Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 1132

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Chapter 1132 The G.o.d of War and his aged father

Translator 549690339

“””Phew, this pillar of light should be the light of the world, right? Once we enter, we will be able to restore the Rainbow Bridge’s magic power. “” ”

Xue Lin let out a long breath.


“The battle in Alfheim began to become more difficult, and these battles were no longer “”fun.”” ”

“Of course, it wasn’t too difficult. Xue Lin chose the lower difficulty. The current battle wasn’t satisfying enough, but it wasn’t a problem. ”

“The problem was that the current difficulty level was no longer related to “”mowing the gra.s.s.”” Some of the Dark Elves here could fly, some wore heavy armor, and some even self-destructed. If one wasn’t careful, they would be crushed to the ground by the monsters. ”

“Obviously, when you started to mind the types of monsters in the game, this game could no longer be considered as cutting gra.s.s. ”

“Fortunately, Atreus was getting more and more powerful. Lin Xue was surprised to find that this guy could not only use long-range attacks. She watched as her son took down a Dark Elf on the spot and never stood up again. Her son’s five crazy attacks in a second directly dropped the Dark Elf from full health to half health, causing the execution effect … ”

“As for how he did it, Lin Xue wasn’t too sure either. All she saw was Atreus swinging his bow and striking the Dark Elf repeatedly, and the Dark Elf was lying on the ground, unable to even stand up … ”

Xue Lin was shocked. Was this even scientific?

“Even if Kratos used the Leviathan Axe to kill monsters, he couldn’t hit them with every strike. Otherwise, wouldn’t that be cheating? In the end, this son used a bow as a melee weapon that was better than the Leviathan Axe. How could this be reasonable? ”

Could it be that his son’s unremarkable bow was also some awesome divine artifact?

“””Long range weapon Bow. Why does it seem like something is wrong?”” Lin Xue was dumbfounded,””forget it, next time when I upgrade my weapon, I’ll upgrade my son’s bow more. Why does it feel like this guy is almost as amazing as me?”” ”

“After an intense battle, the two of them finally arrived in front of the light of the world. According to the witch, the magic power of the Rainbow Bridge could only be restored by walking in. ”

“The battles along the way had not been easy, and Lin Xue had to rely on her Spartan Rage to Survive. ”

“””Sigh, the t.i.tle of this game is getting more and more undeserved. I’m so tired, and you still have the nerve to call yourself G.o.d of War …”” Lin Xue complained. ”

“After much consideration, Kratos handed the Leviathan Axe to his son. ”

“””Don’t use it unless you have no other choice. “” ”

The brat who had gotten the Leviathan Axe ran to the side to play happily. Kratos endured the burning pain and stepped into the beam of light.

“Kratos heard the conversation between Atreus and his mother. He felt as if he had returned to his own home, or as if he had come to a boat, shuttling back and forth between many scenes. Finally, he seemed to see Atreus ‘mother, but a pair of hands suddenly appeared behind him and pulled him out! ”

“””No! Don ‘t!”” Kratos shouted. He was about to fly into a rage at Atreus when he saw the mountain of corpses behind the devilish child. ”

“One, two, three … ”

The bodies of the Dark Elves were everywhere. Lin Xue did a rough count and estimated that there were hundreds of them …

“””I f * cking …”” Xue Lin felt that her three views had been attacked. ”

“What did that mean? I’ve only been in there for less than five minutes, but a whole day has actually pa.s.sed outside? ”

“And what did these monster corpses mean? I used all my strength and only managed to kill a few dozen, but this brat killed several times more monsters than me? ”

“Lin Xue was completely speechless,’F * ck, is this brat actually that bad * SS? It’s the same axe, but why is it so hard for me to play with it? If you had told me you were so awesome, I would have let you use my axe all the time. I would have been shouting 666 from the side …”” ”

Lin Xue had a lot of opinions about this game. Where was the G.o.d of War?

