Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 792

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Chapter 792 The dust settles for game of the year

Translator 549690339

Many players were puzzled. They had never heard of such before.

“Some people thought that they were ignorant and ill-informed, but when they looked at the bullet comments, they realized that everyone was in the same state of confusion. None of them had seen it before! ”


“Last year, when Chen Zhao went on stage, Denise was in charge of translating. This year, Chen Zhao went on stage by himself without a translator. ”

“Actually, Chen Mo’s English was pretty good. He could at least recite a few words in advance and say them in English. However, Chen Mo still insisted on using Chinese, as it could show his att.i.tude. ”

“But this year, he didn’t bring a translator. Many people wondered if Chen Mo was going to speak English. Or should I repeat it in both Chinese and English? ”

Chen Mo walked over to the microphone and looked at the first trophy he had won in TGN.

“””Thank you to TGN’s judges, and thank you to all the players who love PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds. PlayerUnknown’s Battleground was an innovative shooting game and was very popular on the VR platform. Next year, we’ll be introducing more new modes for PlayerUnknown’s Battleground, including new desert maps, more guns, and more ways to play. Please look forward to it …”” ”

“Chen Mo said all of this in Chinese in one breath, leaving the Western audience dumbfounded. ”

I don’t understand!

“After Chen Mo finished, he didn’t leave the microphone, nor did he have any intention of repeating himself in English. ”

“Just as the audience was feeling confused, a deep and clear male voice started translating Chen Mo’s words in English. ”

The audience below the stage and in front of the screen were puzzled as they listened. Where did this sound come from?

Live translation? It didn’t seem like it. The voice seemed to be coming from the microphone.

It wasn’t Chen Zhao’s voice either. His mouth clearly didn’t move.

“Many people listened carefully and found that the voice was very stable, and there was a little bit of electronic sound that was almost indistinguishable. ”

“””He hid a translation device on him?”” ”

“””This is … The translation of his”” ”

“””Indeed, it sounds like he used a translator to translate it, but he clearly doesn’t have one!”” ”

“””The have a translation function? d.a.m.n, how westernized! Chen Mo still had to show off at a time like this? Other people bring a translator with them when they go on stage to receive their awards, but he’s using as a translator?”” ”

“Actually, there were translation devices in parallel world as well, and they were usually smaller than cell phones. They came with speakers that could automatically translate a voice message into other languages. However, very few people would bring this when they received an award. The accuracy was not a problem, but the key was that it looked a little strange to hold a translator in one hand while facing the microphone … ”

“However, the smart didn’t have this problem, because the vocal structure was on the, making it look like Chen Zhao was speaking. ”

“Very quickly, the translation was completed. ”

Even the host was very interested in Chen Mo’s new toy. He came up to Chen Mo and chatted with him about the new smart device and the future version plans for PlayerUnknown’s Battleground.

“The audience realized that through these, two people who spoke different languages could really communicate without any barriers! ”

“In fact, the translation tools in the parallel world were very advanced, and they could basically translate daily conversations without any mistakes. However, this thing wasn’t commonly used, because it always felt weird to hold a translation egg in one’s hand when talking. This kind of thing could only play a small role during travel. ”

“However, through the translation of the, the two of them could communicate more naturally without any awkwardness. You say one sentence and I answer one sentence, which is better than simultaneous interpretation. ”

“It was obvious that the host was very interested in the If they weren’t at an award ceremony, he would have taken the from Chen Mo and tried it out for himself. ”

The players were equally curious.

“””These look pretty cool. They should be more than just a translator, right? There should be other AI applications, right?”” ”

“””Yes, I saw something on Chen Zhao’s, but I couldn’t see what it was.”” ”

“””Could this be the latest product of the micro-consciousness reading device? But I’ve never heard of such a product!”” ”

“””I just looked it up on the internet, it’s not for sale! Maybe it’s Chen Mo’s own custom-made edition?”” ”

“Many players were very curious, but they searched through shopping websites both domestically and overseas, as well as the new equipment release plans of several major hardware manufacturers, but they could not find a similar product. ”


“The awards ceremony continued, and Chen Mo continued to receive new awards. His continued to attract the attention of the audience. ”

“PlayerUnknown’s Battleground won the player’s choice Award (which was the most popular game), the Best Multiplayer Game, and the most entertaining game. ”

“‘End of the United States’ won best VR game, best story, and best sound effects. ”

“Mysterious sea won the best adventure game, best art design, best graphics, and best VR experience game. ”

“Every time he won an award, Chen Mo would go on stage. The audience slowly realized that the high-tech he was wearing had a lot of functions. ”

“Other than the real-time translation, the would occasionally display data that would be included in Chen Mo’s acceptance speech. ”

“Moreover, Chen Mo didn’t say anything to or make any hand gestures. It seemed like he did all of this with his mind? ”

“The more the audience watched, the more curious they became. However, no matter how hard they looked, they could not find any similar technological products! ”


“Finally, the awards ceremony came to the final award, game of the year! ”

“Before the announcement of the game of the year, the venue was still the same as before. They invited orchestras to play the theme songs for the various games. ”

“””Survival in doomsday? Heh, tras.h.!.+”” ”

“””Mysterious seas! This background music makes me feel like I’m going on an adventure! Captain Drake, wait for me!”” ”

“””‘Doomsday of the United States’ is out! ‘Doomsday of the United States’ is number one in the world!”” ”

“When it was ‘doomsday of the United States’ turn, the applause and cheers were much louder than the other games. It was obvious that the Western players were well aware of who the hottest game of the year was. ”

All the players in China were also nervously looking forward to it.

“The host came to the front of the stage with a smile and said with some hesitation,””””To be honest, this year’s game of the year should be the year with the least suspense. ”

“””There’s a game that has conquered the world’s game review media with its almost perfect artistic standards and fascinating plot, receiving countless full marks. ”

“””Yes, even though it sounds like a spoiler, I believe you already have the answer in your hearts.”” ”

“””This is an award that everyone is looking forward to. I’m honored to announce that the best game of the year, chosen by 47 media outlets and fans around the world, is …”” ”

“””Thunderbolt games ‘the Last of us!!”” ”

“The moment the host announced the game’s name, the venue erupted into thunderous applause and cheers! ”

The audience wasn’t surprised at all. It could even be said that they had been prepared for this. This was because everyone in the audience knew very well that this award was specially prepared for United States doomsday ‘!

“Almost everyone who was paying attention to this year’s video game industry knew that this year’s game was almost guaranteed to win because “”doomsday of the United States”” had already conquered all the video game media and players with its high standards. No other work could shake its position. ”

“And this time,’end of the United States’ had won almost all the annual game Awards around the world, which proved one thing. ”

Chen Mo was now one of the top designers in the world!

Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 792

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Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 792 summary

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