Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 628

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Chapter 628 Planning New Year’s activities

Translator 549690339

“At this time, the military decided to use nuclear bombs to blow up the already completely infected Manhattan to stop the virus from spreading. ”

Alex chose to step forward and use a helicopter to carry the nuclear bomb out of New York and sink it to the bottom of the water.


“The explosion of the nuclear bomb had torn Alex to pieces. At this point, everyone’s heart was in their mouth. They knew very well that as a viral body, Alex, as an existence that truly stood at the top of the food chain, was not allowed to exist in human society, which was likely to be a tragic ending. But everyone was also looking forward to Alex surviving the terrible nuclear explosion. ”

“Just when everyone was in despair, a Crow flew onto a piece of garbage and was absorbed by Alex. At the end of the story, Alex was successfully resurrected! ”

“This ending was beyond the expectations of many players, and the hidden meaning of the story was also very profound. ”

“As a human being, Alex had decided to take all the people new York with it, but Alex, a virus that was only 18 days old, risked its life to transport the nuclear bomb away in order to save others. ”

“Alex was already standing at the top of the food chain, and it would never die as long as its brain wasn’t out of order. In order to save these human beings who had nothing to do with it, it was even willing to risk being melted by a nuclear bomb, which formed a strong contrast, and also made Alex’s image plump and fresh in an instant. ”

“Alex’s character in “”slaughter the original form 2″” collapsed because this setting was abandoned. Alex should have the image of a lone, which was “”NO ONE CAN PROTECT YOU FROM ME”” and “”as long as I want to kill you, you will die without a doubt.”” At the same time, Alex had its own values and persistence. Obviously, he shouldn’t be an ambitious man who wanted to rule the world, and he shouldn’t be a villain who talked a lot of nonsense. ”

“Of course, Chen Zhao would not allow this to happen. Alex’s image was now complete. He would be an iconic character in the game, forever fixed in the moment when the nuclear bomb was transported away and he was resurrected by the crow. ”


“After a round of the game, many video game media had also reviewed the game. The ratings were not high, around 8 points. ”

“This was determined by the game’s quality, but these reviewers had also clearly written down the strong points of the game. ”

“On the one hand, the image of the protagonist Alex was very successful. It could be said that the whole plot story, battle arrangements, level unlocking, and other aspects of “”slaughter the original form”” were all carried out around Alex. Therefore, although the other characters had no sense of existence, Alex had undoubtedly become a cla.s.sic game character. ”

“On the other hand, the game was extremely pleasurable. Every player could experience things that couldn’t be done in the real world in the game. As a character who was both good and evil, they could kill many people in the game world. ”

“In terms of sales,””sadomasochism”” had obviously achieved sales and popularity that far exceeded its actual quality, becoming a highly-discussed work before the new year! ”

“Of course, judging from the figures, although the original form’s sales were even close to Dark Souls ‘at the beginning, it was not as good as Dark Souls. ”

“However, even so, the sales and popularity of “”killing prototype”” were enough to make a large number of domestic R & D companies jealous. Moreover, the internet cafe version also contributed a large portion of the original form’s income, which was a unique way. ”


In the experience store.

“The VR experience area was still full, and this situation would probably last until the Spring Festival. ”

“Even though Slayers didn’t have a high rating on major video game media, it didn’t affect players ‘love for it. ”

“Especially the players around the imperial capital, who all came to the experience store from afar to try out the game. The craze would probably last for a long time. ”

“Meanwhile, Chen Mo was already planning the Spring Festival activities with Qian Kun. ”

“As the Spring Festival approached, various online games that were still in operation would definitely take this opportunity to launch some activities. On one hand, it was to increase the game’s popularity, and on the other hand, it was to generate revenue. ”

“For many games, it wasn’t a matter of whether or not you wanted to have an event. It was a matter of whether or not the players would rebel if you didn’t have an event. ”

“Many players hoped that developers would come up with beautiful skins and clothes during the spring Festival to cheat them of their paywalls. If they didn ‘t, they would feel uncomfortable. ”

“Chen Mo had a lot of games under his belt, so he had to take care of all of them when he was doing operations. ”

“He didn’t consider long-term standalone games, but mainly online games that were still in operation. ”

“In terms of PC games, League of Legends was the main game. ”

“As for mobile games, there were Thunderbolt tabletop, Onmyoji, leading land, and King of Glory. ”

“Even though Onmyoji had been going downhill for a long time, there were still a bunch of die-hard players who were still working hard for it. ”

“In terms of VR games, Minecraft had a long lifespan and Overwatch had a huge player base. ”

“Other than that, games like super Mali Odyssey and dark Souls could also take advantage of the Spring Festival to sell their downloadable content or release some free updates. ”

“On top of that, Chen Mo didn’t forget to continue selling his [Switch]. He was still wondering if he should release a new version of the [switch], with a Chinese style packaging, some China Style graphics, a suitable discount, or give away some games or something? ”

“Well, the players would definitely buy, buy, buy! ”

“The operation of League of Legends was the simplest. This year’s S2 World Champions.h.i.+p was still held in Shanghai, but the champion was not IF or NRG, but EU team. ”

“Of course, the twists and turns didn’t need to be explained one by one. In season 1, League of Legends was still in its early stages. The teams that could win the champions.h.i.+p relied on their strong individual strength on one hand, and on the other hand, they relied on their brilliant tactics. ”

“However, starting from Season 2, as the clubs became more and more professional, the strength of the teams was no longer dependent on just a few high-scoring players, but on the management of the club, team coordination, tactical research, version adaptability, player hero pool, and so on. ”

“The domestic league was full of ups and downs, and in the end, it was the old team, EU, that caught up from behind and won the champions.h.i.+p of S2 as a Dark Horse. ”

“Fortunately, the champions.h.i.+p trophy was still in China. ”

“In the parallel world, the domestic professional league of League of Legends could be said to be one step ahead, and one step ahead. ”

“With Chen Mo’s help, League of Legends had the most players in the country, and was the first Division to establish the league. Under the intense compet.i.tion, the clubs were constantly changing to become more professional, leading Europe, the United States, and South Korea in this aspect. ”

“Besides, since League of Legends was a domestic game, and the champions.h.i.+p trophy of S1 was still in China, the players had high expectations for the major teams. They would be flamed if they couldn’t win the champions.h.i.+p. ”

“For example, IF was an old powerhouse with several popular players, but if they couldn’t win the champions.h.i.+p, they would still be criticized by their fans until they doubted their lives. ”

“In such an environment, the domestic teams were under a lot of pressure, but it also made the domestic league of Legends professional circle work harder to achieve results. ”

“E-sports was ever-changing, and if you slacked off for a month, you might be surpa.s.sed by countless people. Chinese players weren’t any weaker than foreign players. Even in the LPL in Chen Mo’s previous life, he had defeated the arrogant Korea team in the International League and the All-Star compet.i.tion. This fully showed that the professional players of the Chinese server had the potential to do so, but they lacked the spirit and the rules. ”

“In the parallel world, Chen Mo had been trying his best to avoid all of this from the start, and now he was finally seeing some results. ”

Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 628

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Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 628 summary

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