Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 877

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Chapter 877 Chapter 876-stunning effect

Translator 549690339

“The protagonist came to the tree, waved the axe in his hand, and began to cut the tree. ”

“When the tree fell, the protagonist continued to cut it down, turning it into a few branches and piles of firewood. ”


He carried a pile of firewood to the side and piled it on the ground.

“Then, the protagonist picked up a tree branch and extended it above the bonfire. The tree branch was lit up. ”

“The protagonist took the lit branch to the pile of firewood and lit it up, thus creating another bonfire. ”

“After that, he took out some meat from his luggage and threw it over the bonfire. ”

“After a while, the meat was cooked. It emitted sizzling sounds as it smoked, as if a lot of oil was falling down. ”

The protagonist hurriedly picked up the piece of meat and ate it with relish while his hands were scalded.

“At that moment, two monsters sneaked over. ”

The main character picked up a branch and set the gra.s.s in front of him on fire.

“””Hu!”” ”

“As the wind blew, the fire began to spread rapidly toward the two monsters. ”

“The monster seemed to have low intelligence. It was running towards the protagonist like a fool, but it didn’t realize something was wrong until the fire was about to burn it, but it was too late. ”

“The two monsters were set on fire, and their bodies were on fire. They screamed and rolled on the ground, but it was useless. Instead, they were caught in a larger sea of fire. ”

The fire created an updraft. The protagonist spread open something like a glider and floated into the air. He then drew his bow and nocked an arrow.

“””Whoos.h.!.+”” ”

The arrows that pa.s.sed through the flames turned into fire arrows and hit the two monsters.

“The protagonist landed on the ground and returned to the bonfire to finish the roasted meat in satisfaction. Then, he sat by the bonfire and took a nap. ”


Sun Hao was stunned.

Wasn’t this the fire-related system that he had designed?

“No, strictly speaking, the effects shown in this video were much more impressive than his own design! ”

“In this video, the fire was not only used for combat. It could also be used for other purposes, such as cooking, lighting a fire, resting, and so on … ”

“Sun Hao couldn’t help but feel ashamed. He had been feeling good about himself and was proud of his design doc.u.ment, but when he looked at Chen Mo … He had already done it, and it was dozens of times better than his! ”

“However, Sun Hao did not expect that there would be more. ”


“The protagonist took a nap by the campfire for a while. Suddenly, the sky changed. ”

“The sunny weather suddenly turned cloudy. A moment later, raindrops fell. ”

“A raindrop fell on the main character’s head, then the second, the third … ”

The main character raised his head and looked at the sky.

“As the rain gradually became heavier, the bonfire on the ground went out. ”

“In the pitter-patter of the rain, the protagonist s.h.i.+vered and ran towards the cliff in the distance. There was a cave there that could shelter him from the rain. ”

“On the way, two more monsters with wooden mallets in their hands blocked the protagonist’s path. ”

“””Crack!”” ”

“With a sudden clap of thunder, the iron Bow on the protagonist’s back also crackled with lightning. ”

“The protagonist didn’t shoot an arrow. Instead, he threw his Iron Bow to the ground, turned around, and ran. ”

“The two monsters chased after him relentlessly, and one of them bent down to pick up the iron Bow on the ground. ”

“However, the intelligence of the two monsters was not enough to understand what the increasing frequency of the electric light on the iron Bow meant. ”

“””Crack!”” ”

“There was another clap of thunder. This time, the Thunder directly struck the monster with the iron Bow, and the two monsters were instantly killed! ”

“The protagonist had run away in advance, so he was not struck by the lightning. He picked up the mallet that the monster had dropped and ran towards the cliff. ”

The cave was located halfway up the mountain. The protagonist ran down the mountain and started to climb.

“Under the heavy rain, the mountain started to become slippery. The protagonist had to slide down a little after climbing a certain distance. Fortunately, he finally climbed up after much effort. ”

“After entering the cave, the protagonist shook off the rain on his body while waiting for the sky to clear up. ”


This was not the only thing that shocked Sun Hao.

Almost every scene that followed made Sun Hao dumbfounded.

“When the protagonist comes to a hot volcanic area, the wooden weapons will automatically catch on fire and will be destroyed after a period of burning. ”

“When the protagonist came to a cold area, he would s.h.i.+ver from the cold. Only by wearing winter clothes, eating anti-cold food, or relying on bonfires and torches would he not continue to lose blood. ”

Using an ice attribute weapon to attack an enemy can freeze them. They need to struggle continuously to thaw.

“When an electric weapon is used to attack the enemy, the enemy will have a short stun and the weapon in his hand will fall to the ground. ”

“The protagonist could use a special magnetic ability to attract metal objects, such as iron boxes, and smash them on the heads of monsters to kill them. ”

Can use a special ice ability to freeze the surface of the river for walking and climbing.

“One could use a special time freeze ability to lock the time of a certain object. For example, one could use time freeze on a stone and then use a hammer to hit it. This would allow the stone to fly far, far away. ”

“Other than that, there were also many special means of attack, such as pus.h.i.+ng boulders from the mountain and crus.h.i.+ng monsters to death … ”

“What was even more shocking was that these c.u.mbersome functions could be mixed. In the video, there were at least three to four ways to mix them. Obviously, as long as the players were willing to explore, they could definitely find more ways to use them. ”

Sun Hao was already dumbfounded.

He finally understood what Chen Mo’s question meant.

“Wasn’t the so-called “”environmental interaction mechanism”” the “”chemical catalyst”” that was currently being displayed? ”

Almost every element in the environment had its own function.

“The trees could be chopped, the wood could be used to light a bonfire, the bonfire could be used to roast meat, the gra.s.s could be burned, and the burning would produce an updraft … ”

Of course! These were all natural phenomena that even children knew!

“However, none of the games had ever done that. ”

“In the game, trees were all scene models, and they couldn’t be hit by a car. The gra.s.s would only sway with a person’s movement or hide a living person. It would never burn because of a torch that was thrown on the ground. As for the snowfield and volcano, they were just for the sake of enriching the scene. Even if the protagonist ran in the snow in shorts, there would be no problem … ”

“However, with the help of this new form of chemistry, these seemingly natural phenomena could now appear in the game! ”

“The trees would be cut down, the gra.s.s would be burned, and people would get frostbites … ”

Sun Hao found it hard to express his excitement. It was hard for him to imagine how real and free the world would be if this amazing chemical catalyst was really applied to the game!

Sun Hao was completely convinced. It turned out that he … Could only play the role of a salted fish who could only shout 666.

“In fact, it wasn’t just Sun Hao. Everyone in the room was amazed after seeing the actual effect of the chemical catalyst. ”

“Even though many people were responsible for the research and development of part of this chemical catalyst, they never thought that the overall performance would be so brilliant. ”

“Someone couldn’t help but ask, manager, will this system be implemented in the new game? What’s the name of our new game?”” ”

Chen Mo laughed as he clicked the mouse.

“””Legend of Zelda the breath of the wilderness.”” ”

Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 877

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Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 877 summary

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