Against Heaven's Will Chapter 338 Seven Soul Steps

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Chapter 338 Seven Soul Steps

The Elders on the viewing platform watched the cruel scene below, their bodies s.h.i.+vering as Wu ripped Vyleria's eye and admired it from up close. Elder Nyx was the most affected, her face red in anger and helplessness. Vyleria was like a daughter to her and she couldn't do anything to protect her.

"Founder Maria, I understand and respect your rules, but I once again request permission to intervene," Elder Nyx implored the Founder, her voice filled with urgency. If she were to step in, the stolen eye could still be reattached to her disciple.

"Denied," Founder Miara replied coldly, her eyes fixed on the arena. "This is the result of her own weakness. She must suffer the consequences."


"Elder Nyx, are you questioning my judgment?" Founder Maria's eyes narrowed, her voice turning sharp.

"I apologize, Founder, but I can't watch her get hurt anymore," Elder Nyx continued, her eyes falling on the blood-soaked teen.

"You are only worried that your Legendary Artefact is being stolen," the Founder pointed out the obvious. "If it's about your disciple's health, you don't need to worry about it. She is already receiving proper treatment."

As she spoke, Wu kept the b.l.o.o.d.y eye in a treasure box before withdrawing a pill which she fed to Vyleria. A golden light covered her eye cavity and a new red-colored eye filled the empty s.p.a.ce. It only took a few seconds before she was able to see again, her new eyelid blinking at Wu with a shocked expression.

"You look much prettier with matching eyes," Wu commented softly, casually caressing Vyleria's cheek. "Are you feeling better? I know that eye has been corrupting your Soul since you got it."

"How did you know...?" Vyleria blurted out, reaching out to touch her new eye.

"Because I saw it with my own eyes when I invaded your Soul earlier. I witnessed the darkness you have been fighting and couldn't help but do something about it," Wu explained with a smile. "I a.s.sume you didn't tell your Elder how overwhelmed you are, right? Each time you used your Eye of Truth, the darkness grew stronger, threatening to consume your Soul."

"No, I didn't..." Vyleria lowered her head, her face flus.h.i.+ng in shame.

"I figured. You didn't want to disappoint her," Wu continued, her voice gentle and caring. "You are a talented cultivator, and I am sure you will achieve great things if you focus on your own strength. Artifacts should only complement your abilities, not define them."

"I... Thank you," Vyleria's cheeks burned in embarra.s.sment, her heart pounding in her chest.

"There is no need to thank me. I only did what was right," Wu smiled and helped her stand. "Don't worry, I won't just take this Eye for myself. I will return it to the Founder and let her decide what to do with it."

Vyleria's eyes brightened, looking at Wu with admiration. "I'm sorry for misjudging you. I really thought you aimed to steal it, yet you were only trying to help me. Thank you once again."

Wu nodded and turned to the Castellan Zephyr who remained silent since he stopped the fight. "Should we go up to the viewing station to meet with the Queen? I a.s.sume she informed you to not interfere with my actions."

The Castellan Zephyr gulped as he nodded, "The founder is asking you to meet her while Vyleria is tasked with taking care of the Legacy Disciples."

Vyleria's eyes widened, not expecting to hear the mention of a founder. "Founder...? Founder Miara is back?"

"Yes, she must have been called over by the Queen," Wu replied casually as if she wasn't surprised. "Here, distribute those pills to the others. They should recover from their injuries."

Wu pa.s.sed her the vial before vanis.h.i.+ng on the spot, teleporting into the viewing platform with a treasure chest under her arm. All Elder's eyes fell on her, their faces a mixture of anger, frustration, and helplessness. It was clear they wanted to vent about their disciples' loss but couldn't do anything in the presence of the founder.

"Founder Miara, it's a pleasure to meet you," Wu nodded at the beautiful newcomer, her voice respectful. "My name is Wu, your future disciple."

Everyone gasped at her audacity, but Founder Miara only pursed her lips as she beckoned her to approach her. "Come sit with me. I have a few questions I would like to ask."

Wu complied and sat right next to her on the couch, their shoulders almost touching.

"Before we start, let me return this," Wu said and handed her the treasure box with the Eye of Truth inside. "I took it during a duel, but it's still the property of the Succubus Race so I can't just take it without asking."

"Why not just ask for it then?" Miara asked curiously, not even reaching for it. "You defeated all other candidates that could potentially receive it after Vyleria couldn't handle it. Who else should take it other than you?"

"On a side note, what kind of pill did you give her? The effects are quite marvelous," Miara added.

"They are Healing Pills one of my sisters made. She has the potential to become the best alchemist Beyond the Heaven," Wu replied as she withdrew two more vials, each having twenty-five pills. "It can heal any illness and poison, recreate broken limbs or body parts, and can even help with Soul injuries. A true all-rounder."

Miara raised her eyebrows and she inspected the pills on her own, confirming Wu's words after a moment of testing. "Your sister is not an Alchemist, she is an artist. Even though those pills are of no use for Constellations, they would definitely be helpful for my challenges. Do you think I can order a bigger batch from her? She would be fairly compensated of course."

