Against Heaven's Will Chapter 335 Wife's Duty

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Chapter 335 Wife's Duty

The Queen walked down from the podium, the weight of her decision evident in her stride, and moved towards the center of the grand chamber. Every step echoed with authority, the luxurious tail of her regal gown floating behind her. The murmurs of the chamber grew louder with antic.i.p.ation, but with a single raise of her hand, the noise was silenced.

"People of the Succubus Realm," she began, her voice echoing with power. "Today, you are about to witness a duel of unparalleled magnitude. Our esteemed Elder Emi has presented a challenge to the other Elders: her new disciple, Wu, will duel against all the Legacy Disciples combined for the right to become one of them."

Whispers of disbelief and shock filled the room once again. The Legacy Disciples were held in such high regard that only individuals of identical or higher status could possibly challenge them. Almost everyone thought Elder Emi's request would be denied since Wu was practically a n.o.body, yet she was surprisingly allowed to fight for such a high position.

The Queen continued, "This is not a mere test of strength but a testament to our teachings, our legacy, and the potential of our future. Let this be a reminder to everyone that the position of Legacy Disciples has never been permanent and everyone can aim to claim it for themselves. As our founder once said: survival of the fittest. May her name forever be remembered."

"May her name forever be remembered!" the crowd chanted in response.

As she concluded, the Queen made her way towards Wu. She expected to see a woman overwhelmed by the weight of the challenge and the mult.i.tude of eyes upon her. Yet, to her astonishment, Wu stood confidently, a knowing smile playing on her lips.

"Before I explain what's transpired, Wu—" The Queen began.

Wu interrupted gently, "I already know, Your Majesty."

The Queen raised an eyebrow, demanding an explanation with her gaze.

"Soundproof barriers can only repel the weak. The sound may not have pa.s.sed, but vibrations do. I have trained to sense the slightest of changes in my surroundings, so it wasn't hard to eavesdrop on the conversation," Wu clarified.

The Queen's eyes flickered with excitement. "Impressive. Emi was right. You are not a typical novice."

Despite Emi's confidence, the Queen had been under the impression that Wu was certain to lose, but she decided to re-evaluate her position. Extending her arm, the Queen gestured for Wu to follow. "Come, Wu. I will personally lead you to the Arena."

Wu nodded, her mature demeanor unwavering. "After you, Your Majesty."

The pair exited the grand chamber and made their way through the ma.s.sive corridors. Wu silently observed the extravagant architecture and marvelous interior design, her expression betraying no emotion.

The Queen stole glances at her, curious about her reaction. After a minute or two, she finally asked, "Does the beauty of the Palace not surprise you?"

Wu shook her head. "Not really. I have seen better."

"Better, you say? Are you sure you are not exaggerating?" the Queen questioned curiously.

"I'm positive. There are countless Realms, but none of them compare to the one my husband came from. Even though I have never visited it, he told me countless stories and visualized breathtaking architecture that I didn't know could exist," Wu explained calmly. "I hope one day he will take me there, so I can witness it with my own eyes."

The Queen couldn't help but chuckle. "I can't tell if you are bragging or not, but I can see why Emi chose you. To have such a mature and calm mindset, not many can achieve that at your age."

"I have experienced a lot in the short time I was alive, and I have learned the hard way that worrying too much over the future is a waste of time. Instead, I prefer to focus on the present and enjoy every second of it," Wu replied with a dreamy smile. "Right now, I want to become as powerful as I can to support my husband in his adventures. I have fallen behind my sisters, so the opportunity to learn Soul Arts from Emi came in handy. I'm certain it won't be enough to overpower them, but I hope I can at least go toe to toe with them."

The Queen arched an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by Wu's words. "Is your husband and family that powerful?"

Wu's eyes s.h.i.+mmered with pride as she spoke of her loved ones. "Indeed, they are the most formidable people I know. When it comes to potential and battle capabilities, I rank at the bottom. Even if we only compared Soul Arts, my elder sister would completely outcla.s.s me. But," she paused, her lips curving into a teasing smile, "I think it best if they introduce themselves when the time is right. I'm sure everyone will hear of us once they join me Beyond the Heaven."

The Queen laughed, the sound light and genuine. "I look forward to meeting such extraordinary individuals then. But tell me, if you aimed for strength to support your husband, why did you choose to risk your life and challenge all Legacy Disciples? If it's the resources you wanted, there are many other ways to access them."

Wu only shrugged, being entirely honest with her. "If I can't even beat a few Legacy Disciples, what use am I to my husband? I might as well leave him since I would only hold him back."

The Queen was rendered speechless, taken aback by Wu's candidness and sheer determination. "Such devotion is rare," she murmured, her voice filled with admiration and a hint of envy. "What kind of man deserves such fierce loyalty and dedication?"

Wu smiled serenely, her eyes softening with deep-seated love. "You may meet many kings, lords, and warriors in this realm and others, Your Majesty, but you will never meet a man greater than my husband. He's not just strength and power; he's kindness, understanding, and the embodiment of love. To him, I'd give the universe if he asked."

For a moment, they walked in thoughtful silence, the weight of Wu's words sinking in.

The grand entrance of the Royal Arena came into view, its towering gates flanked by torches that burned with blue flames. Emi stood waiting at the front, her ageless eyes a.n.a.lyzing Wu as she approached.

"I will leave you two to handle the preparations," the Queen informed, taking one last glance at Wu before vanis.h.i.+ng on the spot. It was clear the two only walked to the arena to talk on the way; otherwise, teleportation was a more convenient means of transportation.

"Wu," Emi began, curiosity etched on her face, "You know what I want to ask."

"Don't worry, we only chatted about architecture and a bit about my background," Wu a.s.sured as she embraced Emi's waist. "I wouldn't expose your secret. We are family."

"I was just making sure. I'm already the most disliked Elder, so I don't want to give them anything they can use against me," Emi replied with a sigh, becoming serious once again. "So, are you sure you want to do this? We can't predict the founder's reaction to your plan."

"Even though you didn't spend much time with Xuefeng, you should have an idea of his character," Wu pointed out as she pulled Emi inside the Arena. "A wife's duty is to raise her husband's status. That's exactly what I'm going to do."

Against Heaven's Will Chapter 335 Wife's Duty

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