar. 

"Are you okay?" Thunder G.o.ddess questioned casually as she watched his eyes from up close. "You shouldn't let the Dragon Bloodline take over completely or it will start influencing your behavior." 

Xuefeng clenched her fists and felt immense strength buzzing inside his body. It was like a raging flame that was burning inside of him with no way of extinguis.h.i.+ng it. "I know, I was feeling strange near the Dragon Queen. She wasn't that attractive before."

"That's because your Dragon Bloodline overshadowed all your other Bloodlines. It is also pure which makes it extremely potent. You will be more attracted to the members of Dragon Race unless you balance it out with another strong Bloodline," Thunder G.o.ddess explained as she entered his embrace. "What do you think about when you hug me?"

Xuefeng was taken aback by her question but he understood right after he grasped her tightly. "It doesn't feel the same as before..."

Xuefeng would usually feel the desire to touch her all over but it was all gone. Even when he tried kissing her, it felt more like he was forcing himself than actually wanting it. 

'I guess that is something new that we didn't take into consideration,' Ming pointed out before a.s.suring. 'Don't worry, it's just temporary. We can always find more Bloodlines for you. The power you received is still worth it.'

Xuefeng wasn't as calm as Ming. The physical intimacy between him and his wives was extremely important to him. If he wasn't attracted to them then any interactions would lose meaning. He quickly reached out to his wife's bracelet and felt the heartbeats of his wives. That immediately warmed his heart and calmed him down which showed he still cared for them. 

"It is all physical," Xuefeng commented. "My mind is not affected and I can still love. It is just my body that is not reacting to anyone by Dragons…"

"I didn't think it would be a problem but your other Bloodlines must be too weak," Thunder G.o.ddess replied. "Even if you took my Master's Bloodline, it wouldn't be enough to counter your Dragon Bloodline. You need something cold that will chill the fire inside you."

"Do you know any Bloodlines I can find? Maybe Beyond the Heavens?" Xuefeng wondered out loud but Thunder G.o.ddess only pursed her lips. 

"If you think you can just casually kill and get another Bloodline as easily as you did with the Dragon Race then you are in for a surprise. Even my Master would die trying to get one, not to mention you," Thunder G.o.ddess pointed out. "The Races Beyond the Heavens are much stronger and work together. You won't even enter their Realm without invitation, not to mention killing their members. Even the King of Fate Kingdom is nothing compared to them."

Xuefeng's expression sank but that only motivated him harder. "I will just have to get even stronger than I am now. I won't let you suffer."

Thunder G.o.ddess paused at his words. "Don't worry about me. I am used to being alone but I can't say the same about others. They will definitely want you once we return and that's when your problems will begin."

Xuefeng thought of Nuwa during her normal state before imagining her being s.e.x-deprived. The last time she killed anyone on her path so it could only be worse.

Against Heaven's Will Chapter 315 Dragon Bloodline's Side Effects

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Against Heaven's Will Chapter 315 Dragon Bloodline's Side Effects summary

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