Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 441

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Chapter 441: The ultimate form of VR compet.i.tive games?

Chen Mo waited for the applause to die down before continuing,””I can a.s.sure you that League of Legends is just the beginning. It’s just a small trial on PC. The future belongs to VR!”

“Obviously, VR is the future direction of the game industry, so Overwatch is a test. Why couldn’t the past VR games push the e-sports industry? Because of the number of players. ”

“There are less than 100 million users in total on the VR platform, and many VR games have a threshold fee of one to two thousand Yuan, which means there are even fewer players. If there aren’t enough players, there won’t be enough viewers, so even if we forcefully organize a compet.i.tion, the popularity will definitely be low, and we’ll lose money if we do it. ”

“That’s why Overwatch has to make it free of charge. That’s the only way to provide enough s.p.a.ce for the e-sports ecosystem!”

All of the video game designers were listening intently. It was obvious that Chen Mo’s words were very useful to them, the kind that couldn’t be repeated anymore. As long as they could understand a small part of it, they might be able to benefit from it.

Chen Mo continued,”I know everyone is curious about one thing. Is there a VR compet.i.tive game that can achieve what League of Legends did on the PC?”

He glanced around the audience and said,”the answer is yes.” Many people might ask,”is it” Overwatch “?” I can only say that the Overwatch is heading in this direction, but it has not reached its end. ”

The designers in the audience were all shocked.

What did he mean? was Chen Mo going to expose something big?

Many people thought that Chen Mo wouldn’t be able to explain the core design ideas, but it seemed like Chen Mo was going deeper and deeper.

Of course, no one would remind him. Everyone listened carefully as if they had taken advantage of the situation.

“Although League of Legends has achieved great success on the PC side, it’s a difficult task to replicate this success on the VR platform.”

“I’ll share a little trick with everyone here. It’s how to determine what kind of game you want to make.”

“It’s simple, by elimination. After eliminating all the wrong choices, the remaining choices, no matter how unreasonable they look, are the correct choices. They are the only truth. ”

Chen Mo’s thoughts were clear as he explained word by word.

“First, can MOBA games be directly imported to VR?”

“Obviously not. Because MOBA games required a good view and a clear understanding of the movements of teammates and opponents, they could only use a G.o.d’s perspective, which couldn’t make full use of the ‘stronger immersion’ advantage of VR. That’s why MOBA games can’t be directly imported to VR. ”

“Second, if compet.i.tive games can be replayed, then why are MOBA games replayable?”

“That’s because MOBA games have a rich system. League of Legends is expected to have more than 100 Heroes, and each hero has completely different skills. Such rich game content will support players to keep studying the game. ”

“So, if there’s a compet.i.tive game on VR that can dominate the market, it must be a game with rich content and can be replayed.

“Combining the above two points, we can come up with a seemingly absurd conclusion: MOBA games could not be imported to VR. However, if you want to make a good compet.i.tive game, you must have many heroes, many skills, and a rich game mechanism. ”

“That’s why Overwatch was born.”

After hearing Chen Mo’s explanation, the designers in the audience all looked enlightened.

“So that’s how it is. That’s how you got the idea for Overwatch?”

“The big boss is indeed the big boss. We all think of ideas when we make games, but the big boss a.n.a.lyzed the industry’s development direction through all kinds of general trends. After that, the ideas naturally came out!”

“Amazing, amazing, I learned it again!”

“So Chen Mo is saying that Overwatch is the ultimate form of VR compet.i.tive games?”

“I think it makes sense! They had to have more Champions and more skills, but they couldn’t copy MOBA mode, which meant they had to either do an RPG or an FPS! However, in terms of compet.i.tion, FPS players will definitely win against RPG. Therefore, the answer is clear!”

“Shush, stop talking. Let Chen Zhao finish.”

Chen Zhao paused again. When everyone had more or less figured it out, he continued,””From the looks of it, Overwatch represents the general direction of VR compet.i.tive games. But to be honest, Overwatch still has a long way to go. ”

“Actually, the main issue is still the quant.i.ty. There were already fifty Champions in League of Legends during the world Finals, which barely met the game content required for the game. However, the Overwatch only has 23 heroes so far. We’re still lacking in numbers. ”

“So, the next goal for Overwatch is to produce more new heroes. My goal is to get more than 70 new heroes in the Overwatch within two years. This will ensure the diversity of the compet.i.tion. ”

“Of course, it’s only a matter of time. I believe that in the future, compet.i.tive games will definitely be able to achieve even better development and become a dominant game type.

“That’s just my personal opinion. Thank you, everyone.”

Chen Zhao got off the stage and thunderous applause immediately sounded.

“Amazing! As expected of a Big Shot, your a.n.a.lysis is so good!”

“In other words, the Overwatch isn’t complete yet? Do we still have a chance?”

“Right, there’s definitely a chance! “Right now,’Overwatch’ has just been released and is still in its release period. If we also work in this area, we might be able to catch up!”

“I think boss Lin will definitely be very optimistic about this game mode. We might not be able to grasp the PC version, but we definitely have to grasp the VR version of Overwatch!”

“I’ll write the design concept and send it to CEO Lin!”

“I’ve gained a lot from today’s exchange!”

Chen Mo’s words made many designers ‘blood boil, especially the designers from the two big companies, Emperor dynasty and Zen.

Many of the independent video game designers were also tempted, but it was obvious that they couldn’t make it even if they knew. According to Chen Mo’s plan, compet.i.tive games like this had to be free of charge, how could an independent video game designer afford to make a free VR game?

If they screwed up and couldn’t recover the cost, wouldn’t they lose all their money?

However, Emperor dynasty entertainment and ZEN Entertainment were different. Just like Emperor dynasty entertainment, as long as the designer’s design draft could get Lin chaoxu’s approval, the R & D funds, promotion fees, and so on would all be paid for by Emperor dynasty entertainment. The designer didn’t have to pay for it.

What if he succeeded? Thinking about how popular League of Legends was now, it could be said that it reached the sky in one step!

As a result, the video game designers of these two companies were very excited and began to think about VR compet.i.tive games, hoping to gain the recognition of the company’s higher-ups.

These people had their doubts and wanted to see how Overwatch would perform, but after hearing Chen Mo’s words, their doubts were dispelled.

It was obvious that Overwatch’s mode represented the future direction of VR compet.i.tive games!

It wasn’t too late to start now, but if they dragged on any longer, the market share would be completely devoured by Overwatch!

Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 441

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Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 441 summary

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