Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Chapter 10 – Decisive Victory!

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Translated by Coldtaco

Edited by Aelryinth

s.h.i.+ Huazhe remained silent. Although Qiu Hengyang was his junior, they were both B-grade video game designers. Moreover, Qiu Hengyang remained active in the cutting edge of research. It wouldn’t look good if they were at each other’s throats.

Furthermore, s.h.i.+ Huazhe felt that he had no chance of winning an argument against Qiu Hengyang. Therefore, he chose to swallow his pride and keep his mouth shut.

The emcee could also feel that the atmosphere surrounding the judges wasn’t quite right, and quickly diverted attention away from them. “Alright, thanks for the insightful reviews by the three judges. Personally, I don’t think there is a game that pleases everybody. It’s quite normal to have people who dislike your game. There isn’t an objective of good or bad. In the end, the decision still lies in the hands of the audience. Up next is the second recommendation round!”

s.h.i.+ Huazhe had calmed down a bit after the mediation by the emcee.

The audience was once again given the chance to recommend a game in the next round. However, it was obvious that the focus was on FlappyBird and Hunter Island.

It was impossible for the other games to overtake FlappyBird. The key factor became how many recommendations Hunter Island was able to achieve in this last round!

The audience was also hesitant.

“Which one are you voting for?”

“I think Mr. s.h.i.+ made sense, isn’t FlappyBird too simple? Does it deserve to be crowned champion?”

“So you’re voting for Hunter Island?”

“Umm, I can’t say for sure. Although it felt like more effort was poured into Hunter Island, it wasn’t as fun as FlappyBird.”

“Then why are you still hesitating? Qiu Hengyang also made sense. I’m voting for FlappyBird no matter what.”

“Then I’ll also vote for FlappyBird.”

“Let’s get it over and done with, I can’t be the only one to have endured the torture.”

Soon thereafter, the updated statistics were shown.

FlappyBird had one thousand and thirty-seven recommends!

Hunter island had five hundred and thirty-seven recommends!

Hunter Island needed to get a hundred and twenty eight votes more to take first place; it was obviously hopeless at this point.

Moreover, FlappyBird received nearly five hundred votes in the second round; you could say it was a crus.h.i.+ng defeat!

The emcee said, “Alright, the final results are out! According to the rules, FlappyBird has proven itself to be the favorite by playtime and number of recommendations. However, we still need the approval of the three judges. If they reach a unanimous decision that the game isn’t worthy, unfortunately it will have to be disqualified.

“The three judges, what are your thoughts?”

The emcee looked in the direction of the three judges.

s.h.i.+ Huazhe and Lin Hai were silent.

It required a unanimous decision for the game to not be recognized. Qiu Hengyang’s stance was obvious. Even if s.h.i.+ Huazhe and Lin Hai a.s.serted that they were against it, it would end up fruitless. Therefore both of them kept quiet.

Qiu Hengyang took control of the mic. “I approve of this game. I think it fully deserved to take first place in this compet.i.tion.”

The emcee nodded in agreement. “Alright! That means the champion of the video game design compet.i.tion has been decided: FlappyBird of designer number Seven!

“May designer number Seven make their way up the stage to receive their prizes. They have received three hundred thousand RMB in research funds, qualifications to be a D-grade video game designer, and their very own video game experience store! Congratulations!”

Chen Mo got up from his seat and walked towards the stage.

The audience and the compet.i.tors wondered what kind of person had made such a s.a.d.i.s.tic game.

Perhaps half of the audience wanted to take a peek inside his mind. Are you antisocial? Why would you make a self-torturing game like this? Why?

Of course, it was just in their minds.

Surprisingly, Chen Mo had a disinterested expression, without a hint of celebration, as though he had known that this would happen from the start.

To him, going up stage to collect his prize was just a necessary part of the unnecessary ritual.

“Congratulations!” The emcee shook hands with Chen Mo, then handed over the trophy to him.

“After you get off stage the staff will contact you in order to transfer the money into your account. As for the experience store, discuss it further with the staff involved.”

Chen Mo nodded in reply.

The emcee said loudly, “Well, let’s give another round of applause to designer number seven, Chen Mo!”

Thundering applause came from the audience, flashes came from the surrounding journalists. Chen Mo was being quite cooperative and made a suitable pose while holding the trophy.

At this moment, someone spoke up. “Um, emcee, can I have a word?”

The emcee was shocked to see s.h.i.+ Huazhe when he turned around.

-What’s the meaning of this?-

The emcee thought for a moment. According to the event structure, the compet.i.tion had ended, the reviews were given, what else was there to say?

However, since s.h.i.+ Huazhe had presented himself, it wouldn’t make sense to cut him off. Therefore the emcee replied with a nod, “Of course, go ahead.”

The applause from the audience slowly died down, wondering what s.h.i.+ Huazhe had to say.

s.h.i.+ Huazhe cleared his throat and said, “First, congratulations on winning.”

Chen Mo replied with a nod, “Thank you.”

s.h.i.+ Huazhe continued, “As someone from the past, I’d like to share some of my experience from the past. Would you like to listen?”

Chen Mo nodded with a smile. “Of course.”

s.h.i.+ Huazhe said, “I think, young man, that your views are indeed unique. The thought process for designing the game was also very different, I’m thoroughly impressed. However, you can’t get by making games just by having great ideas. It may come back to bite you when your ideas are too great.

“When making games, it’s best that you stick to the norm without being too fancy. It’s impossible to keep finding opportunities like this. You might be able to do it once, but you can’t keep this up forever.

“Let’s use your game for example. I still stand by my words, you haven’t moved the audience or brought them happiness. You triggered their negative emotions in order to keep them playing. It’s something I strongly disapprove of.

“Hopefully you can leave the path you’ve strayed onto. Please do not continue on that path just because you’ve won this time. It’ll only do you bad, understood?”

After the words had left s.h.i.+ Huazhe’s mouth, the atmosphere became odd.

Although in essence it was congratulatory, what was implied was plenty obvious: Chen Mo had achieved this result through a loophole, fooling around, and pure luck. Making another game like this would only lead to a dead end.

Obivously s.h.i.+ Huazhe hadn’t swallowed the insult from Qiu Hengyang. He couldn’t say that to Qiu Hengyang himself, and obviously accepting that he was wrong was off the table. That’s why he chose to ‘advise’ Chen Mo.

s.h.i.+ Hua Zhe knew that confronting Qiu Hengyang had its risks. If Qiu Hengyang got angry and the two of them started quarrelling, there would be no benefit to anyone. However, confronting Chen Mo was risk free. As a video game designer that had just entered the industry, all he could do was nod in agreement, “Thanks for the guidance!”. Any opinions would be kept to themselves.

How could Qiu Hengyang have not understood the intent of s.h.i.+ Huazhe? However, as s.h.i.+ Huazhe wasn’t targeting Qiu Hengyang himself, he couldn’t retaliate. All he could do was to watch Chen Mo swallow the insult!

Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 11

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Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 11 summary

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