Didn’t he say that his son was going to cheer him on?

Why did his son seem to be the true G.o.d of War?

“Look at what Kratos is doing, huh? ”

“When he was climbing walls, he was his son’s Mount. He was carrying a crystal as a water delivery man. The most infuriating thing was that he couldn’t even read and had to rely on his son to translate. ”

“In the end, he couldn’t even beat his son? ”

“Looking at kui’s embarra.s.sing health bar, it was too F * cking short. If he was really surrounded, he would die if he wasn’t careful. Then, looking at his son … He didn’t have a health bar at all! ”

Are you afraid that you don’t have a health bar? Are you not afraid of being caught by the ogres and thrown to the ground without any damage?

“Kui was often beaten up and rolling on the ground, but his son was either a long-range or close-combat attacker? ”

Are you the war G.o.d or am I the war G.o.d?


“Soon, a heated discussion about G.o.d of War 4 started on the internet. The core of the discussion was Who was the real war G.o.d? ”

“Someone even made a picture of it, which caused a frenzy among the players. ”

[Distinguis.h.i.+ng between real and fake WarG.o.ds will effectively increase your chances of survival]

“””Fake G.o.d of War (Kratos) unintelligible dark history, faded cheap tattoos, slightly tired eyes, meaningless sadomasochism, embarra.s.sing health limit.”” ”

“””The true G.o.d of War (Atreus) n.o.ble Protoss bloodline with no dark history, shooting speed of four arrows per second, determined eyes, cold-resistant leather armor, good at chatting and proficient in eight languages, no health bar. “” ”

“This map quickly received a huge response from the players. Most of them were saying that Atreus was too strong in the game! He could suppress, deal damage, and he didn’t even have a HP bar. On the other hand, Kratos was weak and fragile. It was clear who the war G.o.d was. ”

“This situation was especially obvious in the higher difficulty. In the higher difficulty, Kratos was basically the same. Many players could only let their son deal damage and tank the monsters in the highest difficulty. They could only hide in the corner, trembling in fear. Occasionally, they would throw an axe, find the right opportunity to attack, and then roll back to throw more axes … ”

He had played himself as a long-range cla.s.s.

Some players suggested that G.o.d of War 4 should not be called G.o.d of War but G.o.d of War and his old father so that people would not misunderstand that Kratos was the G.o.d of War.

“Thus, a vigorous sentence-making compet.i.tion began. ”

The G.o.d of War and his illiterate old father

“””The G.o.d of War’s s.h.i.+eld-wielding old father who couldn’t take two hits from him.”” ”

G.o.d of War and his old mountain-climbing Mount father

“””G.o.d of War and his embarra.s.sing slacking father.”” ”

G.o.d of War and his old water delivery father

“Of course, there was also the comparison between before and after playing G.o.d of War 4. ”

Before playing G.o.d of War 4

“Kratos King’s bald head, Sparta’s roar, son, don’t move, daddy will tear a G.o.d apart for you to see, old but still strong muscles, your G.o.d of War is back!!! ”

“Atreus unconventional hairstyle, timid eyes, wrapped up so tightly that you don’t have your father’s aura at all. Son, you can just attack from a distance and don’t disturb your father’s combo. Why is it a setting to protect children again? I hope this pig teammate doesn’t affect me killing monsters. ”

After playing G.o.d of War 4

“Kratos uncultured bald head, incompetent rage (actually shouting for my son to come and save me), don’t tear the G.o.d apart, let’s fight the Valkyrie first, seemingly burly and st.u.r.dy but actually fragile, the G.o.d of War’s old father. ”

“[Atreus the king’s hair, the true G.o.d of War’s contemptuous gaze, profound knowledge, health bar as high as a big monster’s Pat on the b.u.t.t as if nothing had happened, saving his useless father from fire and water many times, ADcarry, the true G.o.d of War!!!] ”

Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 1132

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Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 1132 summary

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