Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 1129

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Chapter 1129 Chapter 1128-kui has a son?

Translator 549690339

“Kratos fell to the ground, and everyone could clearly see the hideous wound on his abdomen. The sword of Olympus had pierced through his abdomen, and blood stained the ground. ”

“However, in the last scene, Kratos disappeared, and the largest pool of blood spread to the edge of the cliff. The last shot was on the sea with lightning, Thunder, and hurricanes in the distance, like the doomsday scene of the Twilight of the G.o.ds. ”


“Lin Xue let out a long breath,””so there are more behind. It seems like Kratos is still alive. But … I want to know who he is going to kill in G.o.d of War 4.”” He’s already killed all the Greece G.o.ds …”” ”

“From G.o.d of War 1 to G.o.d of War 3, Xue Lin was very happy. The ever-expanding battle scenes, the ever-more exciting boss battles, and the plot that was filled with revenge and G.o.d-killing had given G.o.d of War a unique label, allowing the players to have a good time. ”

“””Ah, alright. It’s time to continue exploring World of Warcraft. Our team is going to explore Blackwing’s nest today …”” ”

“””Can you win? What a joke, I definitely can’t beat him. Otherwise, how can it be called a wasteland reclamation …”” ”

“””Eh? Why are you still so persistent? you’ve been watching G.o.d of War for days, aren’t you tired … Fine, I’ll broadcast the beginning of G.o.d of War 4, and I’ll broadcast the rest another day. “” ”

“Xue Lin wanted to save the content of G.o.d of War 4 for tomorrow, but the audience was insistent on watching it. She had no choice but to go to the altar of the G.o.d of War again and start the story of G.o.d of War 4. ”

“After defeating Zeus, the players ’emotions had reached a peak. In the end, whether Kratos was dead or not was a big mystery. Strictly speaking, this could be considered a break in the chapter. Needless to say, it was definitely something that salent had deliberately created to increase the sales of the game … ”

“But when Xue Lin said that she wanted to continue streaming G.o.d of War, some of the other viewers were unhappy. ”

“””You’re still broadcasting G.o.d of War?”” ”

“””It’s been broadcasting for a few days, let’s change it!”” ”

“””That’s right, I’m tired of aesthetics. I just kill this and that all day, I don’t understand what’s so good to see? It was shocking at the beginning, but don’t you feel tired of it?”” ”

“””Seriously, this is what a hack-and-slash game is like. Think about Chen Mo’s prototype, it’s one of those brainless games with no substance. Who wouldn’t remember it?”” ”

“””That’s right, serente has fallen. Think about ‘the end of the United States’ and ‘The Legend of Zelda’. Those are the wild imaginations of the people. Those are the cla.s.sic works of art!”” ”

“Before Lin Xue could say anything, the two groups of viewers had already started arguing with each other. ”

“In fact, this was not the first time that such a view had appeared. There were many players who said that G.o.d of War had no substance, and most of them were cloud players. ”

“In fact, if one didn’t experience G.o.d of War in person, it would be hard to understand how enjoyable it was just by watching the live streamer play. The first boss might be very exciting, but from G.o.d of War 1 to G.o.d of War 3, cloud players had watched so many boss battles that they were tired of this mode. It was nothing more than killing monsters in a variety of ways, and the actions were planned in advance. ”

“Of course, there was a small group of people who wanted to show off their gaming taste by nitpicking … ”

“Seeing that the bullet comments were about to start, the experienced little cheeky Lin Xue immediately said,””””Alright, alright, don’t start a fight, or my moderators are going to get to work. I think you players who are trying to make a big news story by criticizing G.o.d of War clearly don’t understand Chen Mo. If you’re trying to make him look bad, wouldn’t you be slapped in the face when tgnn’s rating comes out?”” ”

“After entering G.o.d of War 4, the screen was black for a long time. ”

“When the melodious background music played, Xue Lin was stunned for a moment. ”

“Obviously, G.o.d of War 4 gave people a completely different feeling from the previous three movies. From the emotions contained in the background music, one could feel a kind of restraint or desolation. ”

“Soon, an image appeared in Xue Lin’s vision. On the left was a thick tree trunk with a Golden Palm print. On the right side of the picture, Kratos, who had a full beard, came to the tree with an axe in his hand, his eyes filled with grief. ”

“Lin Xue was shocked,””Oh my G.o.d, kui, what happened?”” Why are you so old?”” ”

“Obviously, Kratos looked much older than he was at the end of G.o.d of War 3. Although his body was still burly and powerful, his thick beard, fine lines at the corners of his eyes, and his steady and determined eyes all indicated that he was no longer young. ”

“There was a wound on his chest from being pierced by the sword of Olympus. Obviously, the story of G.o.d of War 4 happened after G.o.d of War 3. ”

“””Oh my G.o.d, what’s wrong with you, kui! Why are you so old? Where’s your blade of chaos? Where’s your sword of Olympus?”” ”

The situation had changed so quickly that Xue Lin had not even realized it.

“The players who were expecting Kratos to continue killing G.o.ds were dumbfounded. They thought that Kratos would maintain his image in G.o.d of War 4, but they didn’t expect that even the character modeling would be changed! ”

“Moreover, the story this time was obviously a long time apart from the previous three. Kratos was already in his middle age, which was at least more than ten years apart. ”

“Kratos caressed the Golden handprint on the tree and leaned against it, falling into deep memories. ”

“Then, he raised his axe and hacked at the tree. ”

“When he was about to bend down to pick up the tree trunk, the bandage on Kratos ‘left hand loosened, which seemed to evoke his memories from a long time ago. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then began to wrap the bandage back. ”

“At this moment, a naughty child ran over. Kratos turned around subconsciously to prevent the child from seeing his left hand. ”

“””Get on the boat, child.”” ”

“Kratos threw the tree trunk into the water and tied it to the stern. Then, he rowed along the river to another dock. ”

“Lin Xue was completely dumbfounded,’what the h.e.l.l is this? Kui had a child? Who did you have it with?”” ”

Lin Xue wasn’t the only one who was dumbfounded. The viewers were dumbfounded as well.

What the h.e.l.l was this? How did kui become so old? There’s a child?

Did this mean that he had fallen into the mortal world? This scene didn’t look like the divine realm or Olympus.

“Moreover, the biggest difference was kui’s personality. ”

“The previous kui had always been furious and violent. He was the type who would kill your entire family if you didn’t agree with him. However, Kratos appeared to be very silent as if he was trying his best to suppress the anger in his heart. His previous insolence had turned into restraint. ”

“Lin Xue, who only wanted to watch the beginning of the game, quickly forgot that she was going to explore World of Warcraft. This time, G.o.d of War didn’t use any big scenes or hormones to stimulate the players. Instead, it was a story that was told at a moderate pace. ”

Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 1129

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Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 1129 summary

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