"She would be glad to hear your praise. Although she makes pills exclusively for our group, she would definitely make an exception in exchange for rare materials and herbs," Wu replied with a smile, her eyes falling on the treasure box. "About the Eye of Truth, if I were to take it, I wouldn't use it for myself. I'm not confident enough to handle such a level of darkness, so I would most likely give it to my husband. He will know best what to do with it."

"I did hear about him," Miara replied as she glanced at Emi. "I don't really mind it since I have no use for it either. Although it's a powerful Legendary Artifact, it comes with too many drawbacks. One will eventually lose themselves in the darkness if they have no way of countering it."

"I will keep it then," Wu nodded as she intended to keep the treasure box inside her ring, but was stopped by the Elders.

"Founder Miara, we urge you to reconsider," Elder Lysandra spoke out on behalf of the Elders. "Since Wu doesn't plan on owning the Eye of Truth herself, it should go to someone else with the Succubus Bloodline. A man can never belong to our Race so giving him the Legendary Artifact would only lower the morale of our people."

"Is it yours?" Miara questioned sharply. "Did you risk your life by stepping into the Abyssal Vault to find it? Did you fight a Tier 5 Nightmare for a hundred years just to take his eye with you?"

Elder Lysandra paled, realizing what Miara was implying. "No, Founder Mira, I didn't."

"Then who gave you the right to tell me what I should or shouldn't do with my own treasure?" Miara asked coldly, the pressure in the air rising. "Aren't you embarra.s.sed to ask for a Legendary Artifact even after your disciples were defeated by a mere Soul Blast? What did I spend all those resources for? You all raised a bunch of weaklings who don't even deserve my blessing."

The Elders looked down to avoid Miara's gaze.

"Even if Wu took it for herself without asking, I wouldn't care since that's her right. She defeated everyone fairly, and deserves to take whatever loot she pleases," Miara continued, her eyes falling back on Wu. "Don't worry, no one will disturb us again. Just treat them as flies and let's continue our discussion."

Miara waited until Wu kept the treasure box and commented, "I'm impressed how you won your duel. You recognized you couldn't overpower them directly so you used Soul Illusion to provoke an outbreak of the Eye of Truth. Even though your Soul hasn't completed the first refining, your control is exquisite."

"It's nothing. My sisters could easily defeat me in my current state," Wu revealed honestly. "With how fast they are growing, I can only aim to keep up with them. Becoming your disciple and learning the Seven Soul Steps should help me achieve that goal."

Miara didn't mind her friendly tone, finding it refres.h.i.+ng. "I like your boldness. No one talks about learning my ultimate Soul Art with a smile on their face. I hope Emi informed you about the risks involved? Many had their Souls shattered before they could even master the first step."

"I didn't ask and I don't care about the risks," Wu shook her head. "It's my duty as my husband's wife to become his pillar of support. I will do whatever it takes, even if it puts my life on the line."

"You mention your husband quite often. Emi also has a favorable opinion of him even though she has always considered men as toys and food," Miara pointed out curiously. "What kind of man could have changed her mind so quickly?"

Wu glanced at Emi who immediately denied her thoughts with an eye signal. It was clear she didn't want to be exposed in front of Miara so Wu respected her wish.

"I mentioned my sisters often too, but we are not really blood related. The truth is they are also my husband's wives, all brilliant in their own way," Wu spoke while caressing the ring on her finger. "Even though my potential was great, I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for him. He is the man that brought the best out of me, showing me every day what it means to love and care for someone. He would also willingly give up his life for me without a moment of hesitation, and he proved it many times already."

"I see, you are into the hero type," Miara nodded in approval. "I am more into the toxic type. Unless they are obsessed with me, I don't want him."

Even the Queen froze at her founder's words, not believing she was hearing right. Was it really their Founder Miara speaking, the woman who reigned over hundreds of Realms with an iron fist?

"The last man I had cheated on me with another Constellation and I killed them both, taking all of their Realms for myself. I respect your patience but I can't stand unloyal men. Either you love me and only me, or you can scram. I'm too possessive when it comes to love," Miara expressed while clenching her fist before forcing herself to calm down. "Anyway, I will accept your request and accept you as my disciple. The Seven Soul Steps will have to wait until you complete your first refining, but until then, I can teach you some other things."

Miara finally stood up and formed a golden ball made of Fate Qi, everyone gasping when they saw it.

"This is a Celestial Blessing which contains part of my real Soul. It will allow you to draw my power anytime you wish, either to protect your Soul from your enemies or to defeat them. Once you accept my blessing, you will officially become my disciple and I will help refine your Soul as a first gift from your new master." Miara explained as she glanced at Emi. "I hope you don't mind that I'm stealing your disciple."

"Of course not. This is exactly what I was aiming for," Emi replied politely, urging Wu with a bright smile. "Just place your hand on the ball and the contract will be completed."

Everyone a.s.sumed they would have a new colleague once Wu accepted the blessing in front of her, but she only glanced at it indifferently and shook her head, "I'm afraid I can't do that."

Against Heaven's Will Chapter 338 Seven Soul Steps

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