Against Heaven's Will Chapter 46 Robbery

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Wu was having a great time chatting with Nuwa while drinking by their table, so when the three young men approached, she momentarily frowned, getting ready to send the intruders away.

To her surprise, just as she was about to speak, Nuwa squeezed her on the knee to stop her and called out to the boys with a cheerful smile, "Heyyy, sure! But only if you order us drinks, okay? We are almost done with ours."

Hearing the confirmation, the three smiled to each other and signaled to the waiter who was just pa.s.sing by, "Waiter, bring those beautiful ladies another gla.s.s of whatever they had, and for us three, get us the finest wine you have. Don't worry about the price."

Meanwhile, Wu was figuring what happened with Nuwa to accept such a request. The Nuwa she knew wouldn't allow any other man aside from Xuefeng even to approach her, yet now she even invited them to sit by the same table.

"What are you doing…?" Wu questioned quietly, only cringing when she gazed at the three filthy young masters.

"What? Didn't we come to the Capital with the main goal to meet other people and achieve our dreams? Don't worry. It's going to be fun," Nuwa a.s.sured happily, loud enough for the guys to hear it before directing the question to them as well. "Right? Will you have fun with us?"

The three young masters brightened and the one leading them replied confidently, "Of course! We will have lots of fun together. We are always open to meet new people as well, and when we saw you two from afar, we just had to come over to introduce ourselves."

He gave Nuwa a casual smile and brushed his fingers through his fringe up black hair, trying to act charming. With a natural vibe of a leader, it wasn't a surprise many women took a second look at him as he pa.s.sed by the tables.

"See? They are down to have fun. We can chat and maybe even become friends with them," Nuwa suggested to Wu as she looked at her while winking. "What do you think?"

As Nuwa asked, she motioned with her head at the guys while rubbing Wu's Storage Ring. Wu finally understood.

It was a robbery!

"Alright, but only for a few drinks…" Wu agreed reluctantly, to which Nuwa exploded with happiness and moved to the side, squeezing next Wu so the guys can fit by their table. "Come, come, sit with us. We have plenty of s.p.a.ce!"

The Bar was separated into two levels. The first one, where they currently sat, was filled with elegant moon-shaped tables built into the s.h.i.+ny black rock, giving just a bit of privacy for every customer. Light music played in the background as waiters brought drinks and food straight to the tables. Only this level was crazy expensive, with only a few bottles capable of emptying their whole wallets. Wu didn't want to imagine how much did the food on the second level cost, but they definitely couldn't afford it on their own.

The three young men didn't hesitate and sat down on one side, almost pus.h.i.+ng each other to be the one to sit right next to Nuwa. In the end, it was the black-haired man who won.

His buddy fixed his pricey jacket and quickly counter-attacked, aiming his advance at Wu.

"I apologize for my friends' behavior. They seem to be in a rush today," he said casually as he gave her a look-over and praised, "I can't help but be amazed by your style. That black leather armor matches perfectly with your hair. I couldn't take my eyes off you as we walked past."

Wu resisted the urge to cringe and pretended to blush as she took a sip of her drink. If it was acting, Wu could do it all day.

"She is shy at first, but she should relax after a few drinks," Nuwa a.s.sured and introduced them while hugging Wu, "This is Sky, my sworn sister that I met during my adventures. My name is Joy, and you can't break us apart. The hero who claims us will for sure have us both. Unfortunately, we are still yet to meet him in this realm."

Wu praised Nuwa internally for the creative play of words. Naturally, only Xuefeng could claim them, and the latter was also correct. The three guys grinned as if they already imagined themselves on the hero's spot.

"You two have beautiful names," the third man spoke for the first time, immediately getting onto first-name terms. "Joy, you are an Elf, right?"

Nuwa rubbed her ear as she answered, "Yes. I'm an Elf Princess, hehe."

"I knew you were special the moment I saw you," one of them expressed, but they didn't seem that shocked as if they met countless Princesses already.

"What about you three? How can we call you?" Nuwa questioned, pus.h.i.+ng the conversation forward. "I can sense you are powerful cultivators."

"Ehem," the black-haired leader cleared his throat. "I have a name, but many call me Blissful Knight. I'm not sure if you have ever heard of me?"

His two friends rolled their eyes but didn't stop him.

"No way!" Nuwa suddenly exclaimed as she stared at him in shock. "That Blissful Knight?!"

Wu was sure both her and Nuwa had no idea who he was, but they shared the same expression, looking both excited and nervous. Blissful Knight seemed to be already used to such reaction.

"Shhh…" Blissful Knight silenced her with a finger on his lips, but he couldn't hide the smirk from his face. "It's best if you don't shout my name so freely. I came to the Fire Land Capital incognito."

He gave Nuwa a wink, to which Nuwa blushed as well.

"What brings the famous Blissful Knight to the Fire Land Capital?" Nuwa asked curiously.

"Just as you two, we roam the Heaven Realm in search of different opportunities, to meet new people and make friends. This time, we got a chance to attend a Celebration Party organized by the President of the Trade Union. It will begin any time soon," Blissful Knight replied casually, trying to act humbly, but it was apparent he was bragging.

If only he knew that he was talking with the stars of the party.

Against Heaven's Will Chapter 46 Robbery

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