Against Heaven's Will Chapter 84 Red Cloud Sec

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"Everyone, this is your chance to redeem yourself! You will no longer be just normal bandits! From now on, we will only rob big fishes! Are you ready?!"

After the whole afternoon and evening of rigorous professional training performed by Wuying, it was finally morning, the time to depart on the bandits' first coordinated mission under new leaders.h.i.+p. It would be the Four Devils first group mission as well but they were confident of their abilities.

Wuying's voice was like a thunderclap, awakening the sleepy bandits who were still tired after yesterday's training. Their eyes snapped open as they raised their weapons in the air.


The Four Devils knew the bandits were a bit hesitant and wary of them but the moment they showed their strength and seriousness, it seemed as if something clicked in the bandits' minds. They finally believed they can achieve much more than just simple robbing and extortions.

Fifty men lined up in the main plaza of the small Bandit Camp while the rest observed from the side or peeked from the windows. Many of the wives seemed worried about their departing husbands but no one protested the high-risk mission. They already accepted their husband's profession and accepted all the risks.

"Remember all the strategy we came up with. Execute it perfectly and all of us will bath in Upgrade Fragments and numerous treasures. All fifty of you will receive equal rewards and elevate your power even further," Wuying called out to encourage them only to glance to the side at the bitter bandits who were not chosen for this mission.

"The rest of you! Just because you were not chosen doesn't mean you can slack. Once we are back, everyone will receive the training. This is just the start! We will share our knowledge and skills with you but we expect ultimate loyalty! Anyone who doesn't follow the rules and can't slack will be kicked out from the camp. We want to expand as quickly as we can and for that, we need everyone's help," Wuying announced.

Despite Wuying's overbearing att.i.tude and pressure, no one complained. This was exactly what one would expect from the leader, firm control, and power. Most bandits were mostly interested in Wuying's promise of skills and knowledge but the goal was much bigger than just individual growth.

Four Devils' plan involved more than just controlling a small Bandit Camp.

Seeing that everyone got her message, Wuying flicked with her finger to call Maw to her side.

"Yes, Miss Wuying?"

Maw had even more respect in the Bandit Camp compared to the actual ex-boss so he was perfect to stay and coordinate the people in their absence. He seemed to be one of the few who actually cared about the prosperity of their community.

"Here." Wuying pa.s.sed him a simple Storage Ring. "I noted down all the instructions inside. I want you to prepare everything before we return."

Maw nodded in understanding as he checked the content but his eyes widened right away, looking at Wuying in shock.

"Miss Wuying… This… Is that even possible with our limited resources?" Maw questioned but Wuying a.s.sured him immediately, "Don't worry about it. Just work according to my orders and everything will be good. We already a.n.a.lyzed everything."

Wuying didn't give Maw time to refute her as she turned her back to him, crying out to her underlings, "Let's depart!"

"Don't disappoint me," Wuying muttered to Maw before disappearing from the spot, appearing on a giant white tiger with its wings spread out.

It was Lulu, Xiao Wen's Tamed Beast which followed her since a cub. She has been slowly advancing in ranks the past three years they were training. Although she didn't reach the G.o.d Stage yet, being still in the Rank Nine, she was still useful in transportation which allowed them to save energy and resources.

"Good girl," Xiao Wen praised Lulu with a side scratch as the whole group launched in the sky. All four of them sat on Lulu's back, hugging each other to fit all together.

"What is the plan exactly?" Princess Shan asked curiously, getting to the main topic they needed to discuss.

The whole group of bandits thought they had all the plans ready beforehand but in reality, they didn't discuss anything about the actual robbing. All they knew was how to enter the Sect and where was the treasury.

How were they supposed to trick all the guards and elders?

How to pa.s.s through all the disciples with their unknown faces?

What if they meet the disciples that escaped from their grasp when they attacked?

How to break into the treasury?

There were many questions they didn't have a clear answer to. All they could do was improvise and adapt to the situation at hand.

"How about I sneak inside with Yi and you two handle the front battle. You two are better at creating a scene while we can sneak around and act innocent," Wuying proposed.

All three nodded as it was the most optimal but it was still a risky play.

"I thought so too but are you sure you can do it? We can also leave Xiao Wen alone and go in with the three of us," Princess Shan suggested instead. "I don't know what we would do if you two got captured."

"I don't mind staying alone," Xiao Wen pointed out. "I can always escape while being outside but you will be inside the Sect. It is not bad to have an additional backup."

They already did their calculations yesterday evening. It would take them too much time to get enough resources to cultivate and be strong to travel safely and search for Xuefeng. They couldn't just go adventure and search the whole Heaven Realm for him. They were already put on the blacklist by a few nearby Sects so they would be quickly hunted down if they continued to rob by themselves.

Choosing this path, they could only create their own army and use it till they are strong enough. None of them wanted to wait months till they can reunite with Xuefeng so they had to hurry with their plans. Robbing one of the smaller Sects was risky but also most profitable.

"Don't worry, we will be good with just the two of us. You need backup as well in case any experts attack you," Wuying decided as she hugged Xiao Wen in front of her.

"Let's do it!"


It was a sunny and hard working day for the Red Cloud Sect, knowing the main s.h.i.+pment of Spirit Herbs was arriving today. The guards by the main gate were already sweating buckets under the sun, tired from checking all the goods brought in by the merchants.

"Gosh, finally break time. The second s.h.i.+ft should com—" the guard muttered tiredly only to cut midway, spotting two beauties approaching the gates. He poked his partner with an elbow and both waited for them to approach, brightening when they saw the familiar Disciple Tokens.

Against Heaven's Will Chapter 84 Red Cloud Sec

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Against Heaven's Will Chapter 84 Red Cloud Sec summary

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