Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 1095

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Chapter 1095 The Scarlet Monastery

Translator 549690339

“Zou Zhuo “”???”” ”

“It was a threat, a blatant threat! ”


“From what Chen Mo was saying, if zou Zhuo dared to disclose this, his account would be banned? ”

“F * ck, I can’t afford to offend you. ”

“Zou Zhuo was silent for two seconds.””Alright, take a break, manager. I’m going to get some sanguine.”” ”

He had no choice but to lower his head to the dark forces …

“It was shocking news, but zou Zhuo didn’t dare to reveal it. ”


It wasn’t because he was afraid of being banned. He knew that Chen Zhao was just joking.

“The key was, if this information was leaked, would it have any negative impact on the server … ”

Zou Zhuo could feel that the Alliance and horde were on equal footing in this server. It could be seen from the battle of Hillsbrad Hills that the Horde might have a slight advantage.

“If he revealed Chen Zhao’s ident.i.ty, he would be happy, but what would happen? ”

“With Chen Mo’s huge fan base, the players would definitely rush to join the alliance and his Guild. What was the point of playing the Horde then? ”

“There were already two big bugs there, and now there were a bunch of players. How could zou Zhuo and the Horde players survive? ”

“Therefore, zou Zhuo decided to keep it a secret. ”

“””Little fatty, come quickly, we’re waiting for you to start.”” Old P was already urging him. ”

“Zou Zhuo came to the dungeon entrance and thought for a long time,””””Everyone, why don’t we … Go to the Alliance?”” ”



The little Fatty’s suggestion was not pa.s.sed in the end.

“In fact, zou Zhuo was just saying it. He didn’t really want to switch to the Alliance. ”

“On one hand, it was the sense of belonging to the faction. Although this thing sounded weak, many players were very firm about it. If they decided to be in the Horde, then they would be in the Horde forever. They definitely wouldn’t play in the Alliance. ”

“On the other hand, it was probably because zou Zhuo and the others were having a good time in the tribe. It was the happiest when a few noobs played together. If there was someone who was really good at playing with them, they wouldn’t be able to enjoy the game. ”

“Therefore, zou Zhuo and old P didn’t have any intention of relying on Chen Mo. Instead, they thought that it would be more interesting to fight with Chen Mo in the Alliance. ”

The Scarlet Monastery’s difficulty level had risen to another level for the players.

“At the start, zou Zhuo and the others already thought that the howling caves and Shadowfang Keep were difficult enough. They had to die a few times before they could clear them. Later on, everyone’s equipment got better and better, and they also got a lot of blue equipment when they cleared Dungeons and completed quests. In the end, when they cleared new dungeons, they were still wiped out like dogs! ”

“The Scarlet Monastery had a lot of monsters. Some of them would shout for help, and when their HP was low, they would run away in fear. There were also many patrolling monsters that could poke a hornet’s nest and instantly wipe out the team. ”

“Of course, the VR version of World of Warcraft had many improvements compared to the original World of Warcraft. ”

“For example, he had made adjustments to the structure of the entire dungeon. The structure of the entire dungeon had become more complicated, the area it took up had been greatly expanded, and the distribution of monsters had been reduced. There were also Scarlet Crusaders who patrolled with their dogs, and their vision was much wider than the average monster. ”

“This was because the monsters in these Dungeons were basically given the corresponding intelligence according to the plot setting. They were no longer like before, standing in place and waiting for players to attack. ”

“According to the plot, the Scarlet Crusade had been bewitched by Balnazzar, and most of its members had gone crazy and blindly followed him. They had committed many evil deeds in the name of justice. Therefore, the AI of the Scarlet Crusade did not need to be very high. ”

“The Warriors stood guard and patrolled the Scarlet Monastery, while the Scarlet monks and priests studied the books and records. When they saw an invader, they would rush over fearlessly out of their fanatical faith. However, when their HP was low, they would also try to run away to get reinforcements. At this time, players needed to quickly get rid of the Crusader who reported the news, or they would really have to face a group of monsters. ”

“In fact, with the current level of artificial intelligence, the AI of these monsters could also be very high, but that would be too difficult. If five players were to fight a vast number of monsters, and the monsters ‘intelligence was about the same as the players, what was the point of playing? ”

“Therefore, this change was equivalent to a compromise. On the one hand, the Scarlet Crusade’s AI was improved, making them look more like Intelligent Living people. On the other hand, the layout and structure of the dungeon were adjusted accordingly so that the improvement in AI would not affect the difficulty of the dungeon. ”

“Although the Scarlet Monastery dungeon wasn’t complicated and was basically a Dao-type dungeon, it had always been very popular. On the one hand, the bosses inside were very unique. On the other hand, the drops were very good. ”

“The interrogator in the interrogation room, vishas, was in the Forsaken voreal, and he even stole voreal’s ring to give to his wife. Horde players could accept the quest to kill his wife and take back the ring. ”

“The most ironic thing was that the interrogator vishas kept bragging about how beautiful his wife was, but when the players really went to find her, they would find that she was extremely ugly … ”

“Dog trainer Roxi’s cla.s.sic line “”Close the door and let the dogs out!”” It also dropped a blue quality dog whistle, which was a rare toy in the early stages. ”

“On the other hand, Arcanist Doan was one of the few wizard bosses in the early stages of the game. He could turn into a sheep, explode, silence, self-destruct, and other skills. Many players who were not prepared for this were killed. ”

“Not to mention the “”blade of light”” in the Armory and the cla.s.sic lines of the adulterous couple. Many players could even recall the cla.s.sic tones of these lines … ”

“However, zou Zhuo and the others were not able to get there yet, because they had not gotten the key. ”


“After finally defeating the Arcanist Doan, Lin Xue was saving the others while the others were searching the corpses and getting the keys. ”

“Zou Zhuo’s focus was a little weird, he was reading a book on his desk … ”

“The Scarlet library was the public library of the kingdom of Lordaeron, and its collection of books was comparable to that of Stormwind City and Karazhan. ”

“After entering the Scarlet library, zou Zhuo noticed that the bookshelves on both sides of the wall were filled with all kinds of books. There were even more books in Arcanist Doan’s room, almost filling up the entire room. ”

“Most of these books were unperceivable. They could be taken down or flipped to the next page, but they were filled with symbols of unknown meaning. ”

“However, several books placed in the key positions were available for reading, and they talked about a lot of the history of Azeroth. ”

“In fact, there were many more books like this, and they were all hidden in various main cities, Dungeons, and NPCs ‘residences as Easter eggs. ”

“””The battle of the three Hammers, the origin of the undead, the World Tree and the Emerald Dream world, Arathor’s Ogre war, the ice Crown and the ice-sealing throne, the war between the orcs, the ancient war … d.a.m.n, there are so many books in here!”” ”

“””Well … I’ll complete an achievement and read the history of World of Warcraft in World of Warcraft …”” ”

Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 1095

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Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 1095 summary

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