Descent of the Phoenix 13 Years Old Princess Consort Chapter 1931

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Chapter 1931

Xuanyuan Xuan piled up a brilliant smile, and ran to the water tank with Xuanyuan jade, smiling sweetly: "help your aunt, so that you can have breakfast."

As he said it, he crawled towards the water tank and seemed to be ready to scoop water to help.

The old five woman burst out laughing: "go to play, what can you do? Don't fall into the water tank and drown you, ha ha."

As he spoke, he picked up a bucket of water and headed for the kitchen.

Xuanyuanxuan and xuanyuanyu look at each other immediately.

Xuanyuanyu's body shape is fast and wrong, which is behind xuanyuanxuan. Her eyes are fixed on the curtain of the back door of the kitchen.

Xuanyuanxuan stood on the edge of the water tank and hurriedly pulled his pants down.

He began to pee into the water tank.

"Scoop water to help, ha ha..."

There was a burst of laughter in the kitchen. It must have been the five women who said two little words, which caused a group of women to laugh.

"Come on, come out." Xuanyuan jade pulls Xuanyuan Xuan's clothes.

Xuanyuan Xuan quickly collected his pants and sank down. He grabbed the edge of the water tank with both hands. It looked like he could not climb up to fall down.

"Brother, how stupid, ha ha."

The old five woman came out with a bucket, and saw xuanyuanxuan as if he was hanging by the water tank. She was standing on her calf in a panic.

While xuanyuanyu claps her hands on the edge, laughing happily.

"You are stupid. I I Whoa, I'm coming down... "

Seeing this, the old five women burst out laughing with their stomachs in their hands.

Several women in the kitchen heard it and came out to have a look. They couldn't help laughing.

"You little fool."

In the laughter, the old five woman stepped forward, put down the Xuanyuan Xuan and said with a smile.

Xuanyuan Xuan pouts and rubs his red hands. He is embarra.s.sed to hide behind Xuanyuan jade, trying to make himself invisible.

Such a child's action immediately makes everyone laugh again.

Then, a group of women invited out of the kitchen water tank heavy ground, according to the small stool in the kitchen, waiting for breakfast.

Sitting on a small bench, Xuanyuan Xuan and Xuanyuan Yu hold hands.

Two pairs of big black eyes, looking at each other, laughing like two foxes, eyebrows and eyes bent into a seam.

Descent of the Phoenix 13 Years Old Princess Consort Chapter 1931

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Descent of the Phoenix 13 Years Old Princess Consort Chapter 1931 summary

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