Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 845

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Chapter 845 Chapter 618-event planning

Translator 549690339

“Shortly after the release of’s Creed Origins, the follow-up activities came one after another. ”

The first was the game cabin theme of’s Creed Origins.


“Just like mysterious seas, how could a sightseeing game not have a theme? There were also ten themes, corresponding to different scenes, such as deserts, oases, pyramids, Alexandria Port, Nile River scenery, and so on. Basically, all of the landmarks in ancient Egypt had been made into themes for the players to choose from. ”

“As for the price, it was still 10 yuan per theme. You wouldn’t suffer a loss if you bought it at 10 yuan, and you wouldn’t be fooled if you didn’t buy it at 10 yuan. If you bought it at 10 yuan, you would get a huge advertis.e.m.e.nt that urged you to buy’s Creed The game, origin, well, spent money to buy advertis.e.m.e.nts. It was completely OJBG. ”

“Secondly, The Second City of Orgrimmar in Azeroth was almost completed, and it would soon be released as a follow-up content for the players to experience. ”

“With Orgrimmar’s return, players not only began to see the city, but there were also more race models for players to choose from. ”

“In the Stormwind City version, the players were humans by default, but there were also dwarves, gnomes, Night Elves, and other NPCs in Stormwind City. It was the same in Orgrimmar, where the players were blood elves by default. In Orgrimmar, there were various orcs, undead, Taurens, and so on. ”

As for why the default race was blood elves and not orcs … Didn’t he know?

“The tacitly acknowledged orcs were probably meant to dissuade more than 90% of the female players. They couldn’t possibly castrate themselves before the world of Azeroth even came online, right? ”

“Orgrimmar was similar to Stormwind City in that its main purpose was to sightsee. Even though the city had an instance dungeon, it was for the players to have fun. The main purpose of this city was to balance the alignment of the players. Otherwise, if everyone wandered around Stormwind City every day and subconsciously chose the humans, then the balance of the factions would not be maintained. ”

“Now, with the extremely good-looking blood elves, the Horde could also attract a group of young ladies, and the Horde players would not be so gay every day. ”

“Of course, since Chen Mo’s VR version of Azeroth used the latest physics and art styles, as well as a lot of Oriental aesthetics, humans and night Elves looked much better than in World of Warcraft. Especially since the human males were no longer short and chubby, they were much more attractive. ”

As for when he would be online …

“Chen Mo counted with his fingers, it was 618! ”

“There was still half a year to go before the 11/11 Gala. What if the players couldn’t wait for it? The e-commerce players in Chen Mo’s previous life had already thought it through. 618 was an auspicious day, and it was half a year away from the 11/11 event. It was perfect. ”

“As for the 618 event, Chen Mo decided to separate it from the 11/11 event. ”

“The 11/11 event was all about half price. However, if all the 618 spirit stones were sold at half price, there would be some conflict between the two festivals. Moreover, there would be two discounts per year, and salent would not be able to afford it if the players made too much money. ”

“Therefore, Chen Mo gave 618 a unique position, which was to make it active. ”

“The game developers only cared about two things profits and the players ‘activity. In some sense, the player activity data was even more important than the game’s profit data. This was because a high player activity meant that there were many people playing the game and new blood joining. Even if the profit was not high for the time being, it would slowly rise in the future. ”

“Since the 11th floor was focusing on revenue, 618 would focus on player activity so that players could take more time to immerse themselves in the VR world. ”

“In addition, the other versions of’s Creed were also being developed in an orderly manner. ”

“In Chen Mo’s previous life, the main works of’s Creed were released once a year, which was why they were called “”new year goods”” by some fans. In fact, one game a year was too short for Triple-A games, which was why there were many bugs in’s Creed, which were jokingly called by players as “”buying bugs to get free games””,””you may be the victim of the genuine games””, and so on. ”

“In the parallel world, technology and development methods were all different. With the huge art Library, Chen Mo didn’t have to spend too much time thinking about the gameplay, which greatly reduced the development time. In any case, it was impossible to produce all the’s Creed series in one go in his previous life, so he had to take it slow. ”

The project team that was developing’s Creed Origins continued to develop other works of’s Creed and released them one after another.

“Apart from that, Chen Mo also planned to make a new game. ”

The main goal of this game was to collect resentment points from players.

“From Dark Souls to now, Chen Mo had never made any games that could exact revenge on society. Although the Dark Souls series was enough for players to contribute a steady stream of resentment points, and there were still new players joining the game, the speed of contribution had slowed down. ”

“For many players who had never played Dark Souls, the game was regarded as a G.o.dly work by many old fans. The combat system, level design, and other aspects of the game were praised to the sky, but its difficulty also made many players flinch. ”

“It had been nearly two years since Dark Souls had been released. The players who had bought it, whether they had cleared the game or were dissuaded, had basically experienced it. Except for a few hardcore players, no one else would experience it over and over again. ”

“Moreover, even for those hardcore players who had cleared the game several times, their threshold of suffering was getting higher and higher, and the number of grudges generated was not as high as before. ”

“As such, Chen Mo decided to make a game that would reap the players ‘resentment. ”

“There was no need to make this game particularly big. It was enough to be as short and tough as outlast. The important thing was to bring the players continuous pressure and torture. It would be best if the research and development could be completed in the short term, and it would be even better if it could be completed in time for the 618 event. ”

“If it had rich levels and combat systems like dark Souls, the development time would definitely be extended, and it would be difficult to complete it on time. ”

“Therefore, horror games were the most suitable. After all, after outlast, the players had gradually forgotten the fear of being dominated by serente, the director of the mental hospital. ”

“However, considering salent’s current reputation, the game must have a rich content. It wasn’t just to scare and torture the players, but also to let the players experience a little spiritual baptism after clearing the game. Otherwise, a game that focused on creating negative energy without any artistic content could easily affect the reviews of the players and the game media. ”

“Therefore, it would be a relatively small horror game with rich content. Moreover, it had to have a certain spiritual connotation. ”

Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 845

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Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 845 summary